Rusty Viola

Hi there!

Full name: Rusty Jane Viola (I took my mother's maiden name)

Nickname(s): RJ, Inferno, Baby Hawk, Firecracker

Age: 21. Born March 27th, 1991

Family: Lucy Viola (mother - deceased), James Parker (father - nonbiological - deceased), Clint Barton (cousin)

Siblings: None

Height: 5'8"

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel with flecks of green

Likes: Mythology, archery, science, reading, music, boxing.

Dislikes: Liars, death, cold weather, being teased.

Abilities/Powers: I am an assassin of SHIELD like my cousin Agent Clint Barton, but also a scientist like was my mother was. I prefer hand to hand combat over weapons but will still use a gun or other weapon if the situation demands it. With the help of my guide Electra, Icontrol the element of fire. Yeah, and as I said, no one except for Natasha and Clint know about my powers.

*Electra's comments will be in bold*

Bio: My cousin Clint took me in when my father was killed. I work for SHIELD, as one of their top scientists and an assassin. My mother died when I was 2 years old, my father when I was 12. Their deaths were not accidental, and it is now my life's mission to benign them justice. Since their deaths, Clint trained me up as best he could and I joined SHIELD when I turned 18. And it turns out the man I thought was my father... isn't. I've been told many different things about who my biological father is, that I don't know what to believe anymore. So the nest chance I get, I'm taking a test to prove who my real father is.
