
Beyoncé's POV

I picked up the magazine and held it in my hands. I stared down at my daughter, who's really not mine and tears started to form. She's so beautiful. My mama told me she would be on the cover of Essence, and I couldn't wait to buy it.

I pulled out of CVS, and drove back to my home in Texas. My mama wanted me to visit her this particular week because she thinks Jennifer and Yara are coming down. Once getting into my driveway, I parked my car and headed inside my empty home. I placed my keys onto the kitchen table & flopped on the sofa to read Yara's article.

She talked about being on Blackish, which I watch faithfully every week, and how Jennifer is an amazing and supportive mom. I read on to find out more things I never knew, and even though I haven't been in her life the way I was suppose to be, I'm extremely proud. Honestly, there's no correct answer to explain why I didn't want to raise Yara. I just didn't want to be tied down with a baby at that time in my life. I was 18, living with my parents and part of a girl group that was really getting recognized. Because of my new-found fame, I saw it best that my best-friend take care of Yara.

Jennifer really stepped in, and became the mom Yara was meant to have. What kinda parent just ups and goes on a tour, and acts as if she doesn't have a daughter? I was so selfish back then, and now that I'm well into my 30s, I'm very shameful of my actions. Now don't get me wrong, I don't know if I'm regretting giving my custody up because who knows if Yara would've still been the person she is today. My main concern is opening the hurts of my past, and getting the relationship I should've already had with Yara.
Yara's POV

My copy of Essence magazine was delivered to the house and my mom and I are opening up the box. It was wrapped in pretty tissue paper with some goodie bags on top. I took off the plastic wrapping and there were five copies for me. We each got one and turned to where the interview was at.

I already know what I said but looking up to see my mom's facial expressions was pretty awesome. "This turned out so well Yara. Did you read the interview?" She asked me.

"I read some, but I was there when I said those things." I laughed and continued flipping the pages.

"Ohhhh I like this shot of the bow dress." I glanced at the page number she was on and looked too.

"Yeah they did a really good job. I gotta post this on Twitter. Take my pic mommy." She grabbed my iPhone, and took my picture of me holding up the magazine. Then we took a selfie for her Instagram page, and she wrote the caption: Proud mommy right now. Check out my baby's Essence cover in newsstands now #MyChunk
Jennifer's POV

We landed into Houston, and the driver drove us to Mama Tina's house. She insisted that we stay over instead of checking into a hotel. She's actually moved since the last time we came down, and now that her and Mathew divorced, we'll be meeting her new hubby for the first time. I still want Yara to see Mathew before we leave, though.

Pulling up into her house, the driver helped get our bags to the front door, and I tipped him before he left. "Ready ma?" Yara asked me. "Yeah..gon and ring the bell." I said. She did and there stood Tina.

"Hey Mama." I smiled and greeted the woman I've always felt was a second mother to me. We hugged and she looked at Yara and stretched out her arms. They embraced and we pushed our luggage further into the house. "Richard come here." She called out and soon a tall man stood before us with curly, salt and pepper hair with a thick beard.

"Jenn and Yara, this is my husband Richard Lawson." She said to us.

"Hello ladies. Very nice to meet you." He said to us back. We exchanged hugs and he carried our bags upstairs.

"Why don't y'all come into the kitchen. I'm fixing sandwiches." We followed her down the hallway, and there were lots of pictures on the wall. Most were of her grandson Julez and of course Solange and Beyoncé. She even had a few of Yara from childhood birthday's she attended. I'm glad to say that Tina never missed Yara's birthdays or anything that was important to her.

"Thanks for letting us crash here. We could've got a room at a hotel." I said. Yara was checking her phone while Tina continued fixing our food.

"Chile you know I wouldn't allow y'all to go to a hotel when there's plenty of bedrooms for you two. Later on Solange and Julez are stopping by and I made sure Beyoncé was in town, too." She said. Yara looked up and smiled.

"Yay I'm glad they're coming. I haven't seen them in a really long time. Well...no I seen Solange at that red carpet event right ma?" Yara asked me.

"Yeah baby we were in New York when we saw her. How's Beyoncé's been?" I asked Mama Tina. She gave me a look as she put our plates in front of us. We dug in.

"She's...Beyoncé. Same ole same ole, but we'll talk later okay." She said to me. She arched her eyebrows, signaling that we'll talk without Yara overhearing.

*30 minutes later*
Yara wanted to take a nap before everyone came, so Mama Tina showed her the room she'll sleep in. Once she came back down we moved to the living room and sat down.

"So how have you been Jenn?" She asked me.

"Um it's been really good back in L.A. I do feel like moving back to New York since I have that new TV show Shades of Blue. It'll probably be after American Idol ends." I said to her.

"I saw the first episode and it's really good. Too bad you play a dirty cop." We both laughed and soon her facial expression softened.

"Look I don't know if you planned on telling Yara during this trip about you know what, but I think it's finally time." She said. I sighed and placed my hand on my cheek.

"I know Mama but my biggest fear is her reaction. She's such a good girl who doesn't act out at all, but I don't know what will happen . This kind of news will mess up any child's mind." I said.

"Well it's better now than never. If she doesn't hear it directly from us , she's gonna really take it badly." I nodded my head.

"I think once Beyoncé comes, after dinner will be the time to tell her." I said.
