Chapter 17

I gave him  'what the f*ck look' when the moment he halted his bullet in front of the wrecked building which exactly looks like a castle for all the zombies who were laying in the graveyard in the morning and would come out at night. No way in the hell I'm going to enter inside, I will rather die than take one step ahead.

"Come inside." He grabbed my elbow and dragged me inside the so-called library like a goat which was brought here to sacrifice his life. No... I don't want to be a goat. I wiggled from his grip and ran away screaming and yelling for help.

"What are you thinking?" He snatched me out of my terrible thoughts.

"Nothing." I shook my head weakly before entering inside the library with him having a second thought of running away. "Don't be afraid. I'm with you." He gave me an assuring smile that brought something spirit inside me.

"Hmm.. yeah!" I nodded my head. "Say something except the Yeah." He teased. "I won't." I smiled sheepishly. Ahh!! Reil, don't spoil your image.

"You go right. I will start from the left." He said as we are here to play hide and seek in our friend's house. Can't he see we are in the wrecked building!! I pulled his arms when he was about to leave me in the middle of the huge hall. "Why don't we search together?" I asked nervously.

He raised his eyebrows at me and muttered, "I thought you are a brave girl." sure enough to hear me. I pretended like I didn't hear him because I'm very well aware that it is not the right place to let out my pride.

That's how we both started to search the book named "The Hidden secrets." until 2 O' clock but the damn book nowhere to find.

Hunger knocked my stomach frequently begging me to eat something although I reminded her that we are here to search the book, not for eating, but couldn't able to control myself I asked him shyly, "Why don't we eat and resume our searching?" but no response.

"Blake, I'm hungry." I turned around and whined like a baby but the place where he stood before was empty.

Where the hell he went? All my sensing nerves got alarmed. "Blake?!" I called out but my voice echoed through the room that brought me a goosebump in my stomach.

"Blake! it's not the right time to do any prank. Please come out." I almost yelled but again the silence from the other side answered me that he left the place. He left me all alone to suffer with my own benefits!

He.. he left me. Tears started to prick in my eyes but even before it could fall down through my cheeks I saw him walking towards me with a giant box in his hand through my blurry vision.

"Where the hell did you go?" I snapped him angrily hitting his chest frequently until my pounding heartbeat reduced.

"Sorry. I went to bring this box. You must be hungry." His voice held an apology.

"Who said I'm hungry, huh?" I yelled at him. "I don't want your food." I folded my arms against my chest and turned around. Yes! I'm hungry but I'm not going to let him know.

"Come on!!" He turned me around by grabbing my shoulder and wiped my tears that I didn't aware of when did it roll through my cheeks.

"I'm really sorry, okay? I should have informed you." He apologized once again but the bitterness in his tone was telling me that he hadn't had sought anyone's forgiveness in his entire life. Such a difficult man.

I remained silent for the whole time looking at the floor not knowing how to react. He lifted my chin and made eye contact with me. His dark eyes shone with armor that put the smile on my face.

"Do you know how beautiful you are when you are smiling?" He complimented, most probably would have said those words to gain my forgiveness but I'm not the easy person like he thinks. 

Sensing he is not going to win anytime soon, the rascal used his trick and traced his long finger through my wet cheeks which ended in the corner of my mouth.

"Let's eat." His eyes didn't leave my lips. I, on the other hand, stared at his pink lips which were screaming me to kiss the hell out of it. Ohooo..what I'm thinking? Concentrate Reil. I scolded myself for being irresponsible.

"Okay?!" I said unsure of what I needed. As a gentleman, he dusted the floor and made me sit in front of him. First time in my life history I'm going to eat on the bare floor with a man.

I mimicked his actions and positioned my legs in a folded angle which people in India especially old people who follow traditions would encourage when they had meats. They believed that if we eat food in this position, the food would directly reach the exact place in our stomach which I'm unsure of the name and would cause proper digestion.

At first, it was difficult for me but I made it after several trials of trying. Thanks to the Yoga class which I attended in my 3rd grade but gave up after a month when I felt my back was started to hurt.  Yeah! That was the reason I gave it to my dad and it worked well with the benefits of my puppy dog face.

"Briyani?!" I asked excitedly when the aroma of food hit my nostrils.

"You have a sharp nose." He pinched my nose playfully. I rolled my bottom lips between my teeth eyeing the Briyani in the whole time, but the man sitting in front of me looked at my lips and whispered huskily, "Don't do that unless you want me to taste that mouth of yours." Eww! the man has no shame. I must be looked like a tomato. Ewww!! such an embarrassing...

After that, we ate silently and I enjoyed his cooking today too. He is blessed with a lot of talents, I think. After laying on the floor for a second to digest what we had just a while, we resumed our searching. More than thousands of books were stored in the small room but we didn't find the book we were looking for. 

"Finally!!" He shouted that caught me off guard.

"Finally we found the book!!! Yayyy!!!" I cheered at the top of my lungs jumping up and down like a kid who has presented her favorite candy by her mom.

"You found the book?" He asked that made me furrow my eyebrows. Is he insane?

"No, you found the book." But his hand was empty. "I didn't say that!!" His expression was priceless. If I hadn't frustrated with the news I would have pinched his cheeks lovingly.

"Then why the hell did you shout 'Finally' at the top of your lungs?" I threw my hands in the air.

"No, I didn't shout like that." He folded his arms against his well-built chest. I tried my best not to look at his abs. Yeah! he didn't shout like that. I heard a voice from my mind. I sighed in defeat before ask, "Then what finally?"

"We finished this room, the book is not here." He then looked at the stairs that lead the upper floor. No!! No!! No!! I can't!! I screamed internally.

"Let's see. What we will get from there." He climbed on the steps where I rooted on the floor like a statue. I'm tired. I badly wanted to let my thoughts out but I can't.

"Wait.. wait.. I'm coming!!" I yelled chasing behind him. After that, we started our work on the racks and continued our searching for what seemed to ages but we didn't find the stubborn book.

For a moment I wanted to give up but his words echoed through my ears like a mantra. "Don't ignore the book." That made me resume my search where I left.

I don't know when was the last time I picked the random book from the shelf and read some random lines before my eyelashes gave up and drifted off into sleep. Seriously, the Briyani took full effect on me and I badly need a short nap.

"Now wake up princess! we found the book." I heard someone saying from afar. I jerked and opened my eyes only to see the amusing Blake watching me intensively.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled while rubbing my eyes to let go off the remaining sleep in my eyes.

"Here! He handed me a book where the word "THE HIDDEN SECRETS" written over the girl's naked back along with some random lines, but the line was too small to read.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We did it!!" Unconsciously I kissed his cheeks and we both froze on our spot. It's just a baby kiss, he won't mind, right? But his eyes say otherwise.

"Ahh! we should leave then." I averted my gaze from him and looked at the floor suddenly find some interest in counting the tiles.

"Shitt!!" He cursed looking at his watch. Once he looked at me I gave him a confusing look. Well.. We find the correct book, right? Please don't tell me--- my thoughts were interrupted when he said, "It's 6.30."

The book in my hand slipped and kissed the cold tiles where I found myself whining like a baby. I can't spend my another night in this wrecked library. I need my comfy bed!!! This is going to be a long fu*king night!!


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