Mind Wipe part 2

This chapter is ridiculously short, but it needed to end how it did. I'll post the next one sooner since this one is extremely short.

Luffy still hadn't seen anyone new and it had been over a week since he first started living with Katakuri. He was nice and Luffy liked him a lot more than Pudding and hoped that the rest of his siblings were more like Katakuri was. The man was kind to Luffy when he failed at their practicing. He tried to make Luffy happy, which made him happy anyways.

It was still difficult to think of anything happy, since he still largely didn't know anything about himself. But, his big brother assured him that, even if he hadn't lost his memory, most people don't remember their childhood that young. So it was only a temporary problem. As soon as he felt good about himself again, and was used to the family, it might not even matter that he lost his memories.

Someone was coming over to their house today. Two of Katakuri's favorite brothers. He said that they were his triplet siblings, and then explained that some babies are born all at once.

The door was knocked on while Luffy had his head rubbed soothingly as he practiced with the arms' movements. They disappeared into flower petals. It was clear to both of them that pleasure and happiness was the best way to get to use his power willingly. Though, Luffy was generally shy and sad, so making him happy was a bit of work, but should be worth it in the long run.

Luffy retreated into himself and ran to hide behind the couch so those in the doorway couldn't see him. He waited for whoever it was to say something.

"Hey, Katakuri. Where's Luffy?" a deep voice asked. Luffy peeked over the side of the couch to see someone who was very big, a bit smaller than Katakuri, but still very big to Luffy. Another man came in who was also big but still not the biggest. His outfit was interesting. They all looked very different considering they were triplets, which Katakuri had explained to him about.

Katakuri give him a stern look, a warning to behave, and lead them inside, calling for Luffy to come. He slowly walked around the couch and into view of the two big men. "Hi..." he said shyly. Daifuku hadn't seen Luffy and Oven had been on the ship after Luffy was taken into the Mirror World.

"How are you feeling? We heard about the head injury," Oven said kindly, honestly impressing Katakuri. Even Oven wasn't this nice with his own blood siblings. He clearly was taking this mission very seriously.

"I... I can't remember anything," Luffy admitted. He only knew his name from the sweet commander telling him. Oven put a warm hand on Luffy's head.

"Don't worry, we'll all make new memories, right? So how is your devil fruit training going?" Oven asked, sounding genuinely interested. Luffy had been making progress, so he shared that with him. About how being happy makes him able to use a power better.

Daifuku eventually came over and sat down to listen to Luffy talk animatedly. The man introduced himself and asked Luffy some more questions about his fruit and what powers he looks forward to most.

"I wanna be able to make food from stuff. Turning invisible also sounds fun," Luffy added. Daifuku and Oven, despite partly not wanting to accept Luffy into the family, always took missions seriously.

"What power are you having the most success with?"

"The flower one. Make arms come out of places," Luffy explained as well as he could. "It only works if I'm really happy, though. It's hard to be happy sometimes, though," he admitted quietly. Oven asked if it was because of his missing memories. Luffy nodded. "I don't know anything I like or like to do. I don't remember my family."

"Well, there's not much we can do about getting the memories back. So we all just have to move forward and be understanding," Daifuku said. There was a way to get his memories back, but they were safely hidden away some place Luffy couldn't get them. Luffy pouted at this, looking down at his bare feet on the carpet. "Do you want to see my devil fruit ability?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Okay." Daifuku rubbed his belt and blue smoke appeared, surprising Luffy. Then a blue man formed from the smoke. He was very large.

"This is my genie," he said. The blue genie looked a bit irritated for being called on just to entertain some kid. It said nothing and floated there with his arms crossed irritably. "He does the fighting for me."

"That's cool," Luffy said, though not as enthusiastically as the three men were expecting. But, maybe it was because of the genie's demeanor. Daifuku made it go away, and Oven showed off his power. He had to be careful with it not to hurt anything in the room or those around him with heating his body up. All it did was make Luffy hot, so he repeated that that power was cool, too.

"When do you want to meet everyone else?" Katakuri asked from behind the couch leaning against the wall. Luffy bit his bottom lip and shrugged. He was becoming overwhelmed by only three people. It gave the three brothers doubt that he could fit in with them, even if everyone else did their best to pretend he was one of them.

Hopefully, this shyness wouldn't persist in the long run. "How about we introduce people one at a time?" the sweet commander offered. Luffy nodded in agreement. Luffy didn't see the slight flash of irritation in Daifuku's expression, but it lasted half a second before he caught himself.

The two brothers didn't stay long, before they left with a smile to Luffy. They were barely better actors than Pudding had been this time, but still not as good as Katakuri, who was doing his best to take care of Luffy. Though, he was irritated he had to help bathe him. He was a very young child, but still. Being a child and a devil fruit user made it harder, as the bathtub in the hall bathroom was much too big for the boy, since it was sized for someone Katakuri's size.

In the water, as soon as Luffy was submerged to his neck, he went limp but his powers didn't disappear, instead the water foamed with soap, confusing and worrying Luffy about making a mess. But, the good thing about that was it completely cleaned and moisturized his skin. He didn't need any soap, just to wash his unruly black hair.

At Pudding's house, he had been given a shower, not a bath, where he was held up on a chair and the water rinsed on him. It had been miserable and cold. He liked this bath much more.

"Kata?" Luffy asked quietly. Katakuri was used to the nickname by then and asked what is it. "Will learning my powers make people happy?"

"It will make some people happy, yes," he answered truthfully, wondering where this was going.

"Will people not like me if I can't do it?" Luffy asked, avoiding eye contact. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. Katakuri didn't know whether to be truthful or not. He didn't want to have uffy get upset but he didn't want to flat out lie and then have it disproved by the actions and attitudes of the family, despite being threatened by Mama to play nice.

"There are a lot of different people in our family. While some of us are happy you are better, some value strength over other things. Many see strength of a person physically is more important than they are themselves," Katakuri answered carefully. It was true, but he didn't tell Luffy the majority felt that way. Besides those who were obsessed with him.

"Oh..." Luffy said quietly. "I don't remember anything from before, but I don't like being disliked. It makes me feel bad and different."

"Different?" Katakuri asked. Luffy nodded.

"W...was I different before? Some things feel different, like I never done them before. Never been sad or angry. Did I used to be happier?" Luffy questioned. Katakuri was growing concerned. Was Luffy going to remember everything?

"Head injuries change people sometimes. You fell very hard from the balcony of the place you lived before." Luffy's eyebrows furrowed, extremely confused. It didn't make sense. He opened his mouth a few times, not sure whether to ask his question.

"Kata... Pudding said I hit my head on the playground... I'm confused," the poor boy said. He was lost, not knowing what to think. Something was wrong here. Were people lying to him? Is that why Pudding didn't like him? Did Kata even like him?

Katakuri looked upset, irritated he had messed things up. He could see the suspicion on Luffy's usually sad now face. He looked to the front door briefly. Just like that, Katakuri had lost all trust from the boy. By a simple lie that didn't match with Pudding's. He sighed and stood up.

"I was hoping it wasn't going to come to this," he said darkly. Luffy backed away a few steps and then ran to the front door, though it was too big to open. He didn't get far before he was knocked out, eyes white and mouth drooling. He collapsed on the floor, completely limp. Katakuri sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He picked Luffy up and plopped the limp boy into his pocket before heading for Pudding's transponder snail. What a hassle this was becoming.

Two hours later, Luffy laid on Pudding's couch, who looked grumpy and irritated. It was late now and she had to close up shop for the night to do this with no one seeing anything suspicious. She sat on a chair next to the couch, Katakuri sitting down so he could fit inside.

"Wipe everything now. I don't care if you wipe his personality away completely. He can't get his memories back," Katakuri ordered. He was a bit disillusioned that building up that trust by being nice had been wiped out by one inconsistency. It proved that Luffy, despite being a four year old, had better instincts that they had thought.

A stupid child would have gone past the little mistep. This meant that Luffy could be more liable the more he knew about himself or anyone else. It had to be made sure that Luffy wouldnt doubt Katakuri, and getting rid of everything he was again might work in their favor.

Pudding frowned at him, and then looked to Luffy, who was so deeply unconscious that moving him from the house through the Mirror World and into Pudding's house hadn't woken him.

"I've never been this thorough before. Something could go wrong," she argued. Katakuri was silent for a moment, considering what he was to say in response, but the truth was the best reply.

"I don't think Mama will mind having a mindless machine under her wing. We cant have him having doubts in us, no matter how big or small. He has to think he's apart of this family completely, with no individuality," Katakuri said. "I tried being kind, and that didn't work out well. We'll start over again and I'll attempt a different approach."

"Alright..." Pudding mumbled, before, for the second time, wiping Luffy's memory. Not only memories of his past, but also what had happened with Katakuri not long ago. She wiped so much that some slides just came out completely blank, taking everything from him.

She exercised as much control as she could while searching for certain memories or aspects that could turn him on them. A few fizzy pictures of the two boys from before came out, blurred to the extreme, showing he had started to get his memories back. Now more determined to prevent it from happening again, Pudding took even more until nothing was coming out anymore. He was completely empty now. He didn't even have his name anymore.
