
Naruto had left early that morning to grab Kato. Our top priority was to keep Kato out of harm's way. We were the only family that he had left. I had explained everything else that happened yesterday in further detail. We both decided that we would sit Kato down in the house to tell him about his mother's murder. He needed to know since he was on a schedule to see his mother every morning.

Tsunade also came by she gave me s stringer dosage of the chakra supplements. She also told me that she needed to have a serious conversation with Naruto and I. That definitely made my stress levels rise even higher.

I was anxious to leave this hospital to go and give Kato one of the biggest hugs he could ever imagine but I had to wait. Apparently, had I to do boring paperwork and I had to grab an extra bottle of my chakra supplements. I still haven't told Naruto about the extra help I was getting. I knew he would freak out and blame himself so I decided not to push it.


A knock and a voice brought me out of my train of thought. An anbu was standing at the door with a brown box in his hands. On the box it read Akane, it must have been her things that she owned.


"We thought you might have wanted this for the boy. In her will, she assigned everything into your name." He sat the box down on the bed before leaving. "She left some letters behind for the boy but there's also a note she left behind with your name on it. "

"What?" I turned around to question the Anbu but he was already gone out the door. The letter sat on top of the box along with other things. The box held a few things that belong to both her and Kato. Toys, clothes, and important documents were left behind. I grabbed the note that was sitting on the top of the box.


I don't have much time left here. If you find this note then it only means that they have already come to kill me. I know my time here is limited so I want to fill some holes that I have left empty. I'm sorry to bring trouble to your life but they are coming for you and the entire world. Ruzu has a plan to affect the entire world with a virus that he has come up with. Konoha has already been affected. By you bringing Kato and me to your village it gave him the opening to spread it there. I was working an inside job for him but I didn't want to do it. The only reason I did it was to give Kato a better life. Your only hope to stop the virus is Kato. I couldn't tell you this personally because they put a seal on my tongue. If I were to speak I would instantly die. The same applies to Kato but I wiped his memory. Kato is a very special boy with very special powers. Kato is not an ordinary boy, he gained his abilities from his father who was murdered by Kato. My husband was never killed by Ruzu, Kato killed him in front of me when he was only 4. That's how powerful he is. He gets triggered when something makes him really upset. Please help him awaken those powers again, he is one of the only ways you'll survive this virus. There's a seal that they're looking for. They think it's in a scroll somewhere but in reality, it's on the back of Kato's head. I'm sorry that I left you this responsibility but all I ask for you to do is take care of my baby. Make sure that he knows that I love him.

"Oh my gosh." I couldn't bring myself to look away from the letter. There were more letters but they were for Kato. She had a letter written out for each milestone he crossed. She had even written a letter for when he gets married. I found myself on the verge of tears. So many emotions were running through my body.

'Kato was special?'

'What does she mean that he is our only way of stopping the virus.'

'Akane never had TB; she was infecting our village on an inside job.'

'This was all a setup.'

'Many people are going to die because of what she did.'

My hands began to tremble with fear. So many thoughts were running through my head. "What are we going to do!" I tried my best not to get overworked but how could I not. Something big was coming, maybe bigger than the war and there's a chance that we can't stop it.


Once I was released from the hospital Konohmaru walked me home. I wished it were Naruto but Konohamaru claims that Naruto was busy.

I walked into the house with the box and letter in my hands. We were now back into the tiny home that we had. Konohamaru walked outside with Kato while Naruto and Sasuke sat in the living room going over their last mission. I took a seat next to Naruto with the letter in my hand.

"What are you guys doing?"

Sasuke glanced up from a scroll he was reading. He pushed a document towards me that held some data on it. "We're trying to figure out who this Tezo guy is. We think he may be the one who gave the letter to Kato."

Naruto placed another document that held the data that was collected from Akane's murder. "We also think he's behind the murder of Akane but we don't think he's the mastermind behind it."

"We might all have connections. Akane left this behind."

I placed the letter in the middle of the table for them both to see. They both studied the letter that was placed on the table. I watched as their faces turned into frowns. I knew things like this weren't always easy for Naruto. They would always hurt him deep within but he would never admit it.

Sasuke began to curse out loud breaking me from my train of thought. "What does this mean?"

"It means that we're in some deep shit." Naruto chuckled, it was his way of trying to brighten up the mood but it only pissed off Sasuke even more.

"No you idiot, it means you should have let me kill them when I had the chance. Now we're dealing with a fucking virus that apparently only that little shit out there can handle."

Naruto stood up from his place on the ground. "You really think I was going to let you kill him? We're not murders Sasuke."

Sasuke stood up as well causing the documents on the table to fall on the ground. I slid back from the table not wanting any part in any of this.

"What are you implying you fucking idiot?"

Naruto grabbed Sasuke by the shirt pushing him against the wall."Let's not go there Sasuke."

Sasuke smirked, he pushed Naruto back making him fly against the couch. I stood up along with them I couldn't physically stop them but I plead with them...which I hated to do but my option are thin.

"I knew you wouldn't have allowed me to kill him but now he's going to kill all of us." Sasuke sneered, he walks towards Naruto grabbing him again throwing him into the wall. "Who's not to say that Kato is spreading the virus as well?"

"He's not Sasuke. Akane said he has no idea. We need no think logically. Why would we kill Kato when he can be the cure!?" I threw my hands up in defeat. We were getting nowhere with this conversation.

"That's bullshit Sakura. How do you know that he could cure a virus? He's only six!"

Naruto shoved Sasukes into the chair. He stood above him pointing his finger harshly in his face. "Don't you dare yell at her. She's only trying to help you prick."

"Naruto it's okay he's only aggravated. We're all aggravated." The last thing I wanted Naruto to do was blow up. I knew he wasn't fully put together especially not after what happened after the last mission. He told me everything that happened on the mission.

"Listen to your woman Naruto." Sasuke pushed Naruto off to the side. He stood up so now they were face to face.

Naruto growled, "Sasuke I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone before I do something I might regret."

"The both of you need to stop. You're not getting anywhere by fighting! We need to talk to Kato and see what he knows. The both of you are just irritated right now. Don't take it out on eachother."

I moved out of the way just in time. They were throwing each other across the room. Sasuke's fist connected with the side of Naruto's face making him stumble back. Naruto's eyes grew a red hue, I knew this wasn't going to end well. Naruto had been on edge since last night and the last thing I wanted him to do was cause a scene.

I knew my pleading wasn't going anywhere so I ran outside to get Konohamaru. We both came back in to see Naruto on top of Sasuke beating the living shit out of him. His fist connected repeatedly with Sasuke's face. Sasuke laid there taking every blow with a smirk on his face. He knew this would trigger Naruto so he kept the smile on his face.

"Naruto get off of him now!"

Konohamaru tried to pull Naruto from Sasuke but it didn't work. He was too invested with the thought of punching Sasuke to even budge. He was too far gone. We were both helpless. There was nothing we could do but plead with Naruto to stop. I even begged Sasuke to stop him but he wouldn't.

"Naruto-niichan stop you're hurting him." Kato cried out. I ran to the entrance of the room to grab him. I cradle him in my arms, he was crying. He was hurt by this. It broke my heart to see him sob out for Naruto to stop.

"Stop! I told you to stop!" Kato began to kick out of my arms. He ran over to the scene where Naruto was. I tried to grab him but I felt myself go weak. I wasn't going to risk it. I knew I was going to need another chakra supplement soon.

"Stop it!" I watched as Kato kicked and punched Naruto but it was no aid. Sasuke had finally had enough and threw Naruto through the wall on the outside. Glass from the pictures and wood from the wall flew everywhere. Naruto sat there on the ground, an orange glow appeared on his right arm. He was infusing his chakra with Kurama.

"Naruto don't you fucking dare! Are you fucking crazy!! You'll kill him!"

I ran towards him but was only stopped by Konohamaru. I wanted to break free but I knew I couldn't. He shook his head no pulling me further back into the house.

Sasuke walked outside drawing his sword. He looked back at me with a blade expression on his face. "This fight has been long overdue. I still owed him an ass whooping for making you cry that day."

Naruto growled.

Sasuke smirked.

Both boys began to charge at one another at full speed with the intent to hurt each other. I turned away from the fight. That was the last thing I wanted to see. It felt like deja vu all over again.

"I said stop!"

I heard Kato's voice ring throughout the air...that was the only thing I heard. There was no fighting or screaming it was quiet.

" might want to see this."

Konohamru grabbed my shoulders making me turn around. I looked out into the yard to see Naruto and Sasuke frozen in their stances. Konohamaru and I both stood there shocked.

"He gets triggered when something makes him really upset."

"Kato is a very special boy with very special powers."

"Please help him awaken those powers again, he is one of the only ways you'll survive this virus."

Everything felt as if time had stopped. I was completely shocked. I just stood there in awe and fear as I watched Kato. "Akane was right." My voice was barely a whisper. I don't think Konohamaru heard me."

Kato stood near them with an angry expression on his face. "I said sleep!"

Naruto and Sasuke both fell into a slumber. I walked over to Naruto, he was out cold. Konohamaru check on Sasuke who was also out cold. We both took a step back as Kato came near us. I still didn't know how his special powers worked but I knew they were quite powerful. I watched as he placed his hands on Sasuke's face "Now I said to heal."

Sasuke's face began to turn back to normal. It looked as if Naruto had never hit him. He walked over to Naruto and did the same. A sad look was cast upon his face. "The fox won't let me heal him. He also called me a brat."

"Kato are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I'm just tired Sakura-san."

"Come here."

Kato stumbled towards me and collapsed in my arms. He had also fallen into a deep slumber as well. Whatever technique or jutsu that he had must have taken a toll on his body. If he was this powerful at the age of six imagine how powerful he would be if he actually trained.

A/N: I'm so excited for the next chapters. I had to cut this one in half because it was really long. I know some people hate long chapters so I'm going to finish this on Chapter 20. Until next time !! <3
