Entry #1

Diary Entry - March 22

Dear Diary,

Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya, and I'm 5 years old now! I wanted to start writing in you because Mama got you for me so I can practice writing and share my thoughts. She's the best! Mama is a super awesome hero named Titan, but shhh, it's a secret! My stepdad is a really cool hero too, but I don't know who he is yet. I hope I find out soon!

Oh, I almost forgot! I have a half-sister named Izumi. She's got a super cool quirk where she can control electricity! She's going to be a great hero someday. I also have some friends: Katsuki, Katsumi (Katsuki's twin sister), Shoto, and Shota (Shoto's twin sister). They all have amazing quirks too. But, um, I don't have one... not yet, at least. Mama and Stepdad have been kinda sad about it, and they spend a lot of time with Izumi now.

Today is my fifth birthday, and I can't believe how much I've grown! Mom and Dad are busy with Izumi's training, but I'm sure they'll have time to celebrate later. I really want to be a hero, just like them!

I spent most of my day with Kacchan, Katsumi, Shoto, and Shota. They're my best friends, even if they can be a little mean sometimes. Kacchan keeps saying that I can't be a hero because I'm quirkless, but I know he's just teasing. Heroes are supposed to help and protect everyone, right? Even if I don't have a quirk, I know I can still be a hero if I try really hard. My favorite hero, All Might, always says that a true hero never gives up, so I won't give up either!

You know, Diary, I've been thinking. I've been watching my friends and all the heroes on TV, and I noticed something. They all have their own way of using their quirks, right? So, I thought, maybe I can do something like that too! I've been working on figuring out how I can be strong and fast like a hero, even without a quirk. I've been doing lots of exercises and studying hero tactics, so I can learn how to be the best hero I can be.

Oh! I also made a list of all the heroes and their quirks that I've seen on TV and in real life. I wrote down how they use their quirks and what their weaknesses might be. It's amusing to think about how heroes can work together and how I could help them, even if I don't have a quirk. I think it's essential for a hero to understand other heroes and villains, too, so they can make the best decisions in a challenging situation.

I hope that one day, I'll be able to stand beside Mama, Stepdad, Izumi, and all my friends as a real hero. I'm gonna work hard, Diary, to show everyone that even someone without a quirk can be a hero. I know it won't be easy, but I believe in myself and won't give up!

I'll write to you again soon, Diary. Thanks for listening to me!

Your friend, Izuku Midoriya.
