
Yara's POV

I've been a few days back in Los Angeles & my mom has a mini break from performing. Lately she & Beyonce have been working with the planner for my party. I haven't asked much about the planning because I'm not into details like that, but I can't wait for my surprises!

"YARA come here please." I heard my mom yell from her bedroom. I got up from doing homework & practicing my lines and dragged my feet down the hall.

"Yes?" I asked, peeking my head inside.

"Come here and sit down." She said. Oh Lord, what she want.

"So...I got a request from the Breakfast Club show in New York asking for an interview with you. You wanna do it?" She asked.

"Of course I wanna go! They're pretty crazy but it's nothing I can't handle." I said smiling. Breakfast Club is one of my favorite radio shows to hear, well in my case watch on YouTube because I love visually seeing their guests. Listening is cool for most radio shows, but you can't enjoy Breakfast Club without seeing everyone's face.

"Alright. So it's a yes, but do you want me in the room with you or no?" She asked.

"Won't you be in Vegas?" I asked.

"They tape their interviews in the afternoon sometimes so I can be there if you want me." My mom said.

"Ummmm I think I'll be good mommy. Who can go with me to New York though? I know you not letting me go alone." I said. She smirked.

"Damn right you not. I'll let you know soon. The interview is in two days so start packing your bag." She said. I got up and went to my room to do just that, and continue studying my lines.
Two days later, New York City

As if going to the Breakfast Club to be interviewed wasn't already nerve wracking, guess who's accompanying me? None other than Beyoncé. What kinda bright idea did my mom make to have her with me, but hey, it's all cool. They're probably gonna focus more on her than me.

"Yara so do you want me inside the room or outside the door?" Beyoncé asked me. We had just pulled up to the building, and inexplicably wore matching hats. Mine is just green, though.

"Um you can be in the room & what if they asked about our connection. Like what I call you and stuff? I know you & my mom were best-friends back then so can I just stick with that?" So many unresolved issues are still in the process of being resolved between Beyoncé and I. We still gotta connect better, so being thrown into this position requires some type of preparation. Wait a minute...is this my mom's way of media training? Is this a version of Mathew Knowles media training...Hmmmm good one if that's the case.

"Just go with that and obviously you know if you want to keep your private life private, don't say things that can be taken out of context or become headlines. If you haven't guessed it, me & Jennifer are giving you a little taste of hard-hitting media. No more Disney type interviews; you're making a name for yourself as a young adult so you gotta roll with the heavys." She said.

I just took everything in and still had one more thing to ask. "I get everything you said but do I refer to you as like an aunt to me or call you BB..what should I say?" She paused for a moment and shrugged.

"Just call me BB for now." She smiled and we both got out the car , walked into the building & headed towards the elevator.

"Yara look!" I turned my head to face Beyoncé as her camera flashed in my face. I blinked several times with a blank face. She laughed.

"It's for Jenn. She wanna see how you look." I shook my head and we made our way towards the radio room.

"Well I'll be damned. If it isn't Ms. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles...you know I'm an honorary Winfrey-Pinkett-Knowles member." I laughed as Beyoncé shook her head, and we all made our rounds hugging the hosts. Charlamagne Tha God, Angela Yee, and DJ Envy were all here & we took pictures before the interview began.

Beyoncé's POV

Yara just put her headphones in, and I'm so nervous as if I'm the one being interviewed. I opted out of sitting down in a chair. I didn't want to be apart of her moment so I chose to stand behind the cameraman.

Narrative's POV

DJ Envy- Morning everybody! It's DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlamagne Tha God & we are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guest in the building this morning...

CTG- That's right a mini icon is in our presence, Miss Yara Lopez!

Yara- Hey guys! Thanks for having me.

DJ Envy- We can't start this interview without acknowledging the fact that Beyoncé is in the building.

CTG- I still can't believe she's here at this ratchet ass show. Yara has that Black Girl Magic power to have Queen Bey here.

Yara- *laughs* Well someone had to accompany me in New York. My mom was not having me here by myself.

Angela- I'll take Beyoncé as a bodyguard any day too.

DJ Envy- Now you've been killing it every week on Blackish & I wanna know how's it like working with Anthony & Tracee?

Yara- It's incredible working with Tracee & Anthony. They've been pros at this for many years & having Laurence Fisburne & Jenifer Lewis play my grandparents is pretty amazing, too.

Angela- So your mom who some may not know-

CTG- Who doesn't know her mom is JLo? You're living under a rock if you don't know Jenny from the block.

Angela- I'm just saying some may not have made the connection, but anyways, you've been pictured at her Vegas show having fun & dancing all in the aisles. How you feel about her residency?

Yara- I love that she's doing it. Vegas fits her, and I'm just proud of her. She's put in a lot of time & effort into creating a great show & every time I'm in the audience I find something different that I love.

CTG- Does JLo bathe in glitter & sparkles? She's too perfect.

Angela- Charlemagne what the hell!

Yara- * laughs* Wow I have never heard that question before. The answer is no. She's pretty normal...hate to break it to y'all.

DJ Envy- Have you watched our interviews with your mom? She was pretty creeped out at Charlamagne , huh?

Yara- I did watch because I'm a big fan of the show & she actually wasn't creeped out. She doesn't get phased with questions like that.

Angela- So before we talk about your sweet 16 coming up, how do you feel about her boyfriend Casper Smart? They were together for opening night in Vegas but you weren't pictured with them.

Yara glances at Beyoncé before she answers the question.

Yara- Well I don't feel anything really.

CTG- * busts out in obnoxious laugh* What does that mean? You want Casper to become the friendly ghost and disappear.

Yara- * Dies laughing* That's funny. I just mean that they're relationship is between the two of them, and I'm stay in a child's place & not comment.

DJ Envy- It seems like you don't like Casper.

Angela- Maybe it's because of how close in age y'all are. He could be your older brother.

Yara-  Hey now...ya'll lowkey coming for my mama but the age thing isn't a problem. I just want the best for my mom, and I think that's how any child would feel about their mother. It's just been me and her forever, and now he's in the mix so I gotta adjust...

CTG- Damn Casper. Looks like he's not so smart if Yara don't like you.

Yara- Oh God. We're cool towards each other, I just stay in my place & let my mother do her. She's grown & before anyone starts anything, they know how I feel about the situation so it's not a shocker what I'm saying to ya'll.

CTG- Looks like Queen Bey is telling us to wrap it up. How close are you with her. Years ago all we saw were JLo & Bey hanging out together everyone, almost like sisters. Did they rekindle the friendship?

Yara- Hmmm...Does Queen Bey wanna answer that?

Angela- Uh oh she's rolling her eyes right now behind the cameraman. Here come speak into the mic.

Beyoncé- I really don't wanna be on because this is Chunk's interview. She's the focus.

Yara- Really! You're just gonna say my nickname for the whole world to know!

DJ Envy- Chunk! That's cute. Where did that nickname come from.

Yara- I had chubby cheeks when I was younger and so the name came from that.

CTG- Back to Beyoncé though...

Beyoncé- You are crazy Charlamagne! To answer your question, me & Jennifer have always been close friends & sometimes in friendships you gotta take a break as friends to get your own stuff together. I really wasn't the best friend to her as I should've been. I had a lot of growing up to do, but now we're back on good terms. She's my sis for life.

Angela- That's totally understandable about taking a break from friendships, and coming back full circle. Now will you be at Yara's sweet 16 bash?

Beyoncé- Of course I will! This little girl is going to have an awesome party, especially since I'm planning it with Jenn.

CTG- What do you want for your 16th bday. I'm sure you have everything you could want.

Yara- Umm I actually don't. I'm very fortunate to be blessed with amazing opportunities & experiences, but my family make it known that God can take this all away at any point. To answer what I want, I really don't have anything in particular. I just hope the party and food is dope.

DJ Envy- Oh I'm sure it will be.

CTG- Will Casper get an invite?

Yara- * laughs* You're killing me with the questions. Uh yeah sure, why not?!

DJ Envy- Alright thanks Yara for coming through...she may never come back to this ratchet show again, but you can catch Blackish Wednesday nights at 9:30pm on ABC...

Yara's POV

I took my headphones off and hugged everyone once again. Me & BB rode in the elevator & back to the car.

"So how did you like the interview?" I asked.

"It was good up until the Casper questions. You actually did good answering them, but you could tell in your voice you don't like the man. I don't know how you and Jenn talk about those kinds of things, but what stays between y'all shouldn't be said publicly. That's how things can be misconstrued." She said. I took in everything she said. I don't think I said anything wrong. I was vague, and didn't give too much details.

Or did I?
