Chapter 6

When he opened his eyes he was on a bed in the hospital.

"Doctor! He's awake." Liam said

"So, how are you feeling Mr. Cooper?"

"Ahh! I have so much pain in my head, till now I'm feeling like everything is revolving. Please tell me what happened last night?"

"Sir! Well according to the surveillance cameras, The Goathead was hiding in your apartment to kill you. As he tried but you saved yourself. Thank god! I was terrified."

Suddenly a nurse came and started to say something to the doctor,

"Doctor, Patient number 236 forcibly discharged himself yesterday night"

"According to my knowledge, it was Principal James, and I know he's a busy person so don't worry he was doing good." the doctor said.

The hospital didn't allow him to leave that day because he had some severe injuries, but the killer wasn't stopping to kill. On the same day, a student and a woman got killed. So this was the time when the case was about to take a major turn.

"I want to meet Harry!"

Harry entered the room.

"Tell me whatever happened in the past days at the school."

"Well Sir I have done a major accomplishment, there was a boy named Richard about which I told you. He never talked to anyone but now he's my friend"

So Harry started to tell him that he didn't trust him for a few days. But Richard started to open up when he helped him in his every work including saving him from bullies, always giving him homework, and just acting simple around him. So there was a major long reason he didn't like any of his teachers he had been through a traumatic experience. When he was in middle school he saw one of his classmates get brutally killed by his teacher. Although he ended in depression after that traumatic incident.

"One thing I'll clarify is that please don't take him as a primary suspect because whenever he was missing from school he went to the farm where he was doing a part-time job about which nobody knew not even his own family, and I confirmed this by visiting that farm owner. But one thing that bothers him is that he knows something about this Goathead killer and today in the evening he requested me to visit the police station. So he can give us a lead"

"Chief tell me did you get any information about who purchased those wands?"

"Sir, we will get that report in a week and I would like to inform you that there is shocking news, we've found two dead bodies one on the school premises and one in the valley and according to the reports both were killed at the same time".

" What? That can't be possible. This is not the right thing. We can have any bugs in the reports."

"I also thought that we have done the testing twice and still have the same results."

After listening to this he took a forcible discharge from the hospital and straight forward went to his office. Then for almost three hours, he checked all the shreds of evidence, the story of every victim and then he concluded. He holds a meeting with his team.

"I have a major thing to tell you all. For a bunch of days, we have been trying to catch a killer who we are thinking is killing innocent students and women. And only sexually assaulting women and leaving the students to die in the night alone. But all we have got that is just "NOTHING". So after checking all the evidence, I have concluded that two damn killers are roaming in Denver, and this thing is proved by today's incident."

One of the officers interrupted him, " But sir this is not possible, there would be never two killers. I have never heard about any case having two killers at the same time"

"Well sir, the First thing every case is different and the second thing is you are not the one who makes killers, they decide their path on their own and I'm pretty sure that there are two killers"

So it was becoming clear that there were two killers at the same time. One was the psychopath Goathead who was killing women for his pleasure and on the other hand, another serial killer can be termed as more dangerous because he has killed almost 22 students till now and the main cause can be revenge. The case was divided into two parts and it was announced in the local newspapers and tv channels the information about two notorious serial killers.

"Chief yesterday I shot that Goathead in his arm so he must have done treatment of his injured arm at any clinic, I need reports within 2 hours, we are going to catch that basta*d as fast as we can"

Hudson was in his office and he received an anonymous letter.

Dear Detective, It's the order of SATAN that whatever you are doing to stop these killings, you don't have to because he is killing those people who don't deserve to live anymore. If you'll not stop then you will also get killed. There is no chance that the person who is supporting the wrong people can be alive...


"Well, this was weird, now these killers are making me a target. They have a fear that I'm going to expose them. But one hint we have is that one of the killers is a satanist and he even drugs his victims before killing them. Whether he is buying the drugs from someone or making them on his own, and if he is a part of the school then that killer must be good at chemistry. So we have to investigate the school chemistry lab."

Chief said," This is a great idea, sir."

It was almost 2 pm noon, so they visited the school.

"Good afternoon sir, I'm seeing You got your arm got injured."

"It's nothing detective, due to heavy medications I fell from the stairs. Anyways why are you here today."

"We are here to investigate your Chemistry lab"

When they went into the lab, they saw that the laboratory assistant has also an injured arm. But leaving it behind when their team checked every corner of the lab it was clear that somebody was preparing Angel dust or Phencyclidine in the lab. The whole lab was looking like an old garage. Not a single maintenance and the smell was terrible. The amount of angel dust that was being created was a lot more. When they checked the cupboards they found large boxes of angel dust. The laboratory assistant was taken into custody at the moment.

In the evening Hudson was waiting for the visit of Richard with the Chief. But they got the news that he got killed by the serial killer and his body is found hanging in a tree on the farm. He could be a prime lead in the case but he got killed on the same day he was coming to inform the police about The Goathead.

So they visited the farm and what they saw was terrifying. His eyes were taken out and lots of blood was coming out of his mouth. His parents were not in the town so they were informed immediately and another letter from SATAN was found in his pocket. So it was confirmed that he was killed by the child killer or THE EXTERMINATOR. The killer who was a prime suspect in the cool kid case was termed THE EXTERMINATOR which is a synonym for a serial killer. But his killings were even beyond this name. According to the postmortem reports of Richard, His tongue, eyes, and heart were taken out. And he died due to choking. As he was drugged before his death but he wasn't a drug addict. He was killed by getting extreme pressure in his windpipe.
