Chapter Four

What?! Rey thought. What did he just say? Love? Did he say 'love'? How absurd! What has love got to do with getting Kylo Ren back? Why should love enter it to it at all? This was utterly ridiculous! What was her grandfather thinking about?! Was he this kind of romantic man, imagining those typical teen romance? She couldn't believe what he just said! Of course she cared about Ben, but she didn't love him! Was the great Obi-Wan Kenobi really crazy? She was confused, and the more she thought about it, the more anger filled her mind, until it took over. She briskly stood up, and walked away angrily. She was furious, and felt stupid: there she was thinking it was such an honor to meet her grandfather, and thinking he could give her answers! And now, he was acting like a stupid teenager!

Rey was muttering in her breath, mumbling things about how outrageous her father and grandfather had been acting, when she heard a voice behind her that made her jump.


She turned around to see her father. She frowned and folded her arms across her chest.

"Really, Papa? That was--

"I know. But don't you think you kind of overreacted there? I know you were never educated on this kind of things, but you should have listened to your grandad who was giving you an answer. He didn't mean love in a... 'marriage way' if I may define it like that, but in a friendship way. There are many kind of love, I shall tell you one day. But now is not the question. You're too impulsive, Rey. Think before you act. It's important. But don't worry, I'm here now to teach you, and so is Luke Skywalker. We'll help you. Next time you see your grandfather, you should apologise and wait for what he has to tell you..."

Rey's emotions diminished, and she became calmer. She ducked her head and sighed.

"You're right, I'm sorry, Papa," she said looking at Onwa who grinned.

"Come on, let's go and see your master."

They spent a few days training, and Rey got to know Obi-Wan better. He gave her answers, and told her about Anakin, Luke and Leia. Rey was very interested, and a bond soon appeared between them. Three days of training, talking, learning... it was peaceful, and Rey could have quickly forget about Kylo Ren. But she couldn't stop thinking about him, and the desire to bring him back was consuming her. She wanted to go back, and talk him sense, but was it even possible? She believed in him. And she knew he was a tortured soul, and thinking that made her heart ache, and the urge to go back to him was getting more and more oppressing.

The third day, while Rey was checking the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca, they heard a loud scream. Rey ran up the hill to the small stone hut, to find her master scrambling to his feet, her father helping him to do so.

"What happened?" Rey asked alerted.

"I don't really know... we were talking when I felt this sudden rush of force, and Luke suddenly screamed his sister's name and collapsed on the floor. Help me get him to the hut."

Rey obeyed quickly and helped her father guide Luke to his small stone-house, and make him sit down by the fire. Luke had his head ducked. He finally looked up, and sighed.

"I heard her. She called me. She told me the Resistance was dying. The First Order are shooting them down. They have found a refuge in a small planet where there is an ancient base that used to be the Resistance's. But they are in danger: the First Order are following them, and they have enormous weapons to destroy them all. Leia nearly died a few days ago. They've destroyed their base ship. I feel useless. But--

"I'll go!" Rey interrupted, determined.

"This is way too dangerous, Rey, you can't go." Her father intervene.

"Papa, I've lived eleven years alone in a desert, and I've done way more dangerous things in my life. I think I can handle this..." Rey said gently.

"I guess...

"She's right, Onwa. Let her go.

"Besides, I'll be of more use there than here," Rey added.

Luke and Onwa both nodded. Onwa sighed and approached his daughter.

"He careful out there, Rey. And tell me if anything goes wrong."

Rey nodded with a grin, and let her father kissed her goodbye, on her forehead. She then ran to her hut, grabbed the few things that belonged to her, ran down the hill to the Falcon, and shouted to Chewbacca that they were going to join the Resistance again! Chewbacca groaned with happiness and turned the engine on. They then flew away light speed.

When they arrived on the Resistance's base, the battles had already started. They flew over it a few seconds before Rey made up her mind on what they were going to do. She ran down to the 'shooting compartment', and settled in front of the weapon. She gave Chewbacca the signal, and fired on the First Order, gaining some time for the Rebels to approach the ennemy and attack well. But soon enough, the ennemy sent ships to fire her. She fought back, and told Chewie to lead them into narrow paths. So he did. They all crashed on the metal bars and walls, until they were all gone. Rey had no idea what was going on on the other side of the base. She landed on a small cliff, and ran out of the ship. She heard voices, and felt a strong presence: Leia. She headed towards the presence, and found herself in front of mound of odd perfectly round rocks. She heard voices coming from behind that heap, and knew it was the few Rebels left. She reacted quickly. Taking a few steps back, she stretched out her hand towards the pile, closed her eyes, and wrapped her concentration around the rocks, levitating them in the air. When she opened her eyes, she saw a few people staring at her in awe, their eyes going from her to the stones flying in the air, and back to her. Leia acted quickly and motioned for them to follow her. So they did. They ran up to Rey, and placed themselves behind her as she let go of the rocks that fell down, making the ground shake under their feet. She then turn around to suddenly feel two strong arm around her shoulders and neck, tightening her. She realised someone she liked very much was holding her tight in a hug.

"Rey!" He exclaimed.

Rey smiled when she recognised the voice of Finn. They stayed like that for a few seconds, not realising that everyone was looking at them. Rey pulled away first and grinned at her.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Rey joyfully said.

"There wasn't one day I didn't think about you! I tried so many time to join you to tell you about the dangers that surrounded us! I have to tell you many things--" Finn whispered.

"There's no time!" Leia interrupted.

She motioned for everyone to follow her to the Millennium Falcon, and they all ran to the engine. They quickly entered the ship, and settled down for the trip they knew could last a long time, until they found a new base. Chewbacca started the engine and they flew away light speed, leaving angry stormtrooper, and a furious Kylo Ren behind.

Rey left Chewbacca piloting the ship, and did a small walk around the Falcon, to be sure everyone had settled, and had received all the care they could have. She searched for Finn, and when she finally spotted him, she saw him taking care of a girl. The girl seemed to be wounded and presently in a coma. Finn wrapped a blanket over her.

"You'll be fine, Rose. I promise." He whispered. And kissed her on the forehead.

Rey furrowed her eyebrows, and she felt a sharp and small itchy pain in her heart making it ache. Jealousy? Disappointment? Nah! Why would she feel like that? He was just a friend. But deep inside her, she knew it was jealousy, and she could explain it to herself this time! (Finally a feeling she could explain and put a name on!) The reason she felt like that was because she hadn't see Finn for so long, and the last time she left him, was when he was in a coma after trying to save her against Kylo Ren. And now, she finally see him again, and he's friend with another girl he cared about.

Ah! She was talking nonsense! He cared about her as she cared about him, and he cared as much about this Rose girl. Then an idea popped in her mind: what if he actually liked her? In a real love, like a man loves a woman way? She smiled at the thought. Seeing her friend with this girl was actually comforting and she ended up feeling happy for him. She sat down across of them, and gazed at them with a soft smile, when she suddenly felt a presence, someone staring at her. She turned her face towards the person and found a handsome young man, with dark hair, toffee-brown eyes, dark thick eyebrows, tanned skin. He was tall, and quite thin, and his pilot suit hid a muscular body. The man grinned and presented himself.

"Hi! I'm Poe Dameron."

Rey smiled back.

"I'm Rey," she said.

"I know." Poe replied softly.

Rey felt her cheeks burn up in a soft shade of red. She was a little confused by the man's confidence and how he knew who she was. She ducked her head, then looked up at him, and when their eyes met, she felt her heart flutter, and a profound feeling awoken in her heart. They gazed at each other, until Poe moved to her side and sat down next to her. He then started talking to her, with his natural assurance. Rey smiled, and listened to him with deep joy. In a few minutes, she had forgotten all about her problems: she felt happy, and reassured by his presence. She looked at him again, and grinned. His face reflected a deep kindness, his eyes were full of determination: he had the temper of a chief, of a leader.

"I've heard you're trying to get Kylo Ren back to the light?

"How do you know?

"General Leia told me. I'm her closest captain and one of the best pilot in the Resistance." (There was no excessive pride in his voice) "She tells me a lot. I guess you wonder how I know you?"

Rey nodded.

"She told me about you, and so did Finn. He's very fond of you, by the way. He's a loyal friend.

"Yeah, I know. He's great," Rey answered as she glanced at Finn sitting by Rose.

"Rey? How are you going to bring Kylo Ren back? Have you tried already?

"Yes, I have. He's a tortured soul, he's torn apart between the light and the dark side that has poisoned him. But there's still good in him...

"How do you know?

"I've felt it, and I saw it."

Poe looked at her in the eyes, which made Rey slightly blush.

"Can I help?" He suddenly asked.

Rey's eyes widened. Him? Help her? But, how would he? Could he?
Poe felt her hesitation.

"It's going to take long before we find a new base and settle down. I'll be more useful helping you than stay in the base doing nothing...

"I guess..." Rey replied quietly.

"Please let me help. I could help you elaborate a plan, and I could take you there without the First Order knowing it's you. And if you're in danger, you wouldn't be alone."

Rey wasn't sure. But he seemed sincere, and he really wanted to help. She could use a little assistance.

"I think it would be a good idea," she finally stated.

One's grin widened hearing those words. He took the girl's hand, and gazing at her eyes, he whispered:

"Thank you so much!"

Rey blushed furiously, but controlled herself. Poe got up, and still holding her hand, he dragged her along with him.

"Come, let's go and think about a plan!"

Rey frowned and shouted for him to let go of her hand, but followed him. Leia saw them, and a smile stretched her face softly. Those two made a good pair... She thought. And she turned around to join Chewbacca in the cockpit.
