Chapter 1

*Next Morning*

*Noelle Pov*

I woke up the next morning really not wanting to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I love going to school and learning but right now I wanted to focus on the fact that there may be a new werewolf that was bitten.

I quickly got changed into a simple outfit (outfit above) and left the house after grabbing a quick snack to eat on the way.

The walk to school was pretty quiet. The fall air felt nice against my skin. I was always to kid that enjoyed the fall weather best because it was the best time for me to go hunting.

As I got closer to the school, the new scents of all the students overwhelmed me. Luckily, I could tell one scent out from the rest. The scent of a new werewolf. Most of his scent was still human but that little bit of wolf in him was more than enough.

I walked into the school heading straight for my locker. I put most of my stuff away only keeping what I needed for my first few classes. I looked at my schedule and headed off for my first class. I decided it would be best of I tried to find the new werewolf later.

*After class*

I'm glad that nothing big has happened on the first day. I've always hated when something exciting happened on the first day because than the rest of the school is boring. After class I decided it would be a good idea to go and watch the lacrosse team practice. Never watched lacrosse before so this should be exciting.

As I walked into the bleachers I bumped into the other new girl this year, Allison Argent. "Oh, I'm sorry. Guess I wasn't watching where I was going." I quickly apologize.

She turns around and smiles. "It's fine. I'm Allison by the way." She holds out her hand.

I take it while replying, "I'm Noelle. Mind if I sit with you and your friend?" I ask, nodding to the red-hair beside her.

"Of course I don't mind. Come on." Allison takes her seat. I follow behind, sitting beside her.

Looking out at the players the one that catches my eye is the one playing goalie. I almost feel bad for him, I don't know how well he'll do. Based off how he looked when he was placed at goalie I don't think he's done this before.

"Who's that?" Allison leans over to ask her friend.

"Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?" Her friend replied.

I watch Allison shrug it off, "He's in my English class."

Next thing I know my ears are hit hard when the whistle was blow. Man, whoever blew it knew what he was doing. I don't normally react to loud noises but this dude was right in front of me.

I shake it off and look back to goalie. He seems to be in serious ear pain from the whistle as well. The first person shooting the ball ends up hitting the poor teen in the face. The bad feeling I felt for him earlier returns but something else's crosses my mind: Could he be the new wolf?

He did react badly when the whistle was blown. The same as me just more severe in fact. I'll keep my eye on for now. The main giveaway would end being his eyes if he were to start shifting without realizing it.

Everyone around laughs as the teen gets back on his feet. I heard someone say something about McCall, guessing that's his last name. That's what I'll call him till I get his first name.

The next person shoots and McCall was able to catch it without a though. His reflexes seem to match up with a werewolves. Still want more evidence before I just go up and talk to him about it. If he is the wolf he'll need a mentor for sure.

I look around and watch as everyone is surprised to see McCall catch the ball. Heck, the kid himself was surprised he caught it. The next few throws he also catches with ease. People from the crowd are even cheering for him.

"He seems like he's pretty good." I hear Allison comment with a smile.

"Yeah, very good." Her friend replied.

I turn back to the practice before me, watching as one of teens step forward. I'm guessing he's not a friend of McCall based of his expression. This is going to be fun to watch.

Everyone is watching in suspense as the teen runs to line up his shoot. He releases the ball and I turn to watch McCall. As the ball nears he once again catches it with ease. Everyone cheers and the teacher himself seems shocked.

Allison's friend stands and yells. I decide to join her just for the heck of it. The teen that shot the ball turns and glared her. The girl responds by giving him a sassy girl look.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name." I turn to the girl beside me.

"Oh, my names Lydia." The redhead replies.

"Noelle." I tell her as I sit down.


The practice ends soon after that. I take my school stuff home before heading out into the woods for a little afternoon run. I hope my mother is still at work since she hates me spending all my time in the forest.

I run out a little bit, before I almost shift. Keyword here is almost. I stopped myself from shifting because I could here other people out in the woods. I sniff the air to see if it's who I think it is.

The only scent I know out of the two is McCall's. I'm guessing the other scent is his friends. I keep my distance but get closer so I tell where they are.

"I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler." Scott, who's name I learned after lacrosse practice, said.

I get close enough that I can see Scott and his friend, I think I heard somewhere that his name was Stiles. I watch Scott start looking through the leaves for something, I'm guessing it's his inhaler.

"Maybe the killer moved the body." Stiles sighs.

Scott looks up at him, "If he did I hope he left my inhaler, those things are like 80 bucks."

I catch a new scent a look around. A little bit past the two boys I see another man. I can't get a good look at his features but his scent gives away that he's like me, a werewolf.

The man walks up to a now standing Scott and Stiles, a not so happy look on his face. "What are you doing here? Huh. This is private property."

"Uh, sorry man. We didn't know." Stiles states with worry in his voice.

"We were just looking looking for something but, uh, forget it." Scott explains.

The man throws Scott his inhalers and looks at where I am. I know he knows I'm here so I'll go and talk to him once the teens are gone.

"Come on man, I gotta get to work." Scott start walking off.

I don't hear the rest of what they were saying but I did catch something about the man being Derek Hale. Guess I should have seen that coming. I head of in the direction Derek left, staying clear of the leaving teens.

I quickly come across a really old and mostly burned down house. This is where Derek lives right now. I feel really bad for the guy. His family was burned alive and he still lives in the house.

"Um, Derek? Are you here right now?" I call out. I don't even try to be loud since I know he can hear me.

"When I looked at you I wasn't really inviting you to come to my house. I was just letting you know I know that you were in my territory." Derek says as he exits his house.

"Sorry about that. You should be more clear on what you mean next time." I tell him.

I watch as his eyes turn blue and his fangs became present as he lets out a threatening growl at me. "Just go away now!"

"Fine, but this won't be the last time you see me." I turn to leave, turning around before I do. Derek was already back in his house as I run back home myself. It was time for me to go and get my homework done.

I hope you enjoy my first chapter. I plan on updating at least once every week once school starts back up. For now, enjoy the chapters I'm able to get out while my break still stands. Also, I know I made Derek an extreme jerk in this chapter. I'll have that explained later on. Until the next chapter, my little wolves.
