Whose in control

I had to be the smartest person in the room, it was the only way I could survive survive this, ensure that the others survived this. Storming through the halls I knew Cato was following me and that peacekeeprs were trailing the both of us.  In all honesty I didn't have a clue where I was going, all i knew was that i needed fresh air. Coming to a stop in the middle of the corridor i turned to face Cato who held a passive look on his face.

"I want to go outside"

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"I wasn't asking" I could make this difficult for him he knew that. I could still refuse to help, they could kill us all and they'd probably kill him too if i decided I wasn't going to play nice anymore. Sighing heavily he motioned his head down a different corridor and let me stalk passed him keeping a few feet distance until I was in the gardens of Snows house. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air the putrid smell of those god-awful roses he was obsessed with filled my sense and my nose crinkled in disgust. "How long was I out?" I asked without facing him.

"A few days" A few days? How long was a few days? What had happened to the others whilst I had been lost to the world? There were so many questions that I needed answering and I didn't know where to start. "I thought you weren't going to make it"

"It would have been better for you if I hadn't"

"Don't say that!" He snapped causing me to turn around. "Don't ever say that" Staring me down a lump rose in my throat and i sucked at my teeth.

"Whose here?" Who hadn't got away.

"Besides you and Annie? Peeta and Joanna" Oh I'm sure they were having a spectacular time with Joanna right now, I hoped she was giving them all the hell in the world.

"Are they okay?"

"For now"

"The others?"

"Got away" Feeling a small smile tug at the corner of my mouth at least some of the hope that the districts had had escaped, to where I didn't know but that didn't matter because if they weren't here then they were more than likely safe. "We're tracking them" Of course they were but tracking meant that they hadn't found them yet.

"I want to see them!" Looking him square in the eyes his jaw clenched and the eyes that struck fear into most bore down on me but they just made me determined than ever to get what I want. "I want to see them now" My voice had dropped to a low growl.

"No" Scoffing at his one worded answer this was only going to end one way and that was with me getting what I want.

"Okay lets try this again. You're going to take me to them or I am going to burn this place to the ground and fuel a rebellion from beyond the grave how does that sound pumpkin?" Cocking my head I was going to play games like they had never witnessed before, make them believe every word i spewed out and when the time was right I'd drive my knife into their hearts...all of their hearts.

"You are in no position to be making demands" He said like this was still a game of power that he thought I had no stake in . Shrugging my shoulders I could play these games if it was what they wanted.

"No i suppose not, i mean it's not like you all want me to be the face of the Capitol, the front runner of the anti-rebellion" Kicking at the dirt on the ground i sighed dramatically, it truly was a shame.

"You are incorrigible" Yes I was, tilting my head he eventually gave in. "I'll take you to see Annie, I don't know where the others are yet or if they're even awake"

"That's the spirit!" Smacking him on the shoulder I wasn't entirely sure if i believed him about the others but for now I had to be grateful I was even getting that. Standing there wide eyed he never once took his eyes off me as I waited for  him to make the first move to where they were holding one of my best friends. Taking in a deep breath he eventually turned his back on me and lead me down a series of passageways and staircases, each drop down making the air grow colder. Shivering slightly he must have noticed as moments later the jacket he had been wearing was being handed to me. Shaking my head he forced it towards me aggressively.

"Just take the jacket Chloe" I wanted to tell him to go to hell, to scream and rawp but if i did then I was never going to be able to see Annie. Fingers wrapping around the material i pulled it on and followed him further down until we came to a stop outside a locked door. "I'm so gonna get shit for this" Running his hand through his hair he looked defeated in a way I had never seen before but right now I didn't care all I cared about what seeing Annie and letting her know that everything was going to be okay. "You have 10 minutes" He said pulling the door open and letting me slip inside. The room was dark until he flipped on a light switch and then everything became so much clearer.


"Annie!" Running to the corner of the room i dropped to my knees and wrapped her up in my arms, she was so frail and shaking more than  I had ever seen her. "It's okay! You're going to be okay!" I didn't know if i was trying to convince her or myself by this point.

"Fi-Finnick. He's-" Sobs cut her off

"Finnick is fine Annie it wasn't real!" At least i hoped he was fine I wasn't entirely sure by this point.

"What do they want with us?" She asked. What was i supposed to tell her? That whilst she rotted down here, whilst Peeta and Joanna were god knows where I was being trained to be the Capitols martyr, their new hero.

"I don't know yet but I'm going to to find out and then I'm going to get you out of here okay? I promise Annie!" And i never broke my promises.

"He's alive" She said and i looked at her trying to figure out what she meant. "Cato" Raising an eyebrow how could she know that unless she'd seen him. Had he been in to her? Had he hurt her! "He brings me food sometimes" Releasing the tension in my hands and jaw she must have sensed as she gripped onot one of my hands. "He still cares about you" Forcing a smile onto my face i held her hand tightly before a knock on the door informed me it was time for me to go.

"I'm gonna get you out of here Annie i swear! Everything is going to be okay"

"Stay alive until the very end" Until the end. Thats what we' said to each other before we had once again become puppets. Leaning forward i kissed her on the cheek and left the room before the tears could start streaming down my face. Leaning against the walls my head was pushed up against it, eyes closed and breathing deeply.

"Thank you" The words came out quietly but he heard them

"It's nothing" He said trying to brush it off, he knew exactly what i was talking about.

"No its not. Not to me and not to her. She'll remember that and so will I"

"For when?"

"For when I kill you all silly" Smiling manically at him his eyes widened but i quickly replaced it with laughing. "Oh relax darling, I'm sure Snow will put a bullet in my head before I got the chance" I was only half joking

"I wont let him hurt you"

"You?" What could he do? It was just as much a puppet as the rest of us in this game of survival. "You can't save me Cato"

"Maybe not but I want help Chloe, don't shut me out" Pleading with me i felt like I was looking at a ghost, a past life that I should have had but never would.

"You want to help me?" Nodding i stood up straight and licked the bottom of my lip. "Then help her! Keep her alive thats all I want" Walking away from him he called my name but I ignored it a plan already forming in my mind
