Chapter 3 • The Deathsong

A/N: Krákumál (Death Song of Ragnar Lodbrok) is in this story. IT IS NOT MINE. I CLAIM NO OWNERSHIP OF IT.

We hewed with the brand!
Long since we went to Gothland for the slaying of the Worm,
There I won Thora and my name of Leathern-Breeches,
Since I pierced that serpent through, with my blade of inlaid steel.

We hewed with the brand!
Young was I when east of Oere-sound we made good breakfast for the wolves,
While our steels sang on the high-crested helms much food did they find,
Blood-stained the sea, the ravens waded through.

We hewed with the brand!
Ere twenty years passed o'er us, high-borne were our spears,
At Dvina's mouth in the far east eight jarls did we lay low,
Warriors died; the crimson death colored the sea and ravens feasted.

We hewed with the brand!
The war-queen loved us when we sent the Helsinga to Odin's halls,
Keen bit the feathered arrow when our ships reached Iva's flood East Baltic ,
Gay was the music of sword on breast-plate and cleft shield.

We hewed with the brand!
Great was our courage when fierce Herraudr, 'mid his winged steeds, died.
No jarl more fearless sent his framing coursers o'er the main;
His stout heart drove him, fearless, by the sea-fowls' haunt.

We hewed with the brand!
The brand bit sore at Scarpa-reef Scarborough , the sword flew from its sheath,
Crimson the borders of our moon-shields when King Raven died;
Loud roared the spear on Ulla's field, as low lay Eystan the King.

We hewed with the brand!
O'er us was fated Herthiof to win a mighty victory,
There fell my son, bold Rognvald, before the host of spears.
His bow, unerring, shot in Sudorey Hebrides its last fatal bolt.

We hewed with the brand!
In Ireland King Marstan let not the she-wolf nor the eagle starve.
A sacrifice he made at Wetherford Waterford , for the steel-thorn issuing from its sheath,
Pierced to the heart of Ragnar, fearless son of mine.

We hewed with the brand!
South we played at war with three kings, the blood of the Irish dyed the sea,
Then stormed we to the sword-play at the river-mouth of Anglesey,
No kissing of a girl was it to fight as we fought there.

We hewed with the brand!
Little did I wot that at the hands of Ella my death should come!
Yet what boots it? None can withstand his fate and well is it
To quaff the mead in skull-boughs drinking horns in the great hall of Odin.

We hewed with the brand!
Before cold death does no brave man quail; no thought of fear have I.
Soon with the battle wake when Aslaug's sons their bitter blades unsheath,
Soon will they learn the manner of my death, stout hearts of their brave mother!

We hewed with the brand!
My life is well-nigh o'er; sharp is the pang that the serpent gives.
Goinn the Snake, nests deep in my heart. No more will my children rest;
Great wrath will be theirs at the undoing of their sire.

We hewed with the brand!
Full gladly do I go! See the Valkyrjar fresh from Odin's halls!
High-seated among heroes shall I quaff the yellow-mead.
The Aesir welcome me. Laughing gladly do I die!

I turned around slowly.

A Deathsong was crouching on a rock. Her cold, blue eyes gleamed dangerously.

We hewed with the brand!
Full gladly do I go! See the Valkyrjar fresh from Odin's halls!
High-seated among heroes shall I quaff the yellow-mead.
The Aesir welcome me. Laughing gladly do I die!

I took a step back, afraid. This Deathsong's song was creepy. Although it was an old folk tune many Vikings sang regularly, it sent chills up and down my spine with how she sang it.

We hewed with the brand, the Deathsong hissed. Her tail swished from side to side and her eyes glinted evilly.

Full gladly do I go!

I barely stopped myself from shaking. The next part made me shiver and realize just how deep in I was.

See the Valkyrjar fresh from Odin's halls! The Deathsong slowly crept forward. High-seated among heroes shall I quaff the yellow-mead.

The last line was different than it was before. This last line turned my legs to jelly. They slowed my heart. The lyrics made me want to leave and never set foot outside of a room. But what was even worse was the fact that the lyrics made me want to die.

The Aesir welcome you. Laughing gladly will you die.

The Deathsong pounced.

I barely rolled out of the way as it's acid-like amber shot at me. The dragon followed quickly after.

I rolled to the left and jumped up, looking around. I quickly found the Deathsong. Her blue eyes held me transfixed. 

Just before some more acid amber spewed out of her mouth, the Scauldron yelled at me. "ECHOGREEN GET YOUR REAR IN ACTION AND MOVE IT!"

Jolting out of the trance, I moved just before the acid amber hit.

"Echogreen, is it?" the Deathsong asked, stopping. She started to circle around me, so I did the same.

"Aye, and it will be the last thing you ever hear."

"Oh? So sure of yourself, are you?" With that last statement, the Deathsong leaped at me. I embraced the Deathsong and we started fighting talon to talon.

"ECHOGREEN WATCH OUT FOR HER ACID!" the Scauldron yelled from across the circle.

Taking her advice, I barely moved out of the way before a string of amber was shot at me.

The Deathsong rolled me over so I was on the bottom and she was on the top. "I think you were mistaken when you said that you name would be the last thing I ever heard. I will be the last thing you ever hear."

"Why are you here?" I growled, throwing the Deathsong off of me.

"I'm here to exterminate the ones who killed my mother," she said flying at me again. Some of her acid amber caught my tail. Searing pain spread up my whole body and I felt heavier.

"Who killed her?" I asked. "Maybe I can bring death to them."

"Liar!" The Deathsong screeched at me. She hurled another blast of acid at me. I barely dodged it. Before I could blink, the Deathsong was on top of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Denÿaræ, daughter of the dragon your Vikings killed."
