Ethan looked at Bright and smiled, thanking him. Once the chopper landed and they set up camp for the night. They all picked their tent partners. Clef and Kondraki got stuck together, meaning they'd get the farthest tent since everyone knew they'd argue. Meanwhile Ethan and Zayne were put together causing them to both blush.

The rest of the night was spent in quiet. Well, relatively speaking. The researchers set up their tent and began to eat whatever food they could scrounge up, as it was late.

Ethan and Zayne sat next to each other, barely speaking and only keeping their eyes on their food, trying not to let the other see how nervous they were. The young researcher couldn't help but notice how close the two of them were sitting. Zayne's leg was just barely touching his own, sending shivers down his spine.

Ethan was a bit more carnivorous, considering the fact he was a dragonborn, so he got canned ham while Zayne got canned pineapple. Ethan felt like Bright did this on purpose to get Ethan to ask Zayne for some pineapple since the ham tasted horrible

As he chewed on the ham, he glanced at Zayne again, wondering if he should actually ask him for some of his food. But he didn't for one simple reason: That would mean he'd have to speak, and his confidence levels were barely at a zero right now. Suddenly, Zayne turned to look at him, and Ethan just froze once more.

Ethan froze and looked back down at his food, trying his best not to vomit it up as he swallowed with a disgusted shiver. "Bleh." he muttered slightly

Zayne finally decided to speak, his voice coming out quiet. "Y-You know, you don't have to eat that, right..?"He said, glancing between Ethan's food and his face. Ethan looked up, blushing again.

"No, it's fine." Ethan said, forcing another piece down his throat. Zayne's head tilted. He kept staring at him, wondering why he'd keep eating it if he didn't like it.

"You can have some of mine if you want. It's really sweet, though." He said softly, offering up a small bite sized piece of the pineapple. Ethan just stared at the offering for a moment, before taking it.

Ethan turned a slight pink while looking at him and took the small piece of pineapple, clearly much happier with the taste "Thanks Zayne" he said quietly.

Zayne's face turned red as well, as he watched Ethan take the piece of pineapple. He couldn't help but wonder if it was just his imagination or his hopes getting the better of him, but it looked to him like Ethan was starting to give in and return his feelings as well. A small, hopeful smile formed on his lips.

Ethan sighed and looked over at him. "Hey, I just want you to know that you're a really nice person. It's a break from all the jerks in the foundation" he said with a slight laugh

Zayne continued to blush, smiling as well. He looked away once again, hoping the other man wouldn't notice his reaction to his compliment. But he knew it was obvious. "You're a really nice person too, Ethan. I, um.." He trailed off, then turned to face him again. "I..I like you."

Ethan felt his face turn bright red, his black scales started popping up and his large wings with a starry pattern and tail with red feathers lining the tip popped out of nowhere. Right in front of his crush had he accidentally revealed who he was. He panicked and tried to fix it quickly, muttering as he did.

Zayne's heart skipped a beat when Ethan suddenly transformed before his eyes. He froze, staring at his crush with wide eyes. "Ethan..Are you..a..an Anomaly?"He asked slowly, his voice sounding unsure as he watched the young man freak out. "I- uh-" Ethan said, panicking harder.

Zayne's face suddenly changed. His eyes filled with shock as all the dots connected, realizing what Ethan actually was. He quickly turned his head and looked away from the man he had just admitted his feelings to, before he could see the anomaly's true form. "Oh. So that's why they call you the TRUE King of Anomalies." He spoke quietly.

Ethan nodded and looked down sadly. "I'm sorry I hid this....but I have too. I have to bring my people home I have to-" He was cut off by a kiss from Zayne before he could finish explaining. His wings, tail, and all his other body parts relaxed as he melted into it.

Ethans tail curled and his star scattered wings gave a small flap. The white horns that pointed behind him glistened in the reaching light of the campfire.

Zayne continued to kiss Ethan passionately and slowly put one hand under the other man's chin, caressing the back of his head gently. He felt Ethan's tail wrapping around him, and his other hand on his back. He pulled the anomaly closer to his chest, not wanting the moment to ever end.

Ethan pulled back to look at him. "You do realize you're kissing the Anomaly King right?" he asked nervously. Zayne chuckled slightly, leaning in again to continue the kiss.

"If it happens to be the Anomaly KING'S lips that I get to kiss then I have absolutely no complaints. So I don't care."

He said, pulling Ethan in for another kiss. Ethan smiled and chuckled. "You also have to realize I'm practically immortal. I've been alive for thousands of years." he said nervously.

Zayne smirked at the young man's nervousness, pushing him back down into the tent bed and laying down on top of him. He pinned Ethan's arms above his head and brought their faces close together. "Well I guess the Anomaly King is in my tent tonight..And I don't plan to let him go." He said, his voice sounding seductive and playful at once. He leaned closer to Ethan.

Ethan's tail wrapped around Zayne's leg, his wings spreading at his sides. "Then I'm happy too" He said, leaning up and kissing him gently. Zayne smiled softly, wrapping his hands back around Ethan's arms and gently pinning them down again. He kissed him again, more softly this time. His eyes were glued on the anomaly, admiring the horns and wings of the young man below him. Zayne wanted to stare at Ethan for hours.

Ethan looked at him with a smile "Hey, you want to see something." he asked as he stood up and took his lover's hands.

Zayne nodded eagerly, letting the young anomaly take his hands as he rose to his feet. The other researchers were all asleep now, and the young anomaly's tent remained empty for the night. Zayne followed closely behind Ethan, making sure not to let go of his hand.

Ethan brought him into the forest. Once finding a large clearing the stopped. Ethan asked him to close his eyes and when Zayne did so, Ethan snapped. Red mist and fog crept out and surrounded him and once it cleared, a large 30 foot black and red dragon with glowing red patterns stood before Zayne, the same pendant that slipped from under Ethans shirt around its neck.

Zayne's eyes opened in surprise and wonder. He stared up at the massive dragon standing before him, his mouth hung open. As the red patterns on its neck glowed, he began to realize what exactly Ethan actually was. A king. A king with the ability to change his form at will.

Ethan could shift his forms from his original, which was his half dragon form, his human form and finally, the largest creature Zayne had ever seen. Ethan brought his large head down to his height and cooed, rubbing against his lover.

Zayne's eyes widened further than they had been before, as the young anomaly showed off his true form. He could barely believe what he was seeing. He reached up to touch Ethan's large head, then rubbed his fingers against its warm scales. A small smirk was playing at the corner of his mouth as he realized something. "Is it true? Are you really the King of Anomalies?"

The dragon nodded and huffed, the frill around the top half of his head flashing its lights. Zayne's face lit up with excitement, having found out his crush's true identity. He looked at Ethan's mouth and looked at the frill, admiring the different parts of him. Finally, he spoke.

"So. What can you do in this form? Can you fly? What kind of fire does your breath do? I have so many questions!"

The king  picked up his lover gently in between he pure white, sharp as dagger teeth and placed him on his back. Then opened his now enormous wings and took off into the sky. They could see King Arthur's castle from how high they were.

Zayne's eyes widened once more as Ethan flew up into the air with him. As Ethan spread his wings and stretched them out, Zayne got a much better look at the anomaly's dragon body. He was amazed by the large wings and sharp teeth, and was even more stunned that Ethan was actually the King of Anomalies."This is incredible!" He shouted over the wind as they flew higher.

The king gave a loud roar. One that echoed through all of Britain. Faint cheers of all the hidden anomalies came back quietly. Their King had returned.
