chapter 19" something wasn't right"

At Marcos' palace, in the dining hall...

At the large table, only two people sat. Multiple chairs were all lined up with cutlery at the table, but it was bare of any people.

A stinging silence reigned, and only the clinking of silver knives and forks hitting plates could be heard.

She tried all she could to lessen the noise her cutlery was making, but it seemed like a Herculean task.

She sat nervously, her eyes darting about the halls, her back rigid.

The other party, Marcos, didn't seem to mind the noise his cutlery made at all as he ate in boredom.

His poise looks like that of a majestic lion, but his aura betrayed him.

It told more...

It reeked of power. An aura much more powerful than that of a lion or any other predator. He was the ultimate predator.

His suppressing aura filled the room, suffocating everyone, including the guards, who stood stiffly in their respective corners.

His face was calm and static, and his eyes dropped a bit in boredom, but his sharp, hawk-like gaze rested on her, watching her every move.

It made her stiffen, squirming in her seat, her face squeezing in discomfort.

"Can you stop staring at me, please?" She whispered, her head bent and looking at the other side, unable to bear it any longer.

His hands froze midway, his eyes hardening.

"Why?" He grunted, his eyes twitching.

She sank into her seat, feeling his hardened gaze on her body.

"I don't like you staring at me." She stammered, her voice getting smaller.

"And?" He scoffed, still not taking his eyes off her.

Lisa felt needles poke through her skin.

Goosebumps appeared as the hairs on her skin stood on alert as she began to sense his growing irritation.

"Never mind." She whispered, with her arms wrapped around her as she shivered in dread and with an unknown feeling creeping in.

She could tell it wasn't fear nor hate, as it was something else-something different.

Marcos felt his face fall, his eyes turning bleak, and he pursed his lips, a faint frown appearing above his eyebrows, so faint it was hard to notice.

"Do I scare you?"

His question cut through the heavy silence that had once again regained its power over them, forcing her out of her thoughts.


She asked stupidly, and her brain told her how dumb she would look right now.

He pushed his lips in tightly, his teeth resting on them to keep them firmly shut, while his eyes told her of the brewing storm ahead.

She cringed, once again experiencing that same strange feeling at the back of her head.

She could not point out what she felt, but she knew she felt something.

"Can you repeat what you said?" She winced, her lips twisting as she spoke while trying to bury herself from under his gaze.

He squinted his eyes, and an even harder, unreadable look appeared on his face, making her sink into her seat more.

Her breath became laboured due to the way she had squeezed herself.

She peered at him from her angle, the same undecipherable look on his face, but his ever-sharp gaze pierced her skin; she felt like he was looking at her soul.

She lowered her gaze, feeling the intensity of his stare, which had turned into a glare.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, and the scrapping of chairs indicated an abrupt stance making everyone in the hall leap in fright.


Her head slammed into the table when she jumped, causing another bang.


She held her head, pain crossing her features.

She lifted her head in the process, her eyes landing on the huge man who was currently towering over her because he was now standing.

She blinked rapidly, the stinging pain now subsiding, as she immediately felt the depressing aura that had now filled the hall.

With his eagle-like hardening glare, Marcos stood with his head held high and a gloomy scowl on his face.

It took everything in his will and power not to break the tiny human in front of him.

His clenched fists rested on the table; a small spider web crack was evident on the table, and his beautiful glass silver platter lay in pieces under his huge fists.

His lips were clamped tightly shut due to his teeth latching onto them and drawing blood.

He tasted the metallic tissue, which slowly oozed from the corners of his pressed, thin lips.

He heard multiple hushed gasps, all coming from the guards, who stood in their stations but ignored them.

What piqued his interest was the
human in front of him, who now had a worried expression.

Still, his expression never changed; instead, he released his menacing aura, causing the guards to go on their knees with heavy breaths and sweat glistening on their foreheads.

She stood dumbfounded and astonished at the sight in front of her, making the hairs on her body stand on their ends.

She watched his eyes flash once more, bringing back unpleasant memories of him.

She took rapid steps back, fear clouding her mind, her brain making her relive that horrid night all over again and the events from earlier.

"W-what are you doing to them?" She asked worriedly, her hands curled up in front of her, panic appearing on her face.

"Nothing." He answered back, his deep voice resonating.

"Liar!" She screamed, jabbing a thumb at him.

"You are doing something to them just like what you did with Diane."

"That was intentional; this isn't." He reasoned with a flat tone.

"Like I believe that." She scoffed, rolling her eyes, earning a reprimanding glare from him.

"Watch it!"
He growled with authority in his voice, making her whimper with her head bent low.

He watched her carefully, a series of questions filling his head as she switched personalities yet again, making him wonder what kind of mate he had.

He needed to look into her files as soon as possible. Something wasn't right about her, and he knew it, he smelt it, and he could feel it.

He had started noticing it when she first outran him.

It wasn't possible if she were a human because he was far superior.

He was a wolf, not any kind of wolf, and he was a freaking king; he could outrun anybody in the blink of an eye.

A vampire was no match for him, yet he was slightly outrun by a petite female.

He needed to find out, and he was surely going to get his answers, no matter how long it took or what he had to do.

