
*Third Pov*

It was a quiet and calm evening with the bright light of the half moon shining high in the sky. On the lone street into Beacon Hills, a charcoal colored van was making its way into the strange town. Inside the van, there were two young females.

The youngest was a teenager with dark brown hair and bright blue-green eyes. She was wearing a dark red blouse and jean shorts. The older one, on the other hand, looked nothing like her. The woman had dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She was wearing a pale yellow shirt and a red skirt.

The woman looked over at the teen as they neared the apartment they were going to soon calling home."Noelle, lets try and not have any trouble with the wolf this year, okay?" the oldest one stated as they pulled into the parking lot. "I love that you're unique, but you need to learn control."

"Mother, I plan on doing just fine this year," Noelle replied to her mother. "I haven't heard of any other wolves around here, and I'm not building my own pack; I prefer being a lone alpha."

Nora rolled her eyes as she parked the van and turned it off. "Go and get your stuff from the backseat. School starts tomorrow and I'd like you to be ready before then."
Noelle got out and grabbed her stuff. "Of course, mother. I think I may go and explore the woods if I finish settling into my room before tomorrow. I always do enjoy a nice hunt."


*Noelle's Pov*

I'm happy that unpacking my room didn't take long, I thought to myself. I didn't bring a lot of things with me, since I planned on getting new stuff here. Well, I guess now that everything is unpacked, I can go and enjoy a night run before school starts tomorrow.

I went into the living room, telling Nora that I was heading out and, promised to be back before midnight. I wasn't really going to be back when I said, but at least the thought of me being so would allow my mother to go to bed early.

Once I was out of the sight of wandering people, I let myself shift into werewolf form. I ran into the nearby woods and let the new, foreign scents rush in. This forest was different than my last home.

Everything was fine. That is, until I caught a whiff of another wolf. No. Not one, but two werewolf scents. They were both powerful aromas, which meant that I was invading their territory. It was a good thing I could hide the fact that I was an alpha, or else I'd have been in huge trouble.

Besides the werewolf scents, I could also hear police officers and their dogs off in the distance. I could tell they were police, since I could smell death lingering around them. I stayed away from the cops. I really didn't want to get blamed for the death of someone I hadn't seen before.

That was when I heard someone scream. Based upon their voice, they sounded like a male. I quickly shifted back into human form and ran to see if I could get a look at the guy who screamed.

Unfortunately, I had to force myself to go back home when I realized the other alphas scent was heavy in the area. After all, I didn't want to get caught trespassing. That would cause the trouble my mother so desperately wanted to avoid.

As I headed home, I couldn't help but wonder if the teenager I had heard scream would turn up soon. One of the werewolves around is an alpha, and it's not like I had bitten the teen. The only way to find out what was going on was to go to school tomorrow and see if I could catch his new, wolfy scent.

This chapter is edited. I hope you enjoy.
