Moving In

Olivia's POV

July 11th, 2014. It's 1 p.m. My plane just landed in London, England. England looked beautiful even though I just got here. There were lots of people at the airport. Lots of children. Lots of men running up and hugging their wife. My boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. He told me he never actually liked me and that I was stubborn and he didn't get what he wanted from me. I'm 20 and still a virgin. I want it to be special.

3 hours later

I arrived at my new house half an hour ago and my stuff just got here. I carried my boxes into the house and placed them into the correct rooms. This used to be my aunt's house. She lived alone and I guess she already painted all the rooms for me. She passed due to cancer. All her money went to me and I got her house. Which was already finished getting paid off as my aunt bought this house.

It was now 5 p.m. I just finished putting all the boxes in rooms and unpacking some of the main stuff I'll need. I think I will go on a walk. I put on some black leggings, a purple sweater or as they say in England "Jumper", my black TOMS and I grabbed my black backpack with diamonds all over it. My nails were already done and so was my make up.

(Link to outfit: )

I grabbed my phone and the house keys and went outside. I locked the door and then put the thing the keys were on around my neck. I grabbed my phone and put my headphones in. I put on A Song About A Girl by Luke Cutforth. I love this song and him so much. Like if I meet him my life would be complete.

I walked for awhile so I turned back around so I could go back home. I walked with my head down. My music was blaring and I was walking a little faster.


Oh god. I just fell. Never mind that, I just walked into somebody! I groan. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I hear a male voice with an accent. "It's okay, it was completely my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Sorry" I say and stand up and look at the ground the whole time. "It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was going either. I'm Luke" He said and I slowly looked up. It was THE Luke Cutforth. Oh my gosh! He standing right in front of me! Ahh! Wait, I should probably respond to him. "Hi Luke, I'm Olivia." I said and gave a small smile. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said and I blushed. "Hehe, thanks." I said trying to hide my face a little. "Why don't I walk you home?" He asked. "Um, it's fine I live on this street." I said. "How funny, I live on this street as well." He said. "Oh, well okay." I said and tuned off my music.

So with that he walked me home. "Hey! I live right next door to you!" He said and laughed. He had an adorable laugh. "Oh really! How weird is that?" I said and giggled. "You should come over and meet my flat mates." He said. "Really? Are you sure. I haven't eaten and I don't want to be a bother." I said. "Nah, it's fine. They won't mind." He said. "O-okay." I said still a bit worried. My anxiety is starting to kick in. This is the most that I have talked to a person I just meet. Even if I have been watching him on YouTube for ever! I already know who he lives with. Patty and Jason.

Luke opened the door. "PATTY, JASON I BROUGT SOMEBODY HOME WITH ME!" He yelled. Well, I hope they aren't loud like this all the time. I heard thumping down the stairs. It was Patty. "Luke, next time can you tell me when you're going to be bring somebody home with you!" He said obviously a little mad. I hate making people mad or sad. I was starting to worry now. My hands began to shake a little as I thought of it. He is mad because of me. It's my fault. "I-I sh-should g-go." I quietly stuttered. "No, it's fine. Patty is just being grumpy." Luke said. "Am not!" Patty yelled.

"Why don't you introduce me to the girl! She looks terrified." Patty said calmly. Luke rolled his eyes. "Patty this is Olivia, our new neighbour. Olivia this is Patty." Luke said. "Hey" Patty said smiling at me. "H-hi" I said quietly smiling a little. "are you okay?" Luke asked and I nodded. "I don't think you are. You're crying." Luke said. What I'm crying? I touched my face and it was wet. "I'm sorry. It's my anxiety. I can't control it. Meeting new people just isn't my thing." I said quickly. Luke hugged me. "It's okay. I understand." He said. I just melted into the hug.

"What's going on?" A new voice said. "This is our new neighbour, Olivia." Luke said letting go of me. "Hey, I'm Jason!" He said smiling. "Hey" I said quietly. "Do you want something to eat?" Luke asked me. "I'm good." I said "are you sure?" Patty said and I nodded. "I should get going, I have to un-pack stuff still." I said. "Let me help you!" Luke said. "Um, o-okay." I said and we walked over to my house.

We were in my room unpacking some things and I was putting my bed together. "What's in here?" Luke said holding a box trying to open it. BOOM! The box fell to the ground spilling the contents of it onto my floor. All of my bras and underwear came out. I was now red out of embarrassment. "LUKE!" I said putting the stuff back in the box and sticking it in the closet. "Sorry..." Luke said laughing. I turned around to see him holding up my Pokemon bra. "Nice bra." He said. "Give that here!" I said running to him.

Luke started running around my house yelling Pokemon Bra. "Luke! Slow down!" I yelled. Luke opened up the back door. "Don't you dare!" I said and he ran outside. "PATTY!" Luke yelled and Patty showed up at the back door. "What do you want Luke?" He said. "Look at Olivia's Pokemon bra!" He yelled. "Ugh! Luke! Stahhhp!" I yelled and took the bra from him. I could hear Patty laughing.

It was now 11 p.m. Luke and I finished unpacking most of my stuff. "I guess I should get going now." He said. "Yeah. We could hang out tomorrow if you want?" I said hoping he wants to hang out. "It's a date! I'll pick you up at 2!" Luke said and left. I blushed and closed the door. Epp! I'm going on a date with Lukeisnotsexy! I'm so excited, but tired.

I changed into my pajamas. I made myself a bowl of cereal cause I didn't have anything to eat yet and I was starving. I put on the tv and watched the ending of some movie. I finished my bowl of cereal so I put the bowl in the dish washer. I turned off the tv and all of the lights and went into my room. I turned off my room light and hopped in bed. I slowly drifted of to sleep thinking about Luke.

___________________________First chapter of a new story! Yay! I deleted my other story cause I just wasn't feeling it, you know? I hope this one turns out a lot better!:) Did you like the first chapter? Please comment any feedback you have! Vote and follow as well! Thank you!
