Revenge and Redemption

Here we are, at the last chapter. It's quite, quite dark and involves murder and twisted things. I hope everyone likes the ending, though. Thanks for reading! Enjoy~

Luffy stood in Pudding's living room, holding a doll in his hand. Pudding was useless to him, apparently. She admitted to being the one to wipe his memory after he chopped off one of her legs. No one heard her because he'd silenced the whole house. But, she didn't have his memories that he wanted back. Katakuri had them. He had been hiding Luffy's past from him, pretending and failing to be Luffy's family. Luffy had a loving family once, before he was taken for his power. Pudding knew nothing of Luffy's past, so she was useless, and he turned her into a toy without a second thought. A legless doll that no one remembered anymore.

"You really shouldn't have done that, Pudding," Luffy said darkly. He opened up the trash can and dropped the doll inside. He was getting his memories back, his old life back, no matter what it took. And he wanted revenge on the crew for ruining his life. He had come to the conclusion that the voice in his head was the past version of himself. He had once had loving brothers. Luffy wondered if they had missed him, like the voice had claimed.

While Luffy walked through his mirror dimension he tried to come up with a plan that would bring the Big Mom family down. Ruin them in the worst way possible. He hadn't returned home in hours. He didn't know what the ultimate plan that had been concocted to take care of him was. Didn't know if they wanted to kill him, and they surely couldn't erase his memories again. But it didn't matter what they would do, what mattered to Luffy was what they had already done.

The Charlottes and then, by default, Big Mom pirates were his enemy. And he was taught by them to take down enemies. And that was what he was going to do. Despite his past self seeming a bit clueless and innocent, Luffy had been on countless missions that he had no help with and it made him smart.

He didn't want anyone following him after destroying them. He'd kill anyone who was in his way of revenge and then freedom. Freedom to find the voice's brothers, and maybe trying to find another home somewhere. Surely his brothers, on the Whitebeard crew, would hate him for working for Big Mom.

Maybe, though, if he got his memories back and could tell them what happened to him, Ace wouldn't hate him.

Luffy first visited Brulee's house, the only other person who could use the mirror dimension. He came in through her mirror, and it was very late at night and she was asleep. He entered her room, and covered the mirrors in her house with wax. Breaking them would be loud, but he needed to talk to her and didn't feel like it was worth it to use the calm-calm fruit. He kicked her bed forcefully. "Brulee. Wake up," he said coldly. She startled awake.

"L-Luffy? What are you doing here?" she asked in sleepiness. He looked at her coldly.

"I know what you did to me. I know you stole me from my life. And I'm gonna kill you for it," Luffy said flatly. She got up and looked to the mirror, but it was covered in wax, and the door was stuck shut. Before she could form her own mirror, Luffy turned his hand into a spike, stabbing her in the neck.

"I will take down the Big Mom pirates for good. Be glad you won't be here to witness it." He felt nothing as she died. Even the voice in his head, the innocent version of himself, said nothing. Didn't get upset about the violence and muder as he used to. Luffy created his own mirror into his pocket dimension and carried out the rest of his plan, dragging Brulee's body inside to get rid of the evidence in case anyone got suspicious.

It would take a long time, but he wasn't returning back to that place that had been home once, but was no longer and never would be again.

The first thing he did was go to the communication house on Whole Cake Island. There was a mirror in everyone's house so Brule could contact them in case of emergency. Now, it was incredibly convenient. When he reached the communication house, he stole two Proko den den mushis and brought one into the Mirror World, and another one out to the lawn in front of Whole Cake Chateau so it would project onto the side of the building.

As he worked, he wrote out a script in his head for what to say. After the snails were set up, he went back into the mirror dimension and called out for a mirror in each Charlotte's home. He made sure he was in and out so quickly that their haki couldn't get them up fast enough.

He made twelve hour detonating earthquakes and stored them under the houses or inside the chimney's in those that had them. They would all detonate, on each island, in twelve hours, despite what they would do. He didn't care about anyone in Totto Land. Them condoning and being fine with someone killing their fellow citizens was not something good, in Luffy's eyes.

They werent forced into doing that with no choice. Weren't wiped of knowledge about it. Luffy may be doing something bad, but he saw himself as the victim in all of this. He was betrayed from the start. Once he got his memories back, the plan would continue. He still had one more person to turn into a doll. The person who was primarily responsible for stealing him from his happy life that the voice talked about.

After planting all of the bombs, even one in the daycare that all the children would be welcome in in the morning, he went home. He was clean of blood, on his skin and clothes. Katakuri was pacing the house, Luffy assuming feeling nervous about whatever he was told to do about Luffy.

When he walked out of the bathroom, bringing the doorway mirror with him, he stood in front of the man who ripped his personality away, leaving a bored, angry and depressed child. "Where have you been?" he demanded. Luffy just stared at him blankly before Katakuri seemed to see what Luffy was about to do.

The sweet commander was slammed to the ground with enough force to destroy the base of the house and crush him into the dirt, unable to move and having trouble breathing. "Give me my memories back and I might not turn you into a toy," Luffy said in the coldest voice.

Katakuri looked up at him with a pained look. "Give me them back, now!" Luffy shouted, hating that stupid look. That look he'd fallen for, thinking Katakuri was sad for Luffy.

He let up on his power a bit so Katakuri could reach into his chest and pull out a big box. Luffy grabbed the box, and gave Katakuri the most hateful look imaginable, and let up and slipped into the mirror before he could knock Luffy out with conqueror's haki.

After Luffy was safe in the mirror dimension, he slipped a messily written note he'd made at Pudding's house that said, "Look forward to a broadcast on Whole Cake Chateau."


Luffy sat down in the Mirror World, looking at the thousands of reels of memory. He had never used the memo-memo power, but that didn't matter as he would get these memories back in his head no matter what. The life that was stolen from him. He recognized Fire-Fist Ace as a child in the strips of memory.

He organized them in blurriness, thinking that the most blurry were his youngest, and stuffed them back into his own head.

He felt the voice in his head fade away as his memories fit back into place, and he relived them all so quickly, but was able to process them anyways. Tears slid down his cheeks as he realized he had been loved, once upon a time. Someone cared about him. Cared about him so much they gave him up for his own safety. Didn't ignore him, or tell him he wasn't welcome in their lives. Didn't send them off on missions that could get him killed. Didn't forget all about him. Took care of him even as he made their lives harder.

He saw his grandpa, a happy looking man who had taken him to protection, putting family before his job in the marines. Luffy saw the events that lead up to his kidnapping. How he had just walked into a mirror with a complete stranger, never to know who he was again.

Luffy saw himself have a fist shoved into his head to rip away his memories of a happy life. He saw who he had been after that mind-wipe. A scared, lonely child. How that version of himself had only existed a few weeks before Katakuri, who he had thought cared for him once upon a time, knocked him out and took even more from him.

The person he'd originally been was long gone. Would Ace and Sabo accept him as he was now? Well, even if they didn't anywhere was better than here. He didn't know how long he was in there, but when he came out, he used his glare-glare fruit to watch what was happening. People were gathering outside the courtyard to the den den mushi that hadn't been turned on yet. The camera one was sitting next to Luffy.

While he originally had planned to have Big Mom turned into a toy, the rest of the world wouldn't remember her, and therefore wouldn't know how her palace of an island chain was going to be destroyed by the very weapon she had used against others. And a child, overpowered to the extreme or not.

It was nine hours until the detonating earthquakes would go off. He stood in front of the camera, an eight year old who thought he could never be a child again, and turned it on.

"Hello, Big Mom pirates. I know what you've done to me, to my real family. I know my life here was fake, and why you all chose to never accept me. I know you stole my personality and life from me twice. That was everything to me, and now I'm going to take everything from you.

"You don't remember her, but I already turned one of your siblings and daughter into a doll. She is now inside a trashcan of her own house. Oh, and you'll never be able to escape the islands because of this," he said and held up Brulee's dead body. "Does it bother you? Knowing you have forgotten something important?

"Well probably not. Even if you say family is important, you probably don't care much about your missing family member. I only wish I could have done the same to all of you, but it would be too time consuming and it's too late anyways.

"I know you call care about your reputation and status. So, how will it feel for the world to know you were brought down by a child, one of 'your own'?" He gave a cold smile. "I've been keeping my progress from you. All of you. So, you won't know what I did if I don't tell you, but you won't be able to stop it anyways.

"I've left detonating earthquakes on every single island, every home of each of you. There's no way to stop them, and they'll go off in a couple hours. You have no way to escape or evacuate in time, and even if you tried, your ships will be destroyed by tsunamis.

"I don't care what happens to the others who aren't part of your organization. Because let's get this clear: you all know this isn't a family. It might not bother you, but it's not a family. You're a pirate crew, and that's not that bad. But killing your own or not even caring? That's not a family. Not like the one I used to have.

"Have fun with the consequences of your actions. Big Mom will never be the Pirate King. I'll be long gone by the time Totto Land falls. I hope you enjoy your last couple hours of chaos." And he turned the snail off. He wished he could see the reactions to those who were watching the video. But, he wouldn't risk going back to Totto Land just to watch. He never wanted to see any of them again.

The voice in Luffy's head had gone for good after regaining his memories. And he felt both lonely, and never better. He was free, and no matter if Ace or Sabo accepted him again, he was free to live his own life. And protect himself if anyone came after him.

Luffy may never know how to use some of the Charlotte family's old powers, but he didn't care. It was never his ultimate dream to master all of them. Maybe it had been a hope once, but it wasn't his drive. He hadn't ever had one, but now he did.

"Mirrors, find me Whitebeard's ship!"


With Luffy having set the broadcast to every snail in the area, there was no doubt any marine ships had seen the video. And the world was shocked. There were few marine bases in the New World area around Totto Land, besides one, that would dispatch the video everywhere else. Everyone probably were worried about the kid on the loose.

Everyone but two people. Two people that burst into tears at the sight of their lost brother, and hearing what he'd gone through for the last four years.

However, the rest of the Whitebeard crew didn't know how to feel. They hadn't known that the all-all fruit kid had been their brother, or what had happened to him all this time. But, it didn't change the fact that the kid had done some truly heinous things. There had never been a picture of him, or a wanted poster, but they'd heard of the kid that did all of that. Destroyed crews and islands.

Had used their captain's fruit powers to destroy lives.

"He had to, he was brainwashed!" Ace argued with the first mate. He was twenty years old now, and he nor Sabo had ever told anyone about Luffy, or what had happened. No one knew they had been victims of the East Blue attack. They had kept everything close to them.

Whitebeard looked at his two sons sadly. Both still had puffy and swollen eyes from crying, something neither had ever done in front of the others, even when they were welcomed into a second family. "He may not come, sons. He may not return to you," the captain said sadly. Both men winced.

"He... he has to," Ace whispered.

"Please, Pops, we can heal him! He's only eight! We can set him straight!" Sabo begged. Both of them got on their knees in front of him. Whitebeard and Marco looked shocked at this. "Please!" both of them cried.

"If I don't allow him here, will you both leave?" Whitebeard asked after telling them to raise their heads. They both looked pained, but nodded their heads.

"Please, he's a child of the sea. We all are. We've all done bad things. He deserves to be forgiven. Maybe... maybe he's different now, but he's still our baby brother. And after all of this, he needs someone, even if those someones are no longer part of a bigger family," Ace said sincerely.

"...We will see. If he comes, I will keep my judgement until then. Now, why don't you tell me about him? About your brother who was taken from you," Whitebeard said with a kind smile.


Luffy stood in front of a big mirror, seeing the inside of a pirate ship. There were many mirrors inside the Moby Dick. Most in the bathrooms, and Luffy was afraid to enter the ship. Either no one would recognize him, or they'd all know him from his probably now infamous attack. Even if they didn't recognize him, Luffy knew he gave off a powerful aura, and he couldn't control that.

He missed the voice in his head. It was lonely now, with no one to talk to. He didn't want to admit it, but he was grieving the life he'd just lost. He felt sad about Katakuri's death, even though he truly deserved it. Luffy had done bad things. They made him do bad things. So many.

Luffy also grieved the life he knew he could have had. The person he could have been if he had been raised differently. He didn't see Ace or Sabo in any of the mirrors, but did see where they were docked from a map on the wall of one of the bedrooms.

Knowles island. If he could find a mirror there, maybe he could approach the ship by not invading it suddenly. He wished he could start his life over again, but that couldn't happen. There were no do-overs, not truly. Not like the stupid mind-wipes that Katakuri considered a do-over.

"Mirror into Knowles island!" Luffy called. Echoes of calls and "pick me!"s filled the space, and he hurried to them. He made sure it was still night time and crept into the bathroom of a house, using his stealth devil fruits to get through the houses and outside. It was snowing, something that hadn't happened in Totto Land. Well, the snow had been cotton candy. He created a nice and warm outfit and hiked down the hills and to the coast, where he saw the huge ship.

It wasn't as big as the ship Big Mom would sail, but it was still very big. And Luffy realized that he was not a people person. He'd been raised by one person mainly who left for extremely long periods of time. The Whitebeard crew was supposed to be even bigger than the Charlotte family, and closer to one another as they saw each other as real family.

He waited in the foliage for a couple hours, debating on how to do it. Did Ace and Sabo care about him anymore? After everything he'd done? He abandoned many protected islands for his own desire. Well, maybe Red Hair Shanks would do something, or Whitebeard. Big Mom had been cruel to her islands. He knew that, even though Katakuri tried to keep the bad aspects of the crew away from him.

As long as those islands continued to produce certain foods for Mama to have, then they were protected under her. No one messed with them. Well, except an overpowered eight year old.

Luffy kept himself invisible and silent, which he could keep steady for hours at a time, and sat on the shore, trying to urge himself to approach the ship openly. He wasn't going to sneak on and surprise them.

By the time day broke, Luffy was exhausted. Hadn't slept in over twenty four hours, and was desperately tired. But he didn't want to fall asleep and miss the ship. Have it leave without him even glimpsing his real brothers.

He couldn't help it though. He fell asleep, but the ship didn't leave without him.


Luffy woke up in the arms of someone warm and bright, carrying him gently, something he hadn't had in a long time. The last time he was carried sincerely and not by a liar was his grampa, who was most likely dead.

He slowly opened his eyes to see he was curled up in the arms of his brother. Who had tears down his face, making his freckled cheeks wet. Luffy buried his face into Ace's chest and started sobbing, Ace holding him closer as he carried him somewhere, Luffy didn't care. A hand was then rubbed through his hair and he knew Sabo was there, too. They didn't hate Luffy.

They stopped in a bedroom with a bunk bed, with various clothes strewn around the room, and the bathroom door open and showing a messy bathroom as well. The room was warm and nice and Luffy was caringly tucked into the bed, Ace and Sabo sitting on either side of him, who was still crying.

"We missed you a lot, Luffy," Ace said. Luffy just nodded his head.

"I d-didn't remember y-you and the voice in my head al-always talked about y-you and I didn't believe it," Luffy confessed. "Pudding wiped m-my memory two times. They killed grampa."

Sabo and Ace felt rage at what had happened to Luffy's freedom and bright future. Hopefully, they could repair his heart and mind. "He said I was part of the family but everyone told me I was-wasn't, and then they k-kept sending me on missions and leaving my by myself. Only wan-wanted me cause of my powers. He lied to me, an-and I thought he cared about me. They though ab-about killing me cause I got t-t-too strong."

"We'll never do that. We are your brothers, real ones. We don't care if you have strong powers, we love you and missed you and will never let you go again. Even if we have to leave the crew, we're not parting with you again. Ever," Sabo vowed.

Luffy looked away. "I'm... I'm different now. I did bad things, and said bad things, and hurt people."

"They made you. We saw the tape and can't imagine how the past couple of years have been for you. But, we'll make sure you heal and are happy," Ace vowed. "No matter what happens next we aren't leaving you or giving you up ever again."

"P-promise?" Luffy asked weakly.

"We promise," Sabo swore. Luffy, for once in a long time, fell asleep without an extra voice in his head, with people who cared about him, not under some sort of stress or upset, and looking forward to the next day, no matter what happened. He found his family again and he wasn't being stolen ever again. And he wouldn't let anyone hurt his real brothers.

Aaand all of the Big Mom pirates who were at Totto Land are dead (including the citizens. yikes). Anyways, I had to give Luffy a happy ending after all he's been through. 
