Chapter 19 - All Eyes On You

[Y/N]'s POV

I woke up to the sound of my usual alarm at 5 am. It's going to be hard trying to be the old [Y/N]... Pushing the thought away, I got into my uniform and grabbed some papers. Then I headed to Building 13's Office for my daily tasks.

As I made my way there, the same inmates tried to catcall me but I did my best ignoring them. Soon I arrived at Building 13's Office and already, I see Hajime there. "Good Morning Hajime-san," I said while going to my desk. "Good morning to you to [L/N]-san. Today you are going to be in charge of rollcall."

"Hai." I took a seat and started working on some paperwork. "Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day to work out! HAHAHA!!" Yamato laughed heartily. "You're too loud Yamato," Hajime complained. "Good morning everyone." Seitaro smiled.

"Seitaro you're going to wake up the inmates and take them to breakfast. Also [Y/N] can you take Nico for his breakfast meds?" Hajime asked me. "Yes, sir. Let's go Seitaro." "H-hai!" He stumbled before we headed out again. None of us spoke a word in the quiet halls.

But along the way, Seitaro ensured every inmate was wakening up and was guided to go get breakfast. We approached Cell 13 and everyone in there was awake. "Good morning Seitaro~," Nico said before a yawn escaped from him. "Good morning everyone, just making everyone is awake. Nico you're going to get your morning medicine with [L/N]-san."

Nico looked over to me and saw I kept an emotionless face. "O-okay..." "Let's go before we're late," I said without waiting for Nico. He rushed to catch up with me and then followed me. Taking a quick glance at Nico, he looked like he was terrified of me.

By the time we arrived at Kazari's office, Nico scrambled into the office without a word. Looks like I scared Nico..."Good morning Nico and [Y/N]." Kagu-8 greeted us. "Good morning to you too! What's the medicine flavour today?" Nico pondered.

"Strawberry," Kagu-8 answered and he cheered. "[Y/N]," I turn my head to see Kazari next to me. "Aren't you taking this way too far?" She asked me referring to my behaviour. "I am simply doing my job. But yes, I don't to be like this anymore." I said, muttering the last part only for her to hear.

"I know what you mean. But since the higher-ups are watching you, it cannot be avoided." Kazari sighed. "Well looks like Nico is done, so you should take him to the cafeteria." She added on. "Let's go," I said and walked ahead.

Hearing a quick "bye" from Nico to the staff, he caught up with me. We made our way to the cafeteria and from there everyone was staring at me.

"I heard [Y/N] was dating someone"

"Why is she acting cold again?"

"I miss the old [Y/N]"

"Where did the smiling [Y/N] go?"

I did my best to ignore the rumours around me and grabbed a tray to get my breakfast. I was scanning around the cafeteria, to see who I should sit with but there was no one. Here we go again. "Shiro, can I take my breakfast to go?" I asked the tall ex-inmate chef.

He gave me a quiet nod and proceded to take my breakfast into a take-out box. "Thank you," I said before leaving again with everyone staring at me. I walked back to the office to eat alone. As I entered, there was no one except for Kuu who meowed at me.

"Good morning to you too Kuu." I weakly smiled. He rubbed himself against my leg and then meowed again. "You're hungry? I thought Hajime fed you." I placed my breakfast on my desk and went to get Kuu's food.

I opened the bag and already Kuu was next to me on top of the table. "Alright, just be patient." I chuckled at his behaviour. After pouring some food into his bowl, I picked up the bowl and placed it on the ground. "Here you go."

Kuu meowed again and went down to eat his food as a sign of gratitude. Being satisfied with my job, I went to my desk and started to eat. Kuu was done with his food so he accompanied me as I was eating.

After finishing my food, I started doing more paperwork. The door opened and walked in Seitaro and Hajime. "O-oh [Y/N] you're here. I thought you would be at the cafeteria with us." Seitaro said.

"There weren't any spots open so I chose to eat here. Hajime I need you to approve of these." I said as I got up to walk over to Hajime's desk. "Already? Okay, just drop them off." Hajime sighed. "Okay," I answered and did what he told me to do.

"Is [Y/N] here?" We turned our heads to see Mitsuru at the door. "What do you want?" I asked coldly. "I was told by the Warden she can accompany me for the whole day~" Mitsuru sung. "How come I wasn't notified by this?" Hajime grumbled.

"I just want to say it myself. So can she go?" "Alright, she can go. But you still have to do the roll call." Hajime said and I nodded. "Great, Let's go!" Mitsuru grabbed my hand and we walked to his office.

He closed his office door and offered me a seat. "You don't have to worry about the higher-ups so answer me honestly, how are you?" Mitsuru asked me as he took a seat across from me. I was hesitant to answer his question. But gather up some courage, I answered it.

"I-I don't like this... I already have everyone fearing me and not wanting to talk to me. Earlier the look Nico gave me, he was terrified and didn't want to speak with me. Why must I be cold-hearted in the first place? I should've taken the time to get my feelings first and gradually accept people while working last year."

Tears were falling from my eyes. "I don't think I can keep it up..." Mitsuru pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "Shhh, it's okay [Y/N]. I knew you couldn't handle it. Which is why you accompanying me is a lie." 

"Wait, what?" I pulled away from Mitsuru. "I mean how else was I supposed to pull you away from your work while you are going to be sad?" "You do have a point." He handed me a box of tissues. I received it from him. Taking a tissue I blew my nose and threw it in the trash can.

"So now what?" I asked. "Looking at the security cameras is boring so let's play some games." Mitsuru pulled out a gaming console and controllers with a childish smile. "But what about your work? Don't you have to report anything suspicious? "

"Pshhhhh, that's way too boring! But of course, a small alarm will pop up if the cameras catch anyone suspicious. So instead, let's turn that frown upside down!" "Whatever you say Mitsuru." He turned on the gaming console and handed me one of the remotes. From there we played competitively.

By the time it was around lunchtime, I was refusing to let Mitsuru getting lunch for us. "Don't worry about it~ It'll make you safe here compared to going outside and getting everyone's attention." I sighed and let him go.

So I was left alone in the security room. I looked at the cameras making sure everything was okay. Until I saw the cafeteria. I zoomed in to see Uno not being happy, actually Cell 13 not happy.

I saw that they were discussing something but I can't put my finger on it. "LUNCH IS HERE!" Mitsuru burst through the door. He caught what I was seeing on the screen and I was like a deer in headlights. What is he going to say about this?

"[Y/N], you don't have to worry about them," Mitsuru assured me. "I was just wondering what they were up to..." "They were already informed about why you are acting differently so no need to press on them."

He's right, I can't keep worrying about them. I told Hajime yesterday, they have the right to know... "So, you hungry or what?" "Of course I am!" "Let's eat then." So we did and then we went back to playing video games.

Timeskip brought to you by Mitsuru being a SUPPORTIVE👏FRIEND👏

After dinner (with Mitsuru), I told him I still have the rollcall to do. He went against it but I said the higher-ups will be suspicious what I have been doing; so Mitsuru let me go. I went back to Building 13's office and reported to Hajime.

"How was it with Mitsuru?" He asked. "It was fine Hajime-san," I answered. "Did he give any work or force you to do his?" "No, he did not. I did my part of taking over some shifts for him." Hajime sighed at my answer knowing he is not going to get anything else from me. "Alright then, you can start doing your roll call then." "Hai."

I grabbed the clipboard and walked out to do to the roll call. After finishing some of the cells I was hesitant of approaching Cell 13. As much as I want to avoid them, I still have a job to do so I unlocked the cell and walked in.

"Alright, I am going to do roll call. So Inmate 1315?"

"Here," Jyugo answered.

"Inmate 1311?"

"Here," Uno answered.

"Inmate 1325?"

"Here," Nico answered.

"Inmate 1369?"

"Here," Rock answered.

"Thank you, good night." I walked out of the cell and locked it before leaving.

After finishing the roll call, I went to the office to report it was done. "Hajime-san, I'm done with the roll call," I said and Hajime looked up to me. "Good job, you are released from your duty for the night. Goodnight [L/N]." Hajime said.

"Good night to you too," I said before going into my apartment. From there, I changed out of my uniform and into sleeping wear. I did my night routine and tucked myself in bed with a heavy heart.

That very night, future thoughts of me keeping it up pained me. It's like I am not going to be human at that point. Poor Uno, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. All the hard work he did, to try to impress me is all going to waste. So what am I going to do?

Then it came to me.

I am going to quit from this job

To be continued...
