(AN: yoooooo back with the EYE OF THE UZUMAKI chapter 4 today i started early so i hope i can finish it on time and publish it. So a quick recap on Naruto's ability he has mastered tree walking and is practicisng water walking and has almost mastered it. He has mastered the Body Flicker mastered as in he can do it with one hand seal and the speed of his Bodu flicker is high gennin to low chunin. He has mastered shadow clones and can make hundreds has almost mastered his 2 tome sharingan in both eyes and can put low rank genjutsu on people. He has magnet release but a little different from what we see in the anime, he can't control iron sand, gold dust or sand but he can control larger object like kunai, shuriken, and the tanto given to him by Kakashi the sword he had gotten from his father. For a mkre brief look at naruto's ability read the last chapter it will be easier to understand. So lets continue. ENJOYYYYYY😁😁😁😁😁.)


Shisui was now watching his student do the wind and lightning manupulation. Naruto like his sensei had three chakra natures two where the same but the other was out of Shisui's ability of teaching

(Flash back)

It was a normal day in konoha Hiruzen was in the hokage office fighting the urge to burn the pile of paper work infrknt of him. "DAAMMNNNN YOUUUUU!!!!!" The aged hokage shouted. Most of the paper work where just useless civilians wanting Naruto banished or dead. What did the boy ever do to them.

He was inturupted from his thought when heard his door knocking. "Come in" the hokage ordered. It was Shisui Uchiha the best Jonin in the village with his yearly report of Naruto's training. "Hokage-sama i have come with the reports of Naruto Uzumaki's training." Shisui said bowing in respect to his Hokage. "Ohh so you have come for that ok explain then you will have an emergency mission." The hokage finished with seariousness in clear his voice.

"Hai! At first while we where heading tk the training area i decided to race Naruto to the location wich i won but he kept up his pace with me for a short period of time." Shisui began explaining "after we reached the area Naruto and i had our lunch and while having lunch i gave him the basic knowledge of chakra and how it works, i also gave him a small history lesson about the village. I then proceeded to unlock his chakra and to my surprise it was one of the srongest to his age group. He then learnt the tree walking exercise with the help of shadow clones. He mastered the shadow clone on his fifth try and made more then six hundred clones of himself. After two months of mastering the tree walking Naruto had got the White Light Chakra Sabre of Kakashi Hatake. He has developed his own kenjutsu style with it and he calls it The Flickering Slash. It was brilliant, he had combined the flyinh raijin pf the fourth and the body flicker with the normal anbu style kenjutsu. To use the stance he had to learn the Body Flicker and has mastered it to only one hand seal. At his fastest he was low chunin. And in the middle of his Kenjutsu training he seemed to have problems throwing his sword wich was the first step to his kenjutsu style. We had discovered Naruto had a second kekkei genkai." The hokage was shocked to hear how much Naruto had progressed in a year and when he heard Naruto had a second Kekkei genkai he was in disbelief. "What is it?" The hokage questioned now he was intrested a Kekkei Genkai was very rare and by the sounds of it it was something speacial. "He has the Magnet Release Kekkei Genkai. When he threw the tanto he had controled it made it take a ninety degree turn and hit a tree.

After that month we had found out that he is a very strong sensor type aswell like his mother he had sensory ability to sense presence near them and with the help of his Magnet release he can increase it to the point where he can tell the the gender, chakra type and emotions of the person near him. The explaining he gave me was that apparently he can sense the iron in people's blood and with the help of it sense their chakra signatures when they are talking to him, he said that when someone was lying the chakra would vibrate alnost as if uncertain of what the person was saying, when someone told the truth his or her charka would stay nutral, when someone was sad his or her chakra would be low and dim and when someone was angry his or her chakra would be potent and be very intimidating." Shisui finished explaining about his magnet release. The hokage was shcoked to say the least if anyone saw his face they would think he has just seen the first hokage infront of him.

"The boy is full of surprises. Any other thing i should know shisui?" The hokage questioned astonished by the progress that Naruto had made. "Yes it seems he has activated his sharingan though i will not be training him to much on the sharingan for now i have given him some low level genjutsu's of the sharingan. He also has activated a two tomoe in both eyes and has almost mastered the movements with it he just needs a little bit more time to adjust to the speed difference." Shisui finished proud that that his cousine had come so far.

"He has already started the water walking exercise. And i am willing to begin his nature transformation exercise too." Shisui concluded with confidence and a smirk at the end. Nodding the hokage started "He has become a very impressive ninja. If he is willing i want you to ask him that does he want to be graduated quicker then his age group." "I have already asked him about that hokage-sama, he said he wants to make some friends and wants to graduate with his brother." Shiusi finished in a thinking pose but continued "Now that i speak of his brother, how is Menma doing?" Shisui questioned for his other cousine. "He has been well taken care of by Kakashi and is training under him. Let Naruto know he is ok and happy and not to worry i aam taking care of him with Kakashi." The hokage said happy to see the care Shisui and naruto had for their little cousine and brother respectively.

"Ok now shisui your mission is to go to the hidden hot water village and escort the yamanak clan leader's family and also the councile women haruno's family. They had gone togather but because of an emergency their escort team are unable to continue on their own and has asked for assistance. You are to depart today by nightfall. Your instructions will be given by the clients once you reach the destination." The hokage paused for Shisui to take in the information. "Did i make my self clear?" The hokage asked in a business tone. "Hai! Hokage-sama clear as day." Shisui bowed. "But when will the mission payment be given? We a B-Rank mission and now a C-Rank mission payment." Shisui asked the hokage juts to make sure for no confusion while receiving the payment. "You will be given after you come fromt he training trip with Naruto, his patment has been separated from the rest and as of the other missions it eill be added acordingly and paid after your training trip is officially done." The hokage finished with a grandfatherly smile seeing the care Shisui had fpr his student and cousin.

"Ok enough of that as you said you will test Naruto's chakra nature so i will provide you with the necessary needs and some scrolls with jutsus. I will give you a scroll for all five affinities give him the one that suits him. It has one jutsu of each nature tranformation and according to his chakra levels he will be able to do it perfectly."

"Hai! Hokage-sama. And can i have some money from Naruto's allowance?" Shisui asked sheepishly. "Why do yoy need money when you have toyr own?" Hiruzen questioned not knowing why was his moat trusted Jonin wanting money from him when he had got more then enough to spend for his likings. "Ummm? You see i forgot my wallet in camp and Naruto needs some new clothes." Shisui finished awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Ok here you go." The hokage said while giving Shisui the money and a grandfatherly smile.

Shisui took the scrolls and the mission scroll and went out of the office. He then bought the clothe he wanted Naruto to wear. He later went back to camp to see Naruto sitting there near the fire place heating up some mushroom stew and eating his apple.

After Shisui had arrived Naruto had a completely new look. Gone was the kill me orange jumper he used to wear and now he wore a white jacket with blue stripes going from the coller to the the end of the sleeves which were folded, the chain was zipped open where it could be seen he was wearing a black full sleeve shirt and the coller of his jacket was blue and unfolded

His hair was now bigger and two bangs formed on the side of his head much like the fourth hokage. All in all Shisui could say that his cousine was looking damn good looking.

(AN:This is what he looks like but the zip of his jacket is open and he is wearing a black full sleve T-shirt with the jacket sleeves folded.)

He then went on to teach Naruto about the five nature elements. And to shisui's shock Naruto had three chakra natures like himslef and two of them where the same.

"So Naruto we have a mission today and we have to depart by nightfall so now i am going to teach you about the chakra natures and if you learn quick enough i will give you Two jutsus." Shisui said smiling at the excitement of his cousine. "Finalyyy!!! Shisui sensei will teach me jutsus yaayyyyyy!!!!!" Naruto said fist pumping in the aur with excitement. "Now now Naruto as i said i will be teaching you this but you have to be paitent and listen to what i have to say. Got it?" Shisui finished with a one eye closed smile he regulary gave. "HAI SENSEI!!!"

"So the nature transformations what are they? Well they are as the name suggests a nature of mass of chakra inside someone. Now you might have just one affinity to any one perticular chakra nature but you still will be able to master the other chakra natures it will just take a little bit more time." Shisui finished with a grin seeing Naruto had listened to the whole thing properly

"Now to find out your chakra nature you will need to use these." Shisui said as he pulled out two papers and continued "Now you might think what are we going to do with these papers." Seeing his student nod he elaborated "you have to put these paper in the middle of your middle or thumb and index finger after that you have to apply chakra and if the resulsts are that the paper burns and turns into ash you have fire, if turns to dust you have earth, if it splits in half you have wind, if it wrinkles and shrinks you have lightning amd finaly if it gets wet or damp yku have water." Shisui finished the long explaination and showed Naruto how to do it. Naruto was amazed when he saw Shisui doing it, his paper split and one side cought on fire instantly turning into ash notifying a very strong fire nature and the othe shrank into a little ball telling that Shisui had a lightning nature to.

when Naruto did it it shocked Shisui. Naruto held the paper like Shisui said and channeled chakra into it. Next thing that happened shocked Shisui. The paper was violently cut into fifty small cuts twenty five wrinkled and shrank into very a small ball and the rest turned to dust showing that Naruto not only had one affinity but he had three very strong affinity for earth, wind and lightning.

Shisui then gave Naruto the scroll for the earth style exercise and jutsu it did not take naruto long to learn it. He even learnt a jutsu it was: Earth style: Fighting Blade Rod where with hand seals of snake, tiger, bird, ox and boar the user slams his hand on the ground and creats columns tk form a maze like structure or a long column of sharp rock to impale any flying target. It could be as big as the user wants to by adding enough chakra.

When Naruto did it for the first time he had almost cought Shisui he had to flicker a long distance away. Naruto had evem got lost once, shisui had to find him out and bonk him on head for being to careless but inside he was happy his cousine could do such a difficult jutsu with such ease

(End flashback)

While Shisui was thinking back to past events he realized naruto had done the first stage of the lightning manupalition. As shisui had promised he showed Naruto a lightning jutus called: Lightning style: Thunder Clap where with a ram hand seal the user creats electricity on his/her hand and swipe his hand horizontaly, verticaly or diagonaly to shoot the lightning towards his/her target. It causes the target to be paralyzed or crippled permanently. When he did it for the first time Naruto had completely demolished three trees

The other thing he tought Naruto was to transfer lightning chakra to his tanto Naruto was not even close to perfectly mastering it but he could use it to some extants.

With a snack break they had gone to the location of the mission. When they arrived they where greeted by Inoichi Yamanaka. Inoichi seeing Naruto glared at him and told shisui that Naruto wont be able to enter. Shisui was fuming at the order but as told and told Naruto to with outside and continue to practice wind manipulation.

Ino's mother on the other hand had brought some snack and candies to Naruto and apoligized for her husbands act. She was a sweet person her name was Noriko Yamanaka. She had pupiless light brown eyes and brown hair which is tied into a bun with a red ribbon in it. Strands frame both sides of her face, hanging over her ears from behind them.

Naruto had thanked her and went back to his wind manipulation exercise. After a while he was bored of the progress he made in the wind leaf exercise and decided to learn a jutsu. He took his Earth style jutsu scroll out and searched for a jutsu that wont take much time to learn.

30mins later

Naruto had learned the: Earth style:Mud Wall where the user does the hand seals of tiger, hare, boar and dog and slams his hand on the ground a wall made of earth would rise up from the ground do block any incoming attacks or objects.

When shisui returned he was proud that Naruto had learned yet another jutsu and in such a less time. He then told Naruto his role in the mission he was guard the doughters of the two family and entertain them if he could. Personaly Inoichi, mebuki who is sakura's mother and kizashi sakura's father completely disagreed on lettin their child near that demon. But a bit of consoling later they had accepted.

(3 days later)

They where near the border of the fire country when suddenly Naruto sensed hostile intentions and quickly went into action he took out the Chakra Sabre and block two incoming kunai but one of them managed to cut his shoulder slightly.

"Ohhh so Shisui of the Body Flicker has taken an aprentice i see" the voice seemed to come from the top of a tree, but the man was covored in the shadows of the forest. "Who the hell are you!" Naruto shouted in a demanding tone. "Shut it brat the elders are talkig! Now Shisui give us the blonde old man behind you and you might just live." The voice scoled Naruto but then continued in an evil tone

"What makes you think we will do that!" Surprisingly it was Naruto who said it. "We never let our clients or comrades die!" Inoichi was shcoked just a few days ago he had acted very rudely to the boy and if it was anyone else he or she would not be bothered to hand Inoichi to the people. "The loud mouth is acting up. Shut him boys" the voice said almost sounding like he was smirking. On cue ten bandits came infornt of Naruto, Ino and Sakura, and encircled them. 'Not good!' Was the thought of Shisui and Naruto.

The man jumped down and to Shisui's surprise it was a rouge ni ja of konoha Hiruko the wielder of four Kekkei Genkais two of which where unknown but he was known for his steel release Kekkei Genkai with which he could make any object turn steel with a touch or creat any object with steel and sharpen it to his liking. It had one weakness wich was lightning. But Shisui's lightning was very limited he was more of a fire style user.

"Kizashi-san look after Mebuki-san and Noriko-san. Inoichi-san i will need you help in this." Shisui said activating his three tomoe sharingan. "Naruto! You will have to wait or take them on by yourself but i will try to come as soon as i can." Shisui said loud enough for Naruto to hear. "Hai sensei!" Naruto said seriousness in his voice.

"Ohh dont worry Shisui uchiha your student will soon die amd those girls will also be a good plaything for me and the boys hahahaha" Hiroku said Hiroku was a very pale man who wore a very high collered dress with bandages covering his mouth and had pink eyes with white hair

Hearing this Ino and Sakura both started panicking and where trying there best to hold in their tears. Seeing this Naruto tried to comfort them "dont worry Sakura-san and Ino-san i will protect you no matter what." Naruto paused and brought the tanto infront of his face holding it diagonally he continued "And i dont go back on my words because that IS MY NINJA WAY!" As he finished he activated the two tomoe sharingan and added lightning chakra to his tanto making it sparkle.

He rushed at the two infront of him in great speed and slid under the legs of the one closest, after stoping and standing he attempted to stab him on his back. But was inturupted by the other one who put sword in the middle of his tanto and the man's back. The next thing Narutp knew he was kicked and hit a tree with a loud "THUD!" But that did not stop him he flickered on top of the the one that kicked him and delivered a harsh flying spin kick to the man's back neck knocking the man out. He then flicker the middle of the girls and went throught four hand seals "EARTH STYLE: MUD WALL!" He called out the jutsu name and wall of earth rose from the ground. The two that where rushing now hit hit the wall as their head went through on of them fell unconscious the other one stared Naruto right into his eyes
"Genjutsu: Bringer-of-Darkness" Naruto said in a low tone and the bandit could not see anything nor break the Genjutsu. 'Three down.'

Ino and Sakura watched in awe as Naruto knocked three more bandits out with kicks and chops to their back neck. 'Six down now is the time.' He thought and Flickered infront of the girls again who got startled by Naruto's sudden arrival. Weaving through five hand seals he called out his next move "EARTH STYLE: FIGHTING BLADE ROD!!!" He applied alot of chakra in this and huge fortress of giant stone columns rose from the ground. "You guys stay put i will back here once i am done memorising the maze." He said in a serious tone and went away without hearing any reply.

It had been 30 minutes and Naruto still did not return. Ino and Sakura where growing worried and then they saw one of the bandits stumble infront of them. "Aahhhhh look what i found here. Come with us girls we will give you something you will never forget." The man said licking his lips. Ino and Sakura now did not know what to do they where stuck in this maze and Naruto was nowhere close to them. They tried to scream but only choked sobs came out of their mouth. The man then rushed to the girls but was stoped harshly and sent flying he stoped when he hit his back to one of the columns. "HERE IS SOMETHING YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!" Naruto shouted with a angry tone wich sent shivers through the girl's and man's spine. The man got up and rushed at Naruto "YOU LITTLE INSOLENT BRAT!!!!" The man screamed and rushed at Naruto with a Katana. He went for a stab wich went cleanly through Naruto. "HAHAHAHA WHAT NOW BRAT LOOK AT YOU YPU ARE DEAD!!!" The man shouted maniacally. "Oii" he heard and was stuned when he felt a cold metal touch his neck. The world to him shimmered and the Naruto infront of him burst into crows.

With a quick neck chop he knocked the bandit out and tied him up. "What did you do to him?" Ino asked amazed at Naruto's skill. "Genjutsu: false hope. A genjutsu i made which shows the target what he hoped for to happen and stuns the body in the real world. It is easy if one has a sharingan which is more then one tomoe in each eye. You can do it without a sharingan but you need to be a sensor type and even after that it causes alot of chakra." An "O" formed up in Ino's and Sakura's mouth and they nodded. "Hey wait what about the others their still here right?" Sakura said a little loudly. "Dont worry i have taken care of them my clones are taking them to Shisui-sensei now you no need to worry." Naruto said and went behind the girls and touched their shoulders. "Now lets get out of here." With that he Body Flickered away leaving a clone in his place to take the bandit to the other bandits.

Kizashi was standing on guard but was shaken when Naruto appeared out of nowhere with her doughter and Ino. "Is sensei and Inoichi-san done?" Naruto questioned. The mother's ran and hugged their respective doughter and Kizashi answered Naruto "No." "Ok i will be back keep on guard Kizashi-san." With that he Flickerd away from the place.

(With shisui and Inoichi)

Shisui activated his three tomoe sharingan and drew his anbu Tanto out from his back. "Inoichi-san you have to provide long range support." Shisui said with his voice going to emotionless. "Hai!" Was the responce he heard rushed in with out saying anything. They went into a small taijutsu vs kenjutsu fight where Shisui got diss armed but gave a hard round house kick to the side of Hiroku's face. He was sent flying and crashed painfully to the ground. Hiroku got up and without any word used his swift release Kekkei Genkai to rush at Shisui. He showered Shisui with multiple kicks and punches and then with a knee to the face which sent both in the air with Shisui losing his balance Hiroku shifted his leg and gave flying roundhouse kick to Shisui's Stomach. Shisui sat up on one knee but his eyes where different it was now in a shape of a four-point pinwheel he had activated it his "Mangekyou Sharingan" Shisui said with a strained voice. His left eye started bleeding "Amaterasu" he said his voice sounding even more strained then before. Black flames shot out of his eyes and reverted back to its three tomoe form 'dammit i dont have ebough chakra to keep it activated.'

The flames reached their target. Hiroku raised his palm and said. Two diamond shapes could be seen with red outer line and black center "Dark release: Inhaling Maw" the balck flames got absorbed. Shisui was unable to move the Amaterasu had used up most of his chakra and the beating he got made him very tired and dizzy. "And now Dark release: ju-" he was inturupted with a hard kick to his chin and sent flying in the air. It was Naruto he had saved Shisui and Inochi. Naruto then went through the ram hand seal and swiped his hands diogonaly mid air "Lightning style: Thunder Clap." Hiruko regained his balance mid air and raised his hand "Dark release: Inhaling Maw."
While he was absorbing the attack Naruto had thrown his tanto beside Hiruko with lightning chakra making it go faster. He Flickered at the side of Hiroku which he had thrown the sword to and cought it. He then with a downward slash cut Hiruko' arm which contained the Dark Release mark open. As it fell to the ground lifelessly. He shifted his body mid air and gave the hardest shinning heel kick he could to hiruko's nose breaking it and knocking him out.

Hiruko fell to the ground with a loud thud and a bleeding noseNaruto sealed Hiruko's unconcious body insied a prsion scroll and his arm in a stasis scroll. He went to Shisui and helped him up. Shisui had been at his proudest now seeing his stundent. outsmarting and surprising a A-Ranks missing nin was no big deal, not only that he then proceeded to knock him out and win the duel.

Shisui had to the hokage to report about the mission if it was just a C-Ranks as it was supposed to be he would have not needed to go and could have just given the scroll to the gate guards. But this had turned into an A-Rank mission and so he had go himself and give the report to the hokage. So he asked the parents of the child to take care of Naruto until he came back to which they had accepted happily.

Naruto had got to know more about Ino and Sakura and made his first ever friends. When Shisui returned the others where talking with Naruto. After a little snack made by Ino's mother they had left. But not before Ino and Sakura gave Naruto kiss on each cheek. Naruto had gotten as red as a tomato and stayed like that for the rest of the day being teased by Shisui.

The rest of the year was the same Naruto had done the first level of wind manipulation and had got to learn one wind jutsu which is Wind style: Gale Palm. With the hand seals of Snake, Ram, Boar, Horse, Bird and clapping his hands togather the compres the wind and transform it into a gale which has enough force to knock over a person. It also could be used in helping his kenjutsu by small burst of the jutsu he could make his tanto go faster. He also tried to add wind chakra to his Tanto but the wind disperced and blew him back, for this he needed to get his winf manipulation even higher and now he had a complete mastery of his Lightning chakra and had almost mastered his Earth chakra. His Body Flicker speed had not increased much as he was more focused on Taijutsu this time and had upgraded the acedemy style to his liking. He had not mastered it yet but he would soon. His Body Flicker speed and inrceased a little he was now at low chunin speed and just beneath mid chunin in his fastest.

(Sometime later: in an unknown place in Konoha)

"You have two months time prepare everything. Am i clear?" Said a voice filled with intimidation.

"Hai Danzo-sama......"


(AN: Aaaaaaaaaand there ya go chapter 4 of EYE OF THE UZUMAKI. What could Danzo be up to? what did he mean by am i clear? What will he be clear about? To whome did he say it? Now if i told it wont have the fun will it so for that you have come back and read the next chapter when i publish it. See you next time. ENJOYYYYY😁😁😁😁😁.)
