A Fight and a Surprise

Olivia's POV

I just woke up and I was still laying on top of Luke. His arms were wrapped around my waist tightly. Maybe I should wake him up. I guess I'll wake him up. "Luke" i said stroked his cheek with my thumb. "Babe, it's time to wake up." I said a little louder. Luke's eyes fluttered open and then he smiled. "Good morning beautiful." Luke said sleepily.

I sat up and so my legs were straddling his waist. "I like this position." Luke said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and giggled. I leaned down and kissed Luke. Luke's hands were now on my butt and he have it a squeeze which made me gasp and his tongue snuck into my mouth. After a few minutes I pulled away and smiled at him. "How about I go get dressed and you go home and then I will come over and we can hang out with everybody?" I said quickly. "Sounds good." Luke said and smiled. I got off of Luke and helped him up. "See you soon then." Luke said and kissed me. Then he left and I went upstairs.

I decided on wearing my black leggings, my Jake (Adventure Time) Jumper and my black knitted beanie. I curled my hair and put on a black beanie. I did a natural eye make up and applied a little bit of lip gloss. I grabbed my phone and house key and then slipped on my black UGGS. (Link to outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/adventure_time/set?id=137415331 )

I locked my door and went over to Luke's and knocked in the door. "He- Oh it's you." Dottie said as she opened up the door. "Um, y-yeah. It's me. Is Luke here?" I said shyly. "Yeah, but I don't want you near Patty, so how about you go and slit your writs in the bathtub or something?"Dottie said rudely. "Excuse me! You can't fucking talk to me like that!" I yelled at her. Dottie turned around and punched right in the face and I fell to the ground. By now everybody was outside and they were just staring at me. I felt extremely uncomfortable. "D-don't stare at me!" I yelled sadly and got up and started walking away from the house. I heard somebody yell my name so I started to run a little.

I stopped running away when I was up in a tree in a forest. I've been up here for the past 20 minutes and it is freezing! All I've done is quietly cry and think. Why does Dottie hate me? What have I done I her? Should I have just left? They are probably worried about me. Nah, they are all probably having a good time now that I'm out of the picture. I slowly climbed down but I slipped when I was just about to hop to the ground. I got up and there was pain in both my knees. My jeans were ripped open and blood was dripping onto my pants, my knees were cut open. I limped home an went straight to my bathroom.

Once I got in there I did exactly what Dottie told me to do. Slit my wrists in the bathtub. I created 7 new cuts in my left arm and 4 new cuts on my right arm. I just sat in the bathtub and let my writs bleed onto my already blood stained paints. I wish I was happy. I wish people liked me. I beat Luke hates me now.

All of a sudden I heard my front door open. "Olivia! I know you're in here! Karim said he saw you come into the house!" I heard Luke yell. I didn't have the energy to yell back. A little part of me hopped he found me and another part hopped he just left.

I heard foot steps come closer and closer to the bathroom door. I kept my eyes close in some hope that it would make me invisible. I heard the bathroom door slowly creek open. "Oh my god! Olivia! Please be alive!" I heard Luke start to cry. I slowly opened my eyes. "Olivia!" Luke said and hugged me. He looked at my wrists and a tear slide down his face. "L-let me get you cleaned up." He said bravely. "I-I'm so sorry Luke." I said quietly. "You have nothing to be sorry for babe." Luke said as he helped me out of the bathtub. "Wow, your pants...they are umm...dirty." Luke said shyly. "I know..." I replied. "You stay here and I'll go get you something else." Luke said and quickly rushed out of the bathroom. I just sat on the bathroom counter.

A few minutes Luke came back with blue pyjama pants and black jumper. He cleaned my wrists and knees and then I got changed. "I'm sorry Dottie did that, i don't know why she is being such a bitch to you." Luke said as we sat on my couch. "Its okay Luke..." I said shyly. "No, it's not, you have a pretty bad bruise forming on your jaw and that's just not right of her to do." Luke said angrily. "I know Luke." I said as I started bawling. I felt a pair of arms around me. "Shhh, it's okay baby girl." Luke whispered into my ear. I very slowly began to calm down. Something about Luke made me feel better. I soon ended up falling asleep in his arms.

"Olivia, babe, wake up." I heard Luke say sweetly. My eyes slowly opened and I was on my bed under my sheets. "Hey Luke." I said as I stretched. "I have a surprise for you." Luke said with a big smile. I sat up and smiled back at him. Luke placed a box beside me. "Open it!" Luke said excitedly. So I opened it. There was 3 bags of un-popped popcorn, 4 bags of M&M's, multiple bags of different candies and chips and the last two things I pulled out were both the Thor movies. "OMG LUKE! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled happily and hugged him. "It was no problem babe, I love you so much too." Luke said hugging me tightly and then kissing my cheek. "So wanna get started on those movies?" Luke asked and then winked at me. "Of coarse!" I yelled and jumped out of bed. Luke grabbed all the stuff and we went down stairs.

Once we got into the kitchen, I found the biggest bowl I had for the popcorn and then other bowls for the M&M's, other candies and chips. After the popcorn was popped and in the bowl I grabbed a few cans of pop from the fridge and Luke and I set everything up on the table in front of us then started the movie. I had an amazing night.

___________________________Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I put a lot of thought into it! I also found out my Mom is pregnant!:) I'm so excited! Please keep voting, following and commenting!
