Return and First Day

(AN: Yooooo new arc here. So this will be about his time in the acedemy and some other stuff. I will be posting a list of Naruto's abilities. So lets get into THE EYE OF THE UZUMAKI ENJOYYY😁😁😁.)


Two figures could be seen approaching the gates of Konoha. They where Naruto Uzumaki the student of Konoha's best jonin known as Shisui of The Body Flicker. "Ugghhhh sensei why do we have to go back the year is not even half way done and i still did not master my wind exercise!" Came the irritateded voice of one Naruto Uzmaki. "Naruto you know you have to go to the acedemy to be a proper ninja. Plus you said it yourself that you wanted to have friends your age." Shisui finished smiling all the way. "Ok but first i want ramen then go visit Menma then Jiji hokage for the acedemy stuff." Naruto demanded with a pout. "Ok ok now we have get there first." Shisui said loughing a little.

Some might say a life of a kage is easy, which it certeinly is not the case for Hiruzen Sarutobi. The stupid civilian council just wont listen he has already made his choice that Naruto Uzumaki wont be banished. And then then there is Danzo who does not want Naruto to die but instead make him intk a Root anbu. Hiruzen would be damned if he let those filthy basterds lay a hand on the son of his successor.

As the case right now. Danzo just decided to pop in at any random time he wanted and Hiruzen could not be asked. There was already enough paper work about the Last Loyal Uchiha, the big named merchants and families are asking for a chance to gain more power by making their daughter marry The Last Loyal Uchiha. And on top of that Danzo had decided to pop in at this time to ask him for the permission to make Naruto into a Root anbu. At the end Hiruzen was tired and had left the office to get some fresh air.

"Yooo old man how ya been!" Exclaimed a very hyper Naruto. The Ramen owner had to do a double take at his favorite customers new look. He thought he had gone back in time when the Yondime was a kid but the whisker mark on his cheek was what gave him away. "Ohh Naruto you have come back. We sure have missed you little guy." The Ramen owner said ruffling the boys hair. "I leave him to your care for now Teuchi-san." Shisui said calmy with a small smile on his face. Teuchi gave a nod and took Naruto in to have a talk. The Ichiraku family sure had missed him.

"So i see you have returned Shisui." The hokage said sensing Shisui Flicker behind him. "Hokage-sama Naruto Uzumaki's three year training trip is over and i would like for him to be rolled into the acedemy." "Ok shisui. But first give me a some reports on Naruto's abilities" the hokage said excited to hear what his gra dson all in but blood had learned this three years. Shisui had given Hiruzen a brife description of Naruto's ability and Hiruze had also given him Naruto' new house key.

"Yo hokage-jiji how ya been." Naruto said with a big grin on his face. "I have been well Naruto-kun. I take it you enjoyed your time outside the village for the first time." The hokage said with a grand fatherly smile. "You bet old man i feel like i can take on the world" Naruto shouted with his fist pumping up in air. "Ok now that you are back i have decided to give you and Menma your own apartment. And also Shisui has told me to get you into the acedemy, Menma is already rolled in." The hokage said gaining a look of curiosity from Naruto. Ok Jiji. But doesn't Menma already live with Kakashi Hatake? Naruto asked. "Yes, but due to some problems has to live bt himself." The hokage answered not saying the real rrason as tk why Menma had to live with Naruto. "It is for the teams isn't it Jiji?" Naruto questioned woth a smirk already knowing the answer to his question. The hokage mumbled something about blond smart-asses.

Naruto had told some his tales about the C-Ranks missions he had done with Shisui and left to go to his new house. When he arrived he saw Menma setting up everything for Naruto's arrival when he opened the door he was imstantly knocked to the ground by a bone crushing hug by Menma. They had some small talk and Naruto had got to know that Menma also had activated his sharingan and already had two tomoe in one eye and one tomoe on the other.

Naruto had told Menma to prepare everything for dinner and went out to get some groceries. After he got out of his house and start walking it had not taken long for people to recognize who he was and started giving the usual glares. By this point he was used to the glares and hence just kept walking wothout a care in the world. He had pick up on his sensei's habit of saying "Just Go With The Flow." And he followed it to the last, not once did he stop to think about the future and hesitate to do anythingm well unless it was a mission but the again he was not the leader of the missions he did with Shisui. He did not mind planning ahead but he also did not like overthinking stuff and due to that got careless and did silly mistakes at times.

Menma had told him to bring some flowers especially Voilets and White Poppies as they symbolised piece. So he had decided to go to the only shop he knew in Konoha that had a very good quality of flowers.

"Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower shop wha- Menma Kun!!!!!!" Exclaimed a voice that was very fimiliar to Naruto. "Ehh? What do Menma and whats with the Kun?" Naruto said confused as to what the girl meant. The girl looked at him as if she was going to cry "HOW CAN YOU FORGET ME!!!!!" The girl shouted tear threatening to fall pf her eyes. Naruto was now concerned but also was confused as to why she would react like this to Menma forgeting who she was. "Ummmm i dont know what your talking about but what can i do to fix your mood." Ino pouted and said if you want my forgiveness you have to say my name.... NOW" Ino demanded ending with a dangoures tone. "Wait blonde hair cyan blue eyes and i am in the Yamanaka flower shop. Are you Ino Yamanaka the daughter of Inoichi-san?" Yes i am and whats with the san part to my fathers name you already know him." Ino said with a raised eyebrow. "Ohhh, so it seems you dont remember me huhh" Naruto said smirking and crossing his arms. "What do you mean your Menma my boy friend." "WAIT WHAATTT!!! MENMA HAS GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!" Naruto shouted almost as if it was impossible for his brother to get a girlfriend. "What do you mean ypu cant have a girlfriend. When you already have one." Ino asked confused at how Menma had forgotten how they met and started hanging out. "So, you realy did forget me huh?" Naruto asked confusing Ino further. "Well does this help?" Naruto said activating his two tomow sharingan in both eyes glowing and spinning slowly in all its glory. 'Wait Menma never told me he had gotten his Sharingan to a higher stage he is supposed have to of those things in one eye only.... wait now way its him.' Ino thought and suddenly a shade of made its way to her cheeks. "Your him!" Ino said pointing a finger at Naruto dramatically.

"Whats with all the shouting" came a deepmvoice from the door behind Ino and in came Inoichi Yamanaka Ino's father. "Wait Menma?" Inoichi questioned but soon realized who it was. "I am hurt Inoichi-san i protected you and your daughter. Just to get forgotten." Naruto said in a mock hurt tone. "Aahhh hahaha sorry about how can we forget our saviour." Inoichi said rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "Its no problem Inoichi-san i was only joking." Ino was standing there her mouth wide open. "Catch a fly yet Ino-chan" Naruto said gaining ino's attention and a blush at the "Chan" suffix he added at the end of her name.

Ino shook her head violently trying to get rid of the blush that had covered her face. "So can i place my order now?" That had broken Ino's thouhts and brought her back to the land of living. Ino nodded and gave him a pen and paper to write his order down. He wrote down his order and gave them the paper. Inoichi and Ino had been amazed when they saw his handwriting Inoichi had not thought that his hadwriting would be so good but face palmed when he remembered Naruto's full name 'Idiot! Of course he will be good at it he is an Uzumaki' Inoichi thought with a small smile remembering at the good times they had with her classmate who was Kuchina Uzumaki.

A thought corssed Inoichi's mind and his eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "Wait Naruto do yo know any of you family members?" Inoichi questioned Naruto shock evident in his voice. "Yes i know two people they ate Shisui-Nee and Kagami Ojichan" Naruto replied with pride in his voice. By that Inoichi had pieced the puzzle and smiled warmly. "Your welcome to come here anytime you want Naruto-san" Inoichi said with the warm smile on his face and went to the back to get Naruto's order.

By the time Inoichi had returned Ino and Naruto had gotten into what seemed like a very friendly term and where laughing at a joke Naruto had made while telling her about the great adventures of C-Rank missions he had made with Shisui.

"So you telling me you used your own genjutsu that you created on your self while looking at a mirrior.....HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Ino laughed up so hard her face turned a shade of red. When Inoichi came in with the order he smiled at the bond the two had created in such a short time.

"Here you go Naruto-san" Inoichi said inturupting the two of them and handing Naruto two bouquets. Naruto bowed and left the store wavong goodbye at Ino.

When he came to the house he saw Menma had prepared everything for dinner and was reading a book on taijutsu. "Oiiii, dumb ass you did not tell me about any girlfriends. You know how embaressing was that!" Naruto said and kept all the things on the table.

After they had dinner they they had gone to sleep it would be Naruto's first day at the acedemy tomorrow and he was very excited to make sew friends.

(The Next Day)

"OIIIIII WAKE UP LAZY ASSSSS WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!!!!" Shouted the voice of one Naruto Uzumaki who was now going to be late for his brothers tardiness. "Yea yea i am up." Came the sleepy voice of Menma. After they got ready Naruto had Body Flickered with out a warning.

When they reached Menma instantly started to puke. After Menma had his time with the bushes he and Naruto had made their way tot hr classroom.

From inside the class a kncok could be heard and from the outside a "come in" could be heard. Menma entered getting a sigh from Iruka. "Menma you cant be getting late more often but still you are early then you where before." Iruka finished in a thinking pose. "Dont worry sensei i will keep him in check from now on." Came a voice from behind of Menma. "And who might you be?" Iruka questioned the boy who was now standing beside Menma.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki i am the big brother of Menma Uzumaki." Naruto finished with a big grin. All the girls in the class including Ino was blushing at his looks and the bright smile on his face. Iruka smiled and told Naruto to take a seat somewhere. Naruto looked around and found a seat next to a pineapple haired boy.

"Hello i am Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you." Naruto said with a smile to the half asleep boy. "Shikamaru Nara and nice to meet you to." The nara saidwith little interest.

Thats when Naruto realized a boy was staring at him as he had done a great crime. He had dark black hair shaped like a duck butt and coal black eyes. He was wearing a high collar nave blue shirt with short sleeves. He also wore a white short pants and also he wore white arm warmers. He was glaring at Naruto intently.

"Hey Shikamaru whats wrong with the boy with the duck butt. He is staring at like i did some big crime." Naruto whispered to Shikamaru.
Shikamaru had noticed a the stare Sasuke was giving to Naruto and said "he is troublesome thats all you need to know now i will tell you the rest later." "Ok" Naruto replied and paid attention to the class.

During luch break Naruto was trying to find a good place to have his food but it seemed that naruto had already made his impression and made a fan girl club of his own. Naruto had spotted Menma sitting with Ino, Shikamur and another boy who looked a little of the chubby side. "Hey guys how ya been." Came the voice of Naruto getting variuos reactions Menma had jumped and looked up as fast as he could, Ino also had spooked but later had a light blush seeing the smile on Naruto's face, Shikamaru looked up as if not interested in anything and the other boy had a smile on his face and offered Naruto some food.

"Hey Naruto" came the voice of Menma, "sup" came the bored voice of Shikamaru, "Hello Naruto. I am Choji Akimichi nice to meet you" choji said in a cheerful voice to which Naruto had responded equaly as cheerfully, "heyy Naruto-kun" came the voice of Ino to which Naruto had raised an eyebrow and Menma had a look that said "I am here you know." Naruto sat with them had some small talk he had got to know. He had got to know about more lf his classmates who were clan here, well except Kiba.

There was a boy name Shino heir to the Aburame clan he always kept thing to himself and was very unsocial classic of any Aburame, then there was shy gir named Hinata heirres of the famed Hyuga clan but unlike most hyuga she is not a stuck up prick. Instead she is shy and very introverted, then there is Kiba younger Brother of Hana Inuzuka, he was known as the loud mouth of the class and always be very prideful about his skills especialy taijutsu, then was Shikamaru's best friend Choji Akimichi there was not much to now about the always cheerful boy as he had introduced himself to Naruto and then there was finaly the class king the brother of the prodigy Itachi Uchiha he was a very arrogant stuck up prick who always was to prideful about his status of being from the Uchiha clan, to him everyone should be beneath him. He was praised as a prodigy to which Naruto had laughed and bet everyone that even after missing half of the year of his class he would still be the best in his class.

After the day was over Naruto and Menm had dropped Ino home and before leaving the acedemy Naruto had gotten an invitation from Shikamaru to visit him the weekend for a shogi match.


(AN: And that is it for this part now this episode might have been boring but this was just for naruto so he could be introduced to his classmate. I have a very intresting chapter for tomorrow so come back and read it.soooooo.BYEEEEE😁😁😁😁.)
