
PSA! This is not edited, I'll edit it in the morning :)

Sakura POV

Do you know when people say they're having an out-of-body sensation? That's currently what I am experiencing right now. My eyes are glued shut, my body is stuffed, and the only noise I can hear is a beeping of a machine. Presently I'm trapped in my mind, I could open my eyes but I don't have enough energy to do it. I was sitting here listening to the beeping sound of whatever machine was operating.

Wait...Am I in a hospital?

My eyes shot open from the fear of being dead. Honestly, I thought I had a one-way ticket to heaven until I saw all of the nurses come rushing into my room. They probably heard my heart monitor spike up from the sudden outburst of energy I just gave them. It was like a scene out of an action movie, their mouths moved in slow motion. I could barely hear their words, they continued to touch me and ask me random questions. I tried to tell them to stop and allow my brain to catch up but my mouth wouldn't move. Nothing could move but my eyes and head.

A slam of a door racked all of the nerves in my body, "Enough! All of you leave at once." The voice traveled loudly in the room. I was still laying in the same position so I couldn't tell who was talking or coming near me. All I knew was the person behind the voice meant authority. My eyes were glued to the ceiling above, from the quietness of the room I knew the nurses were leaving at once.

Except for one, she stood over me watching as my eyes adjusted to her. Every muscle in my body eased when I saw her face. She carefully pulled a chair beside me monitoring everyone who was currently leaving the room. "Water?" She held the glass towards my face. I softly nodded my head to her gesture. She moved the bed upward so I could take a sip of the water. It burned going down, probably because of a breathing tube that was placed in my throat.

"Do you remember anything?"

I shook my head no.

"Can you talk?"

I thought about it, I knew I could but the thought of hearing my voice scared me. I honestly don't know why. Maybe it was because it would make the situation I was in more of a reality.

Tsunade leaned back into the chair with her arms crossed, "Don't force yourself. I just wanted to see how you were progressing."

I stared at the water that was in my hand. "I'm okay," I whispered, it was barely audible but hearing myself speak was most definitely terrifying. Something felt off, I could not tell what it was but something was not right.

"Do you remember what happened Sakura? What's the last thing you remember?"

I racked my brain for any reconciliation of memories. I honestly couldn't remember anything

"Let me help you out."

Tsaunde handed me a picture, in the picture were Naruto and our son. It was a few minutes after I had given birth to him. Naruto was holding him in a chair not too far from my bed.

"Shinachiku." I rubbed the picture softly as the memory of my baby boy came to my head. "How could I forget about you?"

"Don't beat yourself up too much about it Sakura. You've had some extreme trauma to the head so it's normal for you to feel that way."

"Where is he?"

"He's with Iruka as of now. He decided it was best for him to take care of Shinachiku while you and Naruto recovered."

"How long?"

"About five days now, but don't stress about it Sakura. Iruka has brought him in here three times a day for the last few days. He knows his mama, you should see him when it's time for him to go."

I could feel my face scrunch with emotions, I don't know why I was trying to suppress them. They soon got the best of me, I cried like a baby as Tsunade filled me in on the things that happened. A part of me wanted her to stop. I hated hearing about the injuries Naruto had received from the incident. It was gut-wrenching.

"How is he now?"

"He's still in a coma, we put him in one to help with the swelling of his brain. He did well. Now we must wait for him to wake up."

"How many seizures has he had?"

"Only two, we'll know more about his condition once he wakes up and starts moving around. But you rest yourself. We'll be back later."

"Wait, can I see my son?"

Tsunade smiled, "Of course, once Iruka arrives we'll send him in your direction."

I smiled which was enough said between the both of us. Tsunade stepped out of the way allowing another nurse to walk in. She quickly waved goodbye to me and then went on about her day, another nurse made a beeline toward my bed. She had a tray of food in her hands and a cup of pills.

"Can, Can you tell me what my condition is?"

The nurse jumped at the sound of my voice. "Oh my, I'm sorry. You startled me."

"I'm sorry."

"I wish I could tell you but Lady Tsunade has refused to tell any of us. Only your specific nurses know about your condition."


"I'm not entirely sure, but there are only a few specific nurses who are allowed on this floor."

"Why is that?"

"Lady Tsunade has made this floor, particularly for you guys."

"That's something she'd do." I yawned, I was still extremely tired even though I woke up a few seconds ago. My body was stiff and the lights were still burning my eyes.

"If you're still tired I can leave and come back. You don't have to eat this right now, you can save it for later.'

I smiled, "I think the best option would be to save it for later. I think I need to sleep some of this medication off."

The nurse bowed slightly and then left the room. She cut off the light which allowed the burning sensation in my eyes to subside. I was starting to feel more comfortable, I guess seeing humans that I wasn't familiar with kind of spooked me. I pressed the buttons on the bed so I could lay down more horizontally, my body was entirely stiff.

This is going to be a journey


I genuinely don't remember falling asleep, honestly, I didn't realize that I was asleep until I heard a nurse in my room. Peeping one eye open I saw her on the other side of the room assorting my medications. Guessing from the pills I'm now going to take the medicine orally instead of taking it from the IV.

"How are you feeling Sakura-san?"

"Better than earlier. Now the problem is these four white walls." I joked, truly I was extremely tired of hospitals. I live in a hospital, nothing was worse than looking at these walls and knowing that you couldn't leave. This was my world for god knows how long.

The nurse walked over towards me. I honestly don't remember ever seeing her in my entire career of being in the hospital. Which scares me because I've been here since I was 12. The way she was addressing my wounds was phenomenal, her hands were the steadiest I've seen. I'd hate to admit it but she was almost as good as I was.

She laughed at my blank expression, "Surprised?'

"Sort I know you from anywhere?"

"I'm a doctor from The Land of Lighting. We were called to help out. Your Hokage wanted the best of the best to work on the words ''best doctor."

My cheeks immediately heated up from the embarrassment, I hated being considered The words best doctor. Technically I was but I didn't want to disrespect my teacher. If it wasn't for her there's no way I would be where I am right now.

"I wouldn't say the words best. Tsunade is still living."

"That is true." She winked, "You're both phenomenal women. I admire you both"

"Thank you."

She continued to do her work while I sat back and watched. It was nice to know that someone who cared about me was taking care of the people I loved and myself. Especially the situation with my son. I'm beyond grateful that Iruka sensei took on the initiative to take care of our son.

I don't remember much that happened over the past few weeks, only bits and pieces but I find joy in waking up and knowing that everyone that I care about is being well taken care of.

"Excuse me."


"Do you know if anyone has woken up yet?"

"Well, I know that the little boy Kato has been up for the past four days. It was quite amazing to see how fast he woke up. I-" She stopped herself, and she looked at me with a disheartened look. "I wish I could tell you more but I can't."

I held my hands up, "I know, don't stress yourself about it."

"I can't tell you but I can show you." She winked, "Nothing is stopping me from taking my patient to see another one. Visiting hours are still open as of right now."

Genuinely a smile spread across my face. Maybe seeing Kato would help me out mentally. Seeing him thrive and knowing he was okay would bring me a little ease in my life.

"That would be amazing."

We both made eye contact and smiled at one another. She squeezed my arm and told me that she would be back. When she did she returned with a wheelchair and two more nurses. They all helped me in the chair. Once I was comfortable she rolled me down the hall to Kato's room. The closer we got the more anxious I got, I was ecstatic to see him. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing my boys.

Kato lay in the bed, his head turned to the window. The outside noise was the only thing that was coming in through the room. The nurse wheeled me up to his bed so I was facing his back. He still has yet to acknowledge me so I didn't bother to say anything to him. I completely understood if he didn't want to talk but I did want him to know that I was there for him. No matter what we went through in the last few months I have not once looked at him any differently.

"Kato, I love you." I reached out to his head and ruffled his hair. He pulled the blankets above his face making it hard for me to see his face. "Now why would you do that silly." I smiled, I gently pulled back the blankets to see his face. He had a small smile on his battered face. He genuinely looked like he was healing fine.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, I wouldn't see why you're in trouble. What makes you think that?"

"I asked the nurse to see Naruto and Sasuke and they won't allow me to."

"Kato, that doesn't mean you're in trouble. Naruto and Sasuke are just extremely tired and they also have to recover just like you."

Kato shrugged his shoulders, he sat upwards in the bed finally allowing his blankets to fall off of his body. He looked fragile, I could tell from his upper torso that he hadn't been eating right. I've been taking care of Kato for the longest now. He was just like Naruto, they're both picky eaters. It was so hard to feed them both when Naruto only wanted to eat ramen and Kato only wanted to eat ice cream.

I eyed him from the corner, he seemed to notice me because she shrunk a little in his bed, "Have you been eating lately."

"Not entirely, I haven't been hungry lately. Most of their food has been filled with a lot of grainy vitamins. It's quite disgusting, Sakura-san." Kato fiddled with the small stings of the blanket, a small huff left his mouth as he looked down at his lap. "It's hard to mess up jello but they find a way to do it. I don't like it. Plus I can't get discharged because Sasuke technically isn't my legal guardian."

"Who told you that?"

"I don't remember his name but he said that Sasuke can't be my legal guardian because he's a criminal. Is he a criminal Sakura-san?"

"Kato, what else has this person told you?"

"Mmm, mostly things about Sasuke being a criminal and a traitor but I don't believe them. They're liars, they just don't like Sasuke-niichan because he's mean. There's no need to talk about him like that."

"Kato, where does this person say these things?"

"In here, he comes to talk to me with his team. They're very mean and abusive but nothing that I haven't been through before. They get mad that I give them a run for their money. I tell them the truth but no matter how hard I say the truth they tend to think I'm lying. That's not fair to me."

"I won't allow this to happen again. Do you understand me?"

"I understand."

"You're going to be moved to my room so I can keep an eye on you."

Kato smiled, "Okay!"

"Now, before you leave you're going to have to eat something. I need to head back to my room and get some things situated before you come. Be good for the nurses Kato."

"I'm their favorite. You need to ask around Sakura-san"

Once I was back in my room I was met by Tsunade and Shikamaru sensei. I saw her swaying back and forth with a bundle of blue blankets in her arms. I knew it was my son, I could feel my heart tug with emotions. The tears started to form in my eyes and my body wanted to yearn for him.

Tsunade beamed with excitement, she swayed her way over to me. "Look, your mama is here."

She placed my son in my arms, he was wide awake. His wide green eyes peered into mine. The room was quiet, or maybe it wasn't. I couldn't tell, I was too in love with the fact that I could finally hold my son again. Everything in the moment didn't matter to me anymore. I was so happy to finally have my son back to me.

"How's Ino and the baby Shikamaru?"

"They're both amazing, Ino has been up here a few times to check up on you guys." Shikamaru was beaming with happiness. I could tell from the way he was smiling that things in her personal life with Ino were starting to get back on track. Honestly, with every relationship, there are times when things get bumpy. If you truly love that person you'd stay and work things out with that person.

"Tell her that I'm awake now and she can come and visit me now."

Tsunade grabbed the clipboard that was hanging on the end of my bed, she flipped through a couple of pages while occasionally moving her head to look up at me."I see you're moving around more. How's everything?"

"The medicine is powerful, I'm not in any pain but I can tell that my pelvic bone is still broken. I would say that that's the most painful thing that is going on within me."

"Good, we're going to make sure you make a full recovery."

"Okay, Sakura I really hate to ruin your mood with this but we have to ask you to do something. There was a meeting with the head of the clans and the Hokage. They all voted and came to this agreement." Shikamaru seemed more jittery than ever. Usually, he was a calm person but something about the way he was right now was not normal.


"Shikamaru." I eyed him, he looked nervous which was a first. He motioned for the nurse to help me back into my bed before he started with his rambling. Nothing that was coming out of his mouth made sense. It left me quite confused as to what he was talking about.

"We need you to go down and identify Tenzo."

"Is he dead?"

"No, he's still alive."

I felt all the air leave my body. I've never felt more hollow than in my life. I think that has been some of the worst news that I've heard in my entire life. I could feel my body go limp as I thought about that monster still living. "Why isn't he dead!?" I sneered, and I pulled my baby closer to me. I refused to allow that monster anywhere near my baby boy. "You guys need to kill him. Now! Can't you see what he has done to our village, our people, my family!"

"Sakura, it isn't that easy. He knows things that we find valuable."

"I don't care, ask someone else." I waved him off but he still stayed. He was so serious about me going to go face to face with that evil bastard.

"You're the only one who can. Kato is a risk, think about it. We're scared it might trigger him."

I glared at Shikamaru, the heart monitor was beeping through the roof. I was so enraged with the situation that I could physically hurt someone. It was more anger towards Tezo because he came into my life and ruined everything. Nothing has been the same since he came into our lives. We have every chance to get rid of him yet they want to have a fucking tea party with him.

"You're scared of something triggering him yet you have some fucking idiot in there physically and mentally abusing him. It's sad, you and I both know that he's been fucking through that before."

"Abusing him? Who's abusing him?" Tsunade interjected,

"He said that someone is coming in and talking to him."

Shikamaru came closer to my bed, he placed his hand on the rails and bent down closer to me."No one has been coming in and talking to him."


"Who did Kato say was doing this?"

"He didn't say."

Before I could say another word Shikamaru stormed out of the room and made a beeline toward Kato's room. Tsunade stood stunned at what was going on.

"Tsunade-sama, why do you think Kato has been hiding these things from you guys?"

"Sakura, If I truly knew I would tell you. I genuinely don't know who could honestly hurt that child. He reminds me so much of Naruto to the point where I feel like I'm reliving that entire situation again."

I looked down at Shinachiku, and he passed out in my arms. I hated this for him, there was no way I wanted him to grow up in a world like this.

"Sakura!" My head snapped up, Shikamaru stood at the door huffing for air. "Kato's gone."

A/N: You guys are so amazing! We're literally ranked #1 in NaruSaku. How amazing are we!? Literally so amazing. I appreciate you guys so much after months without posting you guys managed to keep this story alive. I love you guys so much and I promise that there is going to be another update very soon!!
