Chapter 6

You went back to your seat, as All Might looked at you for a moment, before he announced that you'll be doing a hero vs villain exercise in teams. You all went to change into your hero costumes. On your way to the changing room, you felt someone pull your hand, the one that was twisted from the run in with your dad's friends. You flinched a bit, because of pain.
"What? You scared walmart extra?" Bakugo asked
"I-" you couldn't concentrate on an excuse because of the pain you felt at that moment.
"You what?"
"Never mind. Do you enjoy holding my hand that much?" you asked teasingly
"Now now, calm down Katsuki"
"DON't call me that..." he said as his voice got quieter with pink dusting his cheeks.
"Fine, I'm not in the mood to deal with your emo mood swings." you said as you shook your hand free from his grasp and entered the changing room.
"What's up with her? She's not like yesteray. Did something happen? Not my problem" Bakugo thought as he watched you enter the changing room.
"You're gonna keep chekin' (Y/n) out or are you gonna move?" Kaminari asked
"Yeah yeah whatever, come on Bakubro we need to get ready" Kirishima said as he pushed the ash blond in the changing room.
"Was I checking her out? No. Not possible. 100% plus ultra no." Bakugo thought as he tried to push the thoughts of you out of his head.

This is your hero costume

(Don't ask me how the hat stays on during the fighting, it has the same magic as Jotaros hat)

"OMG (Y/n) WHATS UP WITH THAT BRUISE ON YOUR ARM AND STOMACH???" Mina yelled as she noticed it, getting the attention of the other girls, and little did any of them knew, that boys could also hear that.  You quickly put on your top, before other girls looked your and Mina's way.

"Are you okay (Y/n)-san?" asked Uraraka

"Oh yeah yeah, umm it's nothing special" you answered

"IT DEFINITELY ISN'T 'NOTHING SPECIAL' " she yelled getting the attention off the other girls and some curious boy's at the other side of the wall.

"I- I'll tell you bout it later ok?" you asked.

"Fine" she huffed out.

Meanwhile on the boys side:

"What do you think that was about?" Kaminari asked Kirishima

"No clue, but it was something about (Y/n) right?" Kirishima asked, since you could barely hear it through the wall.

"We should ask Mina about it later" Sero said

"Yeah that seems like the smart thing to do." said Kaminari.

"Speaking of (Y/n), don't you think she's hot as fuck?" Mineta said drooling

"Mineta! It's not nice to talk such inappropriate things abouy your classmates!" Iida said doing the hand chop thingy.

"She is hot, wouldn't you agree Bakugo~?"  Kaminari asked in a teasing voice

"What do you mean by that Kaminari?" Sero asked

"Bakugo was totally checking (Y/n) out while she was going to the changing room, Kirishima, you also saw it right?" Kaminari said

"Wait for real, I didn't know you were such a person Bakugo?" Sero said acting disappointed


"Whatever you say Kacchan~" Denki said

"You have 3 seconds" Bakugo said 



"KAMINARI RUN" Kirishima yelled


"Oh shi-"

"3"  Bakugo said as he exploded Kaminaris face

As you exited the changing rooms, you noticed that Kaminaris face looked anything but fine.

"Yo, Kami are you ok?" you asked

"I GET  A NICKNAME???" he asked excitedly 

"I- Yeah you do, anyways what happenes?" you asked

"Bakubro happened" Kirishima said 

"I- why would he do that, I mean it is Bakugo we're talking about. Anyways, I'll ask him about it later, since we're walking home the same way." You said as you walked off to All Might who was explaining today's exercise.

After the explanation you were all put into teams of 2.

You were on a team with Midoriya and you were both against Bakugo and the blue haired dude, who's name you just learned was, Iida Tenya.

"Now, let's find out, which one of you will be the hero team and which one will be the villain team. Do you have any team preferences ? " All Might asked.

"h-hero t-team"

"The team of the heroes"

"tch, that stupid hero team"

"VILLAINNNNNNN TEAMMMM" you shouted louder than any of the boys.


"no?" you asked as everybody was looking at you with wide eyes.

"Are you actually stupid or something you walmart extra?" Bakugo asked generally curious about your answer.

"No, I am not. I just-" "come on brain, think of some excuse, I know you're over-fried from all this hero and high school bullshit, but can do it." you thought as you were innerly panicking.

"Just?" All Might asked as everybody listened curious of your answer.

"I just didn't want an argument to start on who's going to be the hero team, as I noticed that Bakugo would be against Midoriya, and by now we all know that Bakugo isn't exactly 'best friends' with Midoriya, so a conflict would start, that would result in a battle psychical or verbal before the exercise would even start. So I was concerned for my fellow classmates well being and the short time we all have for each battle. And-"

"Okay, that makes sense I guess. I will put you and young Midoriya as the villain team" All Might said as he stopped your blabbering.


"So what's the plan Izuku?" you asked, after a while of silence you looked over at him and noticed that he was a blushing mess "What the hell is up with this school and boys blushing over the smallest shit? Ugh"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by using your firs name without asking, can I use it or would you prefer your I call you Midoriya?" you asked

"O-oh n-no it's f-fine you can c-call me I-Izuku if you want." he stuttered

"Okay, so what's the plan?" you asked

"Well Kacchan will probably go after me, since he hates me, I'll do my best to stall him. That leaves you to protect the bomb from Iida. His quirk is engine and he's really fast, so you have to be very careful around him, put as many obstacles in his way as possible, to slow him down. And then we wait for our time to end." Izuku said

"So we're gonna be stalling them, not fighting them?" you asked

"Yes, that seems the best plan of action."

"Okay" you said as you walked to the place the 'bomb' was. "Like hell I'm gonna follow his stupid plan, they want a villain, I'll show em one."

"Since everybody is in their positions, we'll start" All Might said

"In 3"



A/n: I didn't post this chapter for like 3-4 days just because my friend didn't answer to my message  which was about Y/n's hero costume.

Anyways, here are the other options, that I gave my friend to chose from, for Y/n's hero costume.
