Chapter 6 - Enemy

[Y/N]'s POV

I laid on my bed and flashbacks came to me while thinking about him. Why does he want me now? It was something I don't understand.

His name is Haku and I always feared him. He was the reason I became cold towards everyone because I thought that everyone will betray me.

Therefore my making everyone fear me would not allow anyone to touch me. But if they had earned my trust or has been with me before the accident, I would still act as my regular self.


It was a day in Elementary school and my father still worked at the prison. I would always still talk about Jyugo to my friends and they thought it was cool.

But not for Haku. Haku comes from a wealthy family because his father was the CEO of a popular company. He is always spoiled and loves to brag how rich his family is.

A majority of the families at my school would try to befriend him so they can feel special to be friends with rich family but not for mine. What ever Haku says, everyone agrees to him because of the treatment he gives them...

"Hey did you guys hear, there was a bank robbery that happened yesterday. " Haku said. "And it was [Y/N]'s, friend." He sneered. Everyone turned their heads towards me with disbelief. "What are you talking about? He would never leave prison with that kind of thought." I reasoned.

"Do you have proof for that?!" He yelled and everyone around us had whispered. "What happens if he is the bad guy?" "I don't want to be friends with someone bad!" "STAY AWAY FROM US!" The kids around me whispered.

Everyone started to throw objects at me and yelling at me to get out of this town. Injuries start to appear on my body. The teachers came out of the school and tried to stop the fight.

Haku and I were brought to the office and the headmaster was there too. Our parents had come and brought us back home. My parents were nice a d allowed me to I stay at my house for 2 weeks to get away from the betrayal of my friends.

I did visit Jyugo and told him all of the things that were happening at school. He was shocked and had comforted me. "Come on! You know I wouldn't do that right? I mean I could but who cares about them. Tell me their names and I'll beat them for you how about that?" Jyugo asked while I was sitting with my knees up to my chest.

"You can't," I said quietly. "Then more kids from my school will hate me." I looked up and saw Jyugo right in front of my face. He smiled and opened his arms to me. I jumped into them and started to cry softly.

Everyone in the prison knows the relationship Jyugo and I have so they weren't bothered by it. "I'm pretty sure it was mister 1167 because he wanted to have more money for his daughter's tuition fee." Jyugo reasoned.

"But he would already be out of jail already then." I giggled while willing my tears away. "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!" Mister 1167 yelled. "NOTHING!"Jyugo and I yelled.

"[Y/N]! It's time to go home!" My father yelled. " I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Jyugo!!" I waved while closing the cell's door. "See you!" He waved and I walked back to my Father.

"Neh Jyugo, are you actually escape from this prison?" Number 1183 asked. "Yeah. I need to help [Y/N]'s life so she won't be picked on." Jyugo smirked. "So when will it happen?" Number 1268 asked. "Tonight," Jyugo said before going to sleep.

It was then Jyugo had escaped from prison. We already promised each other that we will see each other again and then he vanished after giving me the kiss on my head.

Once I started to attend school again, I started to treat everyone coldly except for Momoko and my parents. I became alone and no one ever dared to talk to me or apologized to me from middle school and high school.

Haku was still popular because of his money and looks but it had never impacted me. I still hate him to this day. He had tried to gain my attention and I ignored him.

"Hey cutie, wanna come over to my house? There is going to be a party." I looked up and saw his over confident face. "I'm sorry but no thank You, I have to go and do my part-time job today." I stand up and walked out of the classroom with my bag.

"God that girl has a lot of attitude towards you." One annoying girl said."So when is this party of your's?" She started to flirt but he gently pushed away and tried to catch up to me. "[Y/N], wait up!!"

End of Flashback.

Jyugo's POV

I walked into [Y/N]'s room and found her sleeping with tear stains. I sat down next to her and gently pay her head.

Haku was heartless and cruel. I remembered that [Y/N] was talking about him when he first arrived at her elementary school.

Everyone immediately wanted to be friends with him because he started to throw money in front of their faces.

She really did had a hard time because of him... I could hear Uno, Rock, and Nico leaning against the door, whispering among themselves.

"Guys is [Y/N] okay?"

"I don't know Nico but I think tired from today."

"Are you dumb?! She is frustrated from that Haku guy."

I signed and opening the door to see all of them crashing on top of each other. "Ow... Jyugo why did you had to open the door?!" Uno complained.

"Will you guys shut up? She is not in a great condition right now." I shushed them. "He's right. We can't let [Y/N] be like forever. Why not rob this place because he owns this hotel?" Uno grinned.

We all looked at Uno as if he was nuts but it was actually a good idea. That way We can help [Y/N] and end up at Nanba Prison together.

"So when do you want to do it Jyugo?" Rock asked. "2 days from now on." I smirked. "Don't do it...." We turned over to [Y/N] but was she was still asleep.

I walked over and sat on the bed. Uno, Rock, and Nico followed me. "Is [Y/N]-chan having a bad dream?" Nico asked. "Looks like it," Rock answered.

"I just want to cuddle her~♡♡" Uno cooed over her. "Over my dead body,"I grumbled. "Neh Jyugo," "What is it Rock?" "Can I eat now? I have been starving after swimming." Rock drooled.

"Yeah go ahead, I'll come over soon." They left with the cart to the other room while I stayed behind with [Y/N]. I stroked her head trying to comfort her and soon she relaxed. "[Y/N], it's time to eat dinner," I whispered in her ear.

"Mmm, 10 more minutes~" she mumbled. I lightly shook her up and she got up being lazy and rubbing her eyes. "Carry me~" she opened her arms like a child. I chuckled and carried her bridal style to the other room.

Uno's POV

I stayed hiding behind the door while Jyugo was stroking [Y/N]'s hair. I immediately started to chew on my nails. I WANTED TO DO THAT!! I WANT TO KICK HIM IN THE ADS AND RUN AWAY INTO THE SUNSET WITH [Y/N]!!!

Jyugo then brought his face next to [Y/N]'s ear and whispered something that made her disturb her beauty rest. I WILL NEVER WAKE UP [Y/N] FROM HER BEAUTY REST!! SHE CAN SLEEP FOR A WHOLE DAY AND I WILL NOT GET SICK OF IT!!

[Y/N] waking was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life!! "Carry me~" she opened her arms and I nearly died from a nosebleed. KANEKLDBWIQJSOSKDWOSHJAKANWKPSBWIQKBDIDOELB!!!!!

Jyugo carried her bridal style and I imagined myself carting her like that during our wedding. I quickly went back to the other room pretending that I wasn't looking at them.

As soon as Jyugo and [Y/N] arrived, Jyugo had gently put her on own feet. "Should we eat? I'm starving!" She smiled. "SAME!!!" Rock yelled. I slapped him.

"Lower your voice!" I scolded. "Hey sorry.." Rock rubbed the back of his head. "It's okay, let's dig in!" Just as we were about to eat, a knock interrupted us.

"I'll go get it." [Y/N] said while running to the door. She opened it then she froze. Jyugo went to check on her and he started to growl. What's wrong with them?

I walked to them and stood there. A handsome man appeared in an expensive suit, watch and shoes. He has two bodyguards behind them making him look like he is important.

"Is [L/N] [Y/N] here?" He asked. My hands started to clench and I was about to punch him but Jyugo stopped me. "And who are you?" Jyugo asked angrily.

"My name is Kikukawa Haku and I am here to take [Y/N] as my fiance."

To be continued...
The letter

You are going to be mine [Y/N]




Did I made it on time ???

I still receive a lot of notifications from this book and it just motivates me to write more of it.

To those people who read my book today/yesterday, thank you for reading it~

What will happen to Uno, Jyugo and [Y/N]?

Find out next time

See ya ♡♡
