Chapter 2 - Waking Up

Clayton and Christina spent 3 days in pure agony. They were in so much pain that they couldn't hear anything other than their own screaming. That was, at least, until the pain finally knocked them unconscious.

Clayton's heart was the first to stop. His eyes opened wide, but instead of the hazel eyes he had before, they were crimson red. He immediately sat up and realized he was in a cave, but not only that, he found that his vision was way better than it was before. He could see every outline of the rocks, the dust particles flying in the air, and the bugs on the floor of the cave at least 20 feet from him. 'What is going on? Where am I? How can I see so clearly in a dark cave?' He thought.

Then he noticed his sister laying close by. "Christina!" He goes over to he and crouches down next to her. "Christina, wake up. Christina." He says while shaking her, trying to wake her up. He freezes and stiffens when he senses something.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice says from behind him, causing him to turn around. "She's hasn't finished the transition. If you wake her, she will be screaming in agony. It's better to let her complete it unconscious."

Clayton recognized the man as the one who attacked the carriage. He hissed at him and got protectively in front of his sister. "Who the hell are you? Where are we? What the hell did you do to us?" Clayton asks the man angrily.

The man raises his hands up in surrender to show he currently means no harm. "I'm Robert. We are in a cave about 30 miles from where your carriage was, and I turned you and your sister."

"Turned us into what?" Clayton asks. Robert goes to take a step closer. "Not another step." Clayton warns with a growl.

He stops moving and calmly says, "Vampires."

"Excuse me?"

"I turned you and your sister into vampires." Robert says.

"Why hasn't my sister woken up yet?"

"I turned her after you. But based on her heartbeat, it should only be another couple hours at the most." Robert informs.

Clayton doesn't say anything else. He just stands protectively in front of Christina and listens to her heartbeat while watching Robert like a hawk, making sure he doesn't attack him or his sister again.

About an hour later, Christina's heartbeat slows to a stop. Clayton turns to look at his sister but still keeps Robert in his peripheral vision.

Christina's eyes open, and Clayton sees that they are no longer hazel, like his own were, but the same blood-red color as Robert's eyes. Clayton's eyes connect with Christina's "Tony." Christina says in relief.

"Tina," Clayton says back, just as relieved and goes to hug her tightly.

"Where are we?" Christina asks once they break the hug.

"In a cave, about 30 miles from where the carriage was attacked."

"How did we get here?"

"I brought you here." Robert says

Christina's eyes automatically go to Robert's. "You!" She shouts, "You're the one that attacked us!" She hisses at him.

"Yes, I am. But I could have killed you instead of turning you. Be grateful."

Christina stands up to continue the conversation. Her brother stands up and stands in front of her protectively. "Grateful? You attacked us. Why would we be grateful? And what do you mean you turned us? Turned us into what?" Christina say to Robert.

"I turned you into vampires. I could have just completely drained you of your blood, but there was something intriguing about the two of you, so I changed you instead." Robert says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Changed us how?" Clayton tensly asks

"I bit you, sending my venom through your bloodstream. It stopped your heart and gave you immortality."

"Immortality? We are going to be this young forever?" Christina asks

"Yes." Robert confirms. He goes to walk closer to them, but Clayton growls loudly in warning.

"Don't come any closer to us." Clayton demands.

Robert raises his hands. "Certainly. But now that you have changed, you need to know the laws."

"What laws?" Clayton asks apprehensively.

"There is a coven of vampires called the Volturi. They are the kings of the vampire world. They enforce the laws. They are ruthless and show no mercy. I advise you not to get on their bad side." Robert says.

"Why should we believe anything you say? You're the one who attacked and killed us." Christina said

"Because since I turned you, I have to tell you the laws. I could be found accountable if I don't tell you, and something happens, especially while you are newborns. I quite enjoy not being ripped apart and burned to death."

"That's how we would die?" Christina asks

"Yes. As vampires, we are practically indestructible. The only thing that can kill us is fire. The easiest way to do that is to rip our limbs off our body and then set us on fire." Robert informs. "Now back to the laws. All hunts must be inconspicuous, immortal children must not be created, do not deal with werewolves, false witnesses will be punished by death, hunting is forbidden in Volterra, vampires shouldn't draw attention in open sunlight, the creator is responsible for the newborn's behavior and teaching, and vampires' interaction with humans must not draw wide attention. Any questions?"

"How long are we considered newborns?" Christina asks

"Until the last of your human blood leaves your body. Normally it takes about a year. As a newborn, you are the strongest you'll ever be in your vampire life since your human blood is still in your veins."

"What about Volterra? Where's Volterra?" Clayton questions Robert

"Volterra is a town in Italy. It is where the Volturi reside. I would recommend avoiding that area at all costs. Like I said the Volturi are ruthless. It's best to avoid them if possible."

Clayton nods, and Christina asks another question. "What's an immortal child?"

"Immortal children are human children who have been turned into vampires at a very early age. They were outlawed because of their inability to remain concealed from the human world. They draw too much attention. When someone is turned, they are stuck at age for the rest of their immortal life, which includes their mental age. An immortal child could level a town with a simple tantrum."

"Why would someone turn a child?" Clayton asks appalled

"Vampires want to be mothers or want to save their human children from disease." He says shrugging, "or if a vampire really wants to die, I guess creating an immortal child is a way to do that. The Voturi would kill them and the child. Regardless of the reason, it is very illegal. Mainly because they normally can't remain inconspicuous."

"Can vampires not have children?" Christina asks

"No we can't. Vampires are unable to reproduce."  Robert answers. Clayton grabs his sister's hand and squeezes it in comfort, knowing that she eventually wanted children some day.

"You mentioned something about the sun? What happens to us in the sun?" Clayton asked

"Our skin glitters like diamonds." Robert deadpans

Clayton and Christina both laugh. When they realize they Robert isn't laughing and they stop. "You're serious? Our skin glitters in the sun?" Christina asks

"Yes. So you shouldn't reveal yourselves to humans in the sun. I suggest traveling when it's dark, having clothes that completely cover your skin, or waiting for the cloudy or rainy weather, so the sun isn't out. Also if a human does learn our secret we either have to kill them or turn them, or we would get killed ourselves." Robert says, "Any other questions?"

Christina and Clayton look at each other then both turn towards Robert and shake their heads.

"Great. Another thing is some vampires have gifts. But no two vampires have the same gift. There are some with similar gifts, but none with the exact same gift. For example I'm a tracker, so once I meet someone, I can track them from anywhere in the world all I have to do is focus on them and I see a path leading me to them, but it only works with people I have met. There are other vampires that are trackers but they don't see the same thing I do. They track in a different way and some could do it if they just have a scent. No meeting necessary...Well we could all track with a scent, just not at the same level as a tracker."

"So we might have gifts?" Christina asks

"Maybe. If you do they will eventually present themselves to you. The only other thing I can think of that I should tell you about is mates and bloodsingers."

"Mates?" Clayton asked

"Yes mates. All vampires have a mate. Your mate is the person you are meant to share the rest of your immortal life with. They complete you. If you're lucky enough, you'll find them."

"What's a bloodsinger?" Clayton asked

"Exactly what is sounds like. It's a person who has blood that sings to you. It's nearly impossible to resist draining them completely. You can have multiple bloodsingers, but only one mate."

"So what if our mate is human?" Christina asked

"Their blood won't temp you. It would calm you down....Now I think that is everything you need to know and you both are probably hungry."

As he said that, both Clayton and Christina noticed a burning in their throats so they gripped their necks.

"Well let's go find some humans for dinner. But make sure to drain them completely if you don't want them to turn." Robert turns to walk out of the cave, but Clayton and Christina don't move.

"Well come along. We aren't going to be able to hunt in here." Robert says to them when he notices they haven't moved.

"We just don't really like the idea of killing innocent humans." Clayton says for the both of them.

"No human is innocent." Robert says. Then he unnecessary sighs, "but if you really don't want to hunt humans. There is another way."

"What is it?" Christina asks

"Animal blood. Deer, elk, mountain lions, bears, and so on." Robert said. "I've tried it, not as satisfying as human blood, but will get the job done. I prefer human blood so I don't hunt animal blood unless absolutely necessary."

"So we can survive off the blood of animals?" Clayton asks for confirmation

"Yes. If that's the path you want to take. You are able to do so."

Clayton and Christina look to each other and having a silent conversationwith their eyes. Clayton turns to Robert saying, "We're going to drink animal blood."

"Okay. I'll teach you how to hunt animals. Once you get control around humans, we can go our separate ways if you wish."

"Why not now?" Clayton asks preferring not to have to see this man again.

"Because if you lose control and draw attention to yourselves as newborns, I can get killed for it. I enjoy my immortal life too much to be willing to take that chance. Besides depending on how you do, it might only be for a few months, at most it will be a year. After a year, you are no longer a newborn. Now let's go so I can show you two how to hunt, then I will drop you off back here and go hunt myself."

Clayton and Christina were back at the cave after they finished hunting. Christina has been thinking about something since she woke up as a vampire.



"I felt something weird when I woke up."

"Well we woke up as vampires, so it makes sense we felt weird when we woke up. When I woke up my senses were heightened."

"It was more than that though. I felt like I took something from both you and Robert. It was like you both had something special, so I copied it for myself. I don't know how to explain it. I just know if felt like I gained something more than just the vampire senses. And I know whatever it was, there was two of them. One from each of you."

"Hmm I'm not sure. Maybe it's a gift." Clayton said after thinking momentarily.

"Should we tell Robert?"

"No. Absolutely not." Clayton says immediately while shaking his head. "I trust him about as much as I can move a volcano."

"So not at all?"

"Exactly. We are just staying with him until we have control, since he is making us. At the most, we stay with him until we are no longer newborns. Then we will go our separate ways. The two of us can travel and explore anywhere we want. I don't want him to find out if we have gifts. So as far as he's concerned, we don't."

"Okay. Traveling together sounds like a nice way to spend eternity." Christina said. She then focused on Robert and felt something before she saw something. "How did Robert describe his gift again?"

"He said that he just has to focus on a person he met and wants to track and then he sees a path directly to them. Why?"

"Because I'm doing that."


"I was wondering where he was, where he went to hunt, and then I felt this pull and a path showed up in my head leading me there. It's like a line on the ground for me to follow." Christina explains.

"So you have his gift then?" Clayton questions

"I can't have his gift. Remember he said nobody has the same gift."

"Then what could yours be?" He pauses thinking. "You said you felt like you copied something from him and I?"

"Yeah. It sort of felt like you both had something unique and I took it for myself."

"Maybe that's it. You can copy other gifts." Clayton said in realization.

"If that's the case then you have a gift too."

"If it's true, I'll figure out what it is eventually." Clayton says

"I'll help." Christina says and Clayton smiles at her.

Christina moves to sit next to Clayton against the wall of the cave and leans her head on his shoulder.

"You know I'm going to miss eating actual food." Christina says completely changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, me too. And sleep. I loved sleeping." Clayton agrees.

"I know." Christina says jokingly and Clayton nudges her. They both chuckle. 

Clayton lays his head on top of Christina's. "You and me together forever?" He asks.

"Indefinitely." Christina replies with a smile.

"Indefinitely." Clayton repeats, kissing the top of her head, before they just sit together in silence thinking about their new life. Their lives as vampires.
