~Chapter 24~

Hehe, hope you liked the last chapter <3


I had gone through so much

This moment made it all worth it

Y/n had fallen asleep shortly after our kiss, exhausted from the stress of everything I'm sure. Holding her so close to me, knowing she was safe was the one thing on my mind; that and the relief of the fact she felt the same. I was still wrapping my mind around it all; processors working themselves double time to attempt to comprehend what life could look like for us behind these walls and the brokenness between androids and humans everyone had grown too comfortable with. 

If Markus and Jericho don't succeed, what will our future look like, Y/n?

Her head nuzzled into my shoulder as I held her body close, likely feeling my distress even in her dreams. She was ethereal in all her resting beauty and I couldn't keep my eyes off her as I watched a strand of hair fall against her lashes. She sturred for a moment but relaxed as I moved the lock behind her ear. 

How on earth was I worthy to call you mine?

The detective and the activist... it was almost poetic in an odd way, 

but brought a smile to my face nonetheless.

But there always had to be an end to such a blissful moment. The crowd outside of the resting area began to increase in volume and I couldn't help but worry as the news outlets on the walls began to increase as well. Something important was happening and it sounded urgent. 

I needed to find Markus 

Softly bringing Y/n's head onto her pillowed sleeping bag cot and bringing my lips up to her forehead, I whispered a small goodbye and promised to come back soon. I rushed toward the anxious crowd making sure to look out for Markus as I made my way to the bottom floor. It didn't take long for me to find him as he and his smaller crew were already discussing the news in a nearby corner, away from wandering eyes and ears. 

Markus watched with curious eyes as I approached, likely feeling my stress and eagerness to meet him. I brought my hand out for a handshake introducing myself, "My name is Connor. It's incredible to finally meet you. I'm a close friend of Y/n's and arrived earlier today wanting to make sure she was doing alright." I nod respectfully toward him as he shakes my hand in return. 

He smiled and nodded back releasing my hand. "It's great to meet another friend of Y/n's and to know she has someone out there who cares for her as much as you do." He paused for a moment remembering the situation that was newly at hand, attempting to join his group again with a simple, "If you'll excuse me," as he turned back toward his crew. I knew I could help 

"I heard the news. I might be of some needed help..." This seemed to catch his attention as he and a few of his circle turned towards me.

Almost all Deviants outside of Jericho had been contained in the camps, leaving only us. Something had to be done. I took a deep breath knowing what they needed at this moment. 

"I'm one of few RK800 android models and have connections with CyberLife. I can get in and out of their main facilities with as many soldiers needed for one final protest... We can make them see we won't stand down. If everything goes according to plan, they won't have another choice but to back down themselves." 

He grinned at my idea, not needing time to think before speaking, "With a plan like that how can I say no?"

It was about time we brought these foolish laws to ashes

and I couldn't wait to watch freedom light the night sky


"Here we are the moment of truth."

As Connor worked to bring the rest of our forces from CyberLife, the rest of Jericho and myself began our journey toward the barricades holding armed forces where the public had a clear view. As long as we could influence them by staying true to our plan peacefully, they were bound to get out of here as free androids. Just the thought made me give North's hand a light squeeze as Jericho followed close behind. 

"We don't want confrontation. We are protesting peacefully. We ask that you release all androids detained in camps and cease all aggression against us. We will not resort to violence... but we are not leaving until our people are free." We continue our walk even as a few of our people are shot down. 

We needed to remain calm without taking another step

I stop my descent and signal for everyone else to do the same, raising my fist in the air to show them what couldn't be expressed in words at this moment. A pause filled the field until the troops lower their guns, holding their fire. 

"Markus, what do we do now?" North's hand on mine squeezed as she looked to me for guidance. 

"We hold out. For as long as we can."
