Chapter 36 - Bella's Choice

Bella's POV:

It's 8 am. The newborn army is supposed to come tomorrow and Edward just came in a broke up with me. He kept asking me to marry him and now he breaks up with me?! How am I supposed to be a vampire now? He said that he found his mate. His true mate. I yelled at him because how could he have found his mate between now and last night. And even if he did find her, he promised he would never leave me, that he would always choose me! How could he have found her when all he did was go home?! 

I guess he got tired of the yelling at him because he told me that Christina had a vision about her and went with the boys to save his mate. How dare she?! I know she doesn't like me but how could she do that! Edward and I were happy and she had to ruin it! She ruins everything! She turned all the Cullens against me, even Alice and Edward! 

I was so pissed off I walked into the woods. I surprisingly avoided the wolves. After 30 minutes of walking I was pinned to a tree by Victoria.

"Coming out here alone was stupid. Now I can kill you and Edward will know exactly how I feel." She growls out and goes to bite my neck.

"Wait! Killing me won't affect Edward." I said and it caused her to pause.

"What are you talking about? He's obsessed with you."

"He found his true mate. He doesn't care about me. You should go after his true mate instead, and I'll even help you, if you turn me. I want my own revenge on his sister." I say darkly.

Victoria chuckles, "Well how can I refuse that? I am going to have to bite and inject you in numerous places though for the venom to spread in time. The army is attacking tomorrow." I nod. "This will hurt." She says with a smirk before biting me in my neck and then other places on my body. I feel so much pain I pass out from it.

I finally got what I wanted. I will finally become a vampire. I will get my revenge on that pregnant bitch who ruined everything. You better watch out, Christina Hayden, because I'm coming for you.
