Chapter 4 • I Learn of a Plan via a Poem?

A/N: Once again I used an old Icelandic poem, so it's not mine.

When I woke up, the Deathsong was humming to herself. Denÿaræ. Deathsong Denÿaræ. Denÿaræ the Deathsong.

Blood rains from the cloudy web
On the broad loom of slaughter.
The web of man grey as armor
Is now being woven; the Valkyries
Will cross it with a crimson weft.

I tried shifting positions quietly, but soon found that I couldn't. That blasted dragon coated me with amber as quickly as I had lost consciousness.

The warp is made of human entrails;
Human heads are used as heddle-weights;
The heddle rods are blood-wet spears;
The shafts are iron-bound and arrows are the shuttles.
With swords we will weave this web of battle.

The Deathsong, Denÿaræ, she was still humming the song. Well, nothumming exactly. She was singing it. She really was a resourceful dragon - she was making fire, but it wasn't hers. It seemed to be some sort of spell. Who was Denÿaræ?

The Valkyries go weaving with drawn swords,
Hildr and Hjörþrimul, Sangríðr and Svipul.
Spears will shatter shields will splinter,
Swords will gnaw like wolves through armor.
Let us now wind the web of war.

A flame of fire sprung up from right behind the Deathsong. Denÿaræ cursed and turned around. Apparently she still hadn't perfected her spell. That feeling was known to me all too well.

Which the young king once waged.
Let us advance and wade through the ranks,
Where friends of ours are exchanging blows.

Denÿaræ was still singing the song. Through the song I could pick out her words she used in the spell. This was one talented dragon.

Like, it's extremely hard to talk and carry on a tune with different words at the same time, y'know? I tried once. I ended up confusing everyone. "Oh, hi, I'm Echogreen | Oh say can you see | and I'm a Night Fury | we are Vikings of the old | and you are? | We be merry! We be strong! | Wait, what? I don't understand anything anymore ..." But yeah, that's what it turned out to be like.

Let us now wind the web of war
And then follow the king to battle
Gunnr and Göndul can see there
The blood-spattered shields that guarded the king.

Was Denÿaræ giving me hints to what she was planning? It sure sounded like it. "Web of War" could be the war that Denÿaræ was going to wage on that Viking. And maybe that boy on the Night Fury was the king? And the other riders were the shields? Were the riders of the dragons going to die an untimely death?

Let us now wind the web of war
Where the sacred banner is forging forward
Let his life not be taken;
Only the Valkyries can choose the slain.

So apparently none of the riders of dragons would go to Valhalla. Or ... was I listening to it wrong?

Lands will be ruled by new peoples
Who once inhabited outlying headlands.
We pronounce a great king destined to die;
Now an earl is felled by spears.

Whoa. Hold on a minute. Was ... Was Denÿaræ going to KILL the other Vikings?! Was she going to kill not only the riders of dragons but their parents? And their parent's parents?

The men of Ireland will suffer a grief
That will never grow old in the minds of men.
The web is now woven and the battlefield reddened;
The news of disaster will spread through lands.

Wait. What's Ireland? A land of Ire? What's Ire? And why doesn't it grow old? Wait, the war web? Was that woven? And the battlefield reddened ... does ... does that mean that there's blood on the battlefield?

It is horrible now to look around
As a blood-red cloud darkens the sky.
The heavens are stained with the blood of men,
As the Valkyries sing their song.

Is a cloud of blood going to encircle the air? And why is the sky stained with the blood of the Vikings? Was it a literal or figurative part of speech? How can I figure this out? Was Denÿaræe ven telling me her plan? Or was this just some stupid old folk tale told to children as they fall asleep so they'll have nightmares?

We sang well victory songs
For the young king; hail to our singing!
Let him who listens to our Valkyrie song
Learn it well and tell it to others.

Let us ride our horses hard on bare backs,
With swords unsheathed away from here!

This Deathsong was scaring me. This death song was scaring me. A lot of things were scaring me. And apparently it was just the beginning.

"I see you're a-okay."

I jumped at the sudden voice. It had been so quiet for so long that I didn't know the music had stopped.

"What are you plotting, echo of the green?"

"Er ... first it's Echogreen. Second, what's an echo of the green? That makes no literary sense whatsoever."

"I wasn't trying to make sense."


There was a silence between both of us. Denÿaræe was fanning her fire. She was obviously getting ready for supper.

"What do you plan to do with us?"

"Hm?" Denÿaræe seemed out of place and out of the loop.

"What are you planning on doing with the dragons and their riders?"

"Oh. Them. I plan to kill them of course."

Well that was a given. "But why would you do that?!"



"No need to shout."

I opened my eyes really wide and sighed. Gracious.

"I plan on revenge for my mother."


"They killed her. I found her carcass floating on the ocean. It was stripped of blood. Her eyes were pecked clean from buzzards. Her entrails were taken away from Scauldrons. She died from a wound in her sternum that the riders inflicted upon her."

"No. No, they didn't do that. It wasn't them. I swear. I saw the whole thing. Another dragon took your mother and killed her. I saw it happen. You need to believe me! Don't go after those hopeless lunatics! Please!" I pleaded with the Deathsong. "Please. It wasn't their fault."

"Oh, it was. And I intend to exact my revenge. There's nothing you can do to stop me."
