Entry #2

Diary Entry - June 8

Dear Diary,

It's been a while since I last wrote to you. I'm 7 years old now, and things have changed a bit. My friends – well, Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoto, and Shota – have been teasing me more than before, and it's gotten a little harder to ignore. Even the other kids at school have started picking on me too. It makes me feel sad, but I keep reminding myself that I'm going to be a hero one day, and heroes don't give up!

Mama and Stepdad have been really busy with their hero work, and they spend most of their time with Izumi. I know they love her a lot, and I'm happy for her. I wish they'd notice how hard I'm working too, but I understand they're just trying to help Izumi become the best hero she can be. I hope they'll be proud of me when I become a hero, even without a quirk.

You know what, Diary? I've been working on a secret project. I've been learning everything I can about quirks and heroes to help me become stronger. I've been reading books, watching videos, and even taking notes on how heroes fight during my free time. I've been practicing a lot too, trying to find ways to move faster and hit harder. I even made a special training schedule to help me improve!

I've been reading lots of books about heroes and strategies, and I've even started making my own training plans! I figured, if I can't rely on my quirk (since I don't have one), I should be really strong and fast, right? So, I've been practicing running, jumping, and even some basic martial arts moves that I learned from a book! I also try to think about different ways to save people or fight villains without using a quirk. I think that could be my special "thing" as a hero!

And guess what, Diary? I've been keeping track of all the heroes and villains I see on the news or read about. I've noticed that sometimes, even the strongest heroes can be defeated if they don't pay attention to their surroundings or if they don't have a good strategy. That's why I've been studying them and their quirks, so I can learn how to outsmart villains and help other heroes, even if I don't have a quirk myself. I like to think that my brain is my secret weapon!

Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if I combined different hero tactics or if I tried to think like a villain. I think it's important for a hero to understand how villains think so they can be one step ahead of them. Plus, maybe if I can figure out how to outsmart villains, people will see that I don't need a quirk to be a hero.

Oh, I almost forgot! I had a really cool idea the other day. I thought, what if there was a support item that could help people like me, who don't have quirks? I've seen a lot of heroes use support items to enhance their quirks, but I think it would be great if there were items that could help people without quirks too. I've been sketching some ideas in my notebook, and I think some of them could be really helpful.

Even though things have been tough, I still believe I can be a hero, Diary. I know it won't be easy, and I might have to work harder than everyone else, but I won't let that stop me. I'm going to keep learning and growing, and one day, I'll show everyone that I can be a hero, just like Mama and Stepdad.

Thank you for always being there for me, Diary. I'll write to you again soon!

Your friend, Izuku Midoriya.
