Chapter 2

A few days after the entrance exams you received a letter telling you that you've been accepted. "Ha imagine if I wouldn't have gotten accepted, no freedom for me then i guess hahaha. But they would accept me anyways, even if I had to pull some strings. But luckily I'm so good that they accepted me without any problems." you thought with a smirk on your face while you were on your way to LOV headquarters.

"HEY BITCHES AND BROS AND NON BINARY HOES" you yelled as you entered LOV headquarters "I thought you were over your sk8 phase" said Dabi as he entered the room "Hey hot stuff, and no I will never stop quoting sk8 the infinity, anyways LOOK I GOT INTO UA" you said as you showed him the letter. "Grats?.. I really don't care, also have you seen my black hoodie ?" Dabi asked suspiciously eyeing you. "I-  Are you accusing me of stealing your black hoodie? Cause if you are then you are absolutely right, and I don't plan on giving it back either" you said with a proud smirk on your face "That is, unless you go on a date with me, then we can talk about you getting back all the shit I've taken from you, since we would be sharing it all anyways." you said winking at him "Yea no. Anyways Shigaraki is at his room, you should probably  tell him about your acceptance into UA" Dabi said and then sadly left. "I'll get him to love me one day"  you thought while walking to Shigaraki's room.



"...Can you ask him about my idea to get a pet seagull and name him Eren?"

"I- you're such a disappointment  (Y/n), what did I do wrong to get you as a part of LOV?"

"HEY! I'M A BLESSING, THE BEST THING THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN! " you said smirking, then suddenly your face turned serious "Anyways on more serious matters, I got into UA, can we talk about my mission there after your talk with All For One?"

"Okay, now leave." 

After Shigaraki's talk with All For One you both went over your missions plan. You both decided that from now on you're gonna communicate with LOV through your old Nokia phone. Let's hope it doesn't die during this mission, but it's a nokia THE NOKIA it's probably  gonna outlive you and your kids.. You kept your real name since your mother was a known rescue hero and other will suspect you less if you go with the "my mother was a great hero and to honour  her last wish I will also become a hero" story. 


"UGHH I HATE WAKING UP FOR SCHOOL, WHY THE HELL DID I AGREE TO DO THAT MISSION?!" after lost of whining you put on the UA uniform. UA was around 20 minute walk from your house so at least you didn't have to take subway on daily bases which would end up being expensive.

On your way there you noticed a familiar ash blond guy.


he ignored you

"Fine I'll quote you. OI ARE DEAF, YOU FUCKING EXTRA?!" you shouted. That caught his attention and he stopped walking "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ?!" he screamed while he looked at you with a look that could kill. "It worked" you said as you walked up to him and gave his forehead a flick before continuing your way to UA. "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH" he screamed as he ran next to you and pulled your hand to stop you. "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING?!" he yelled.

"So, what's your name blond?" you asked completely ignoring his death threats and continuing walking with him pulling on you back. "hUH?! DIDN'T YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID BITCH?!? I WILL BLAST YOUR ASS TO THE MOON! YOU HEAR THAT-" he yelled once again until you shut him up by placing your free hand over his mouth. "First of all, my name's (Y/n) not bitch, second, I can hear you, I just chose to ignore you, third, you should go get your anger issues sorted out because, fourth, EVERYONE IF FUCKING STARING AT US, BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING YELLING!" you said as you continued walking next to him towards school. "HEY WALK BEHIND ME YOU EXTRA!" he yelled "Sorry, that ain't possible now" you said looking down at your both hand, the he was still holding. He just looked at you confused, before going back to his angry face.

"Ha, he is so busy being all angry and emo he didn't notice that he's still holding my hand, oh well let's keep it that way, might as well tease him about that later" you thought as you both walked in silence... until you decided to break it, cause you're a bad bitch"So I'm asking this for like the 5th time, but what's your name?" you asked "Wouldn't you like to know, you extra." he said with a smirk on his face. You just stopped and looked dead in his eyes with a bitch face, that ain't gonna take anymore of his bullshit. "Tch it's Bakugo Katsuki"

You were already at the entrance of UA, I guess al the fighting with him made the walk seem shorter. "We're here" you said, "I KNOW YOU DUMB BITCH, I HAVE EYES Y'KNOW" Bakugo responded. 

"You can now let go of my hand now y'know" you said in a monotone voice.


" Or not, your choice really"

"SHUT UP" he yelled letting go of your hand" IF YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS I WILL MURDER YOU" he continued as he entered 1-A.

"So we're in the same class huh? Looks like my time here won't be so boring after all."  you thought while opening 1-A doors, entering the class and walking straight up to Bakugo.

"Hey hot stuff", you said in a flirty voice to the boy behind Bakugo, he had green hair and freckles. "How about we go on a date? You seem like my type" you asked the green haired boy.

"Let the drama begin" 

A/n: I did my best to make this serious but the crackhead in me said no, also I feel bad for anyone who's gonna read this, since I'm basing y/n somewhat on myself  and I'm a real pain in the ass. Hehe, good luck. Here's a cookie  for making it this far. 🍪 
