"Of course" Ethan chuckled. Kondraki and Clef hate each other, although deep down they cared for each other. Pendragon snuck up behind Clef, snagging four waffles, tossing two towards Kondraki and eating the other two himself. Kondraki caught the waffles with ease, eating one of them whole before taking a bite out of the second.

"I've never really understood Clef's obsession with waffles, to be honest. I mean, they're good...But not THAT good." Clef turned around, scowling at the two of them. He was still chewing on his food. "Did you two have something to say?"

"No, just stealing your food is all." Ethan said, waving one waffle a little, just to annoy the small man even more, then proceeded to bite into both at the same time. It was Pendragon's little way of saying "My food/My food now"

(A/N: Clef's height is literally 5'3. He is three inches shorter than me and I'm sure he's shorter than all you tall folks out there)

Clef groaned and shook his head. "You both are really starting to annoy me" he muttered, putting his dish in the kitchen sink, eating the only remaining waffle that was once of it. "Now what do you two bozo's want"

"Nothing." Pendragon laughed "Just wanted to steal your food" Pendragon said as the MTF team the two secret kings were going with stepped into the cafeteria and told them it was time to leave and that the chopper was ready. So with that the kings, Clef, Bright since he wanted to come along, and he had nothing to do that week, and the team all climbed in the helicopter as it took off and began its flight.

"When do you plan on telling everyone that you're the True king?" Kondraki said to Ethan, only to have Clef overhear and, as usual, but-in.

"The King of Anomalies? What are you two yammering about?"

"Nothing!" Ethan quickly said, shrinking in his chair a little.

Clef stared intently at the two kings, wondering what they had been whispering to one another. Kondraki just smiled and shrugged, turning his head towards his friend, who kept shooting him a stern look. 

"We're all just friends here. No reason for hiding things." Finally, Clef lost his patience. "Alright, enough of this! Spit it out!" 

The air in the helicopter suddenly became more tense. Ethan froze and his eyes darted to Kondraki, asking him if he should make something work 

"I'm...uh...dating someone?" Pendragon wasn't dating any yet, not since his wife died. But he did have his eyes on a sweet and kind, handsome Epsilon-11 member named Zayne whose team was going with them. 

Clef rolled his eyes. "Well if it isn't Mr. Popular." He scoffed at him. "Alright then, who's the lucky lady? Or should I say, man?" He grinned, glancing at the young man to see his reaction. 

"Oh wait..Is it Zayne, Zayne? Zayne who you had been secretly in love with for the past year, but kept denying it to your therapist, your friends, and to yourself?" Kondraki chuckled. 

"Shut up he can hear you" he whispered through his teeth as Zayne looked over with a confused look. Zayne just shook his head, taking a short peek at the four before returning his gaze to the window. Kondraki continued to laugh. 

"I think Clef touched a nerve there, buddy. Are you really dating Zayne now, ya twig?" Kondraki nudged him, teasing. "No. It was a joke" he said, covering his red face "And I swear if either of you say anything I'll strangle you both" 

Ethan whispered, listening to them cackle. Dr. Bright stepped forward and leaned over the back of Ethan's seat, his hands wrapped around the younger man's arms. He whispered jokingly. 

"Well you know what that means! The man is in love!" He said, causing the young researcher to face forward again, trying to ignore the three other SCP researchers in the helicopter. 

"You guys are jerks, all of you." He said softly, shooting a stern look to Kondraki who just laughed. Dr Bright was about to ask something, but stopped himself. "You know what? I'm gonna be quiet...". 

Ethan grumbled and looked out the window. His face was still red from blushing. He watched as they passed over the ocean at a high rate of speed. 

Sighing and glancing at Zayne then down to his lap, then back out the window. The three anomalous researchers kept quiet for a while, each of them thinking their own thoughts. 

After a short while, Dr Bright whispered over to Ethan. "Hey uh. Mind if I ask you something?". "What is it Jack?" Pendragon responded in a whisper. Bright chuckled. 

"I'm not asking you, Ethan." He said with a smile, poking the younger man in the shoulder. "It's about your recent...affection towards Zayne." Then he leaned in a bit and whispered: "Have you confessed to him yet?" 

As he said this, Zayne glanced over at them once again, before looking down to the ground. It seemed like he was listening intently, but hiding it well. "No...I doubt he likes me back though" Ethan sighed. Dr Bright took a moment to think. The other two researchers looked out the window, watching the ocean breeze past. 

Zayne just kept his head down, still listening carefully to the others. Finally, Bright spoke again, leaning in again to whisper in Ethan's ear. "What if I could tell you a secret that might change your mind?" "Yeah?" Ethan said quietly, allowing the secret to be told. 

"It's not much, but I saw something during a test with Zayne." Dr Bright whispered. "I saw the way he looks at you. He really does like you, Ethan." The young man turned a bit, staring back at him. "He was staring at you with that look, you know the one. The one people get when they look at someone they truly love." 

Ethan felt his eyes growing wide and he looked over at Zayne. Zayne looked up and saw the younger man looking at him, and he immediately looked down and out the window, trying to play it off. 

After a few moments he turned his head back and looked at Ethan, trying to hide that red face of his. "Well?" Bright said eagerly. Zayne's face was clearly flustered, and Ethan felt his heart pounding out of his chest. Then, he saw it. For a moment, he could've sworn he saw a little smirk from on Zayne's face.
