Chapter 27

(Ren's Pov)

Another day, another morning
With fascinating beautiful Angela watched the captivating clouds slide over the bright blue sky

Aeris woke up, lit by a soft pink glow, heavenly sunrise warmed the early morning

Grandma took us to her farm.
We found lambs and cows.
A herd of sheep slowly grazes over the bucolic landscape

We had lunch beside Lake
Aeris watching the baby ducklings follow their mother to the river was enchanting

We gone through from forest
There were more than fifty types of birds living in the lush of oak trees

We again watched the sun set.
It was more than yesterday

During the evening time, we had dinner outside at garden. I wish Serah and MJ could join us here.

After that we went our room and fall asleep
Like that, we spend our 2 days at Farmhouse
I and Aeris, we both enjoyed it.

"Aren't you leaving too soon?" Grandma asked and I glanced at Aeris. We both wanted to stay few days more but..... We must leave. "We came here just for 2 days Grandma! We'll come again, don't worry" I said and Aeris noded at Grandma.

"We had a great time here" Aeris said and Grandma smiled. "Ahh... wait" Grandma said as she went inside. After 3 min she came outside with something in her hands. It was a little stuffed bear.

"Give it to my Serah and tell her I miss her" Grandma said with tears in her eyes. I took that bear from her and hugged her.

"We will" I said and she cried harder.


"You seems enjoyed a lot" MJ said as he handed Aeris a glass of Juice.

"Yes we did. You should have joined us" Ren said making him feel regret.

"Sorry, I couldn't" MJ said. "By the way, do you know, tomorrow is something special" MJ said and Ren squeezes his eyes. "What is tomorrow?" Ren asked.

"As always you don't remember" MJ said and Ren got a call and it was Kavin. "Give me a sec" Ren said as he left. Aeris looked at MJ.

"What's special tomorrow?" She asked and he smiled. "Its his birthday" MJ said.


Aeris was lying on bed pretending to sleep. She all of sudden opened her eyes and glanced beside her, seeing Ren fall asleep.

She glanced at watch and it was 10pm. She slightly removed the blanket, trying to get off from bed without waking up Ren.

She successfully got out of her room and went to MJ's room. She knocked the door and MJ opened the door.

"Did he fall asleep?" MJ asked and she nod. "So early" MJ said. "He is tired" She said and he nod. "Lets begin with our plan" MJ said and she smiled.

They both made their way to kitchen.

"Everything is here, we just have to make a sweet and cute cake for our birthday boy" MJ said and she nod. "You know how to make a cake?" He asked and she lowered her face.

"I never had a cake in my life" She said and MJ felt a sudden regret for asking such a dumb question. "Leave it! Its fine! We'll see youtube" He said & she tilted her head.

"What's that?" She asked and MJ sighed. "Nothing! You'll do as I say" He said and she nod. "Okay" MJ said.

They both begins to make cake. Aeris was keep on messing up with these, while MJ wasn't good at it either. Aeris and MJ kept the cake on oven and guess what, they burned it.

"Aeeee!!!" MJ groaned. "Ren won't be happy" Aeris said and MJ patted her head. "We'll make another one" MJ said. "We need someone" Aeris said and MJ thought.

"I know who can help us" MJ said as he grabbed his phone and dialed a number. It was none other but Kavin.

(In Call)

Kavin: What problem you have caused now?
MJ: What's your problem man? Why can't you talk sweetly to me
Kavin: Just ewwww!
MJ: Fine!! Just tell me how to make a cake?
Kavin: I'm a doctor not a baker
MJ: Me neither but still! Tomorrow's Ren's birthday, so Aeris wanted to give him a surprise handmade cake. We tried to make it but...
Kavin: Let me guess, you burned it
Kavin: SHUT UP!
MJ: Just help me, we don't have time
Kavin: I can't help you right now because I have to do an operation after 2 min.
MJ: What now then?
Kavin: I don't like saying this but..... Contact Serah for this. She'll help you
MJ: C-Can you give me her number.
Kavin: Be honest, you never ask for her number?
MJ: I didn't! Instead I gave her mine.
Kavin: Thinking, she will call you? *Laugh*
MJ: Bruhhhhh!!!


"Are you calling her or not?" Aeris asked because MJ was kept on staring at Serah's number instead of calling her. 

"Are you scared from her?" Aeris asked and MJ narrow his eyes. "N-No! Of course not" MJ said and Aeris laughed a little.


(Serah's Pov)

I was lying on my bed staring at my phone, MJ's number. I took a deep breathe. I decided to sleep but all of sudden my phone rang and it was MJ. "W-Why is he calling me this late?" I asked myself. I answered the call.

(In Call)

"H-Hello Serah!" I heard his voice. "W-What happened MJ? Is everything okay?" I asked cause I was worried.

"Nope! I need your help" He said and I narrowed my eyes. "What is it?" I asked. MJ told me that him and Aeris are preparing cake for Ren's Birthday.

"Ohh.. Uhm... Okay! I'll teach Aeris in video call" I said and I could sense happiness on MJ's face. "Okay" He said in a exciting tone.


MJ video called her and saw Serah in her night outfit with open hair. "Stop staring at me for god sake" Serah scolded MJ and he kept the phone on table.

"Okay! We'll start now" Serah said as she begins to teach them how to make a cake.

MJ and Aeris were still messing up while Serah was showing anger only on MJ. "You are too strict, Serah" MJ said in a baby tone. "S-Sorry!" Serah said.

"Kept it on oven now" She said and MJ kept it on oven. "Now for decoration, you need to chop strawberries from between" Serah said and MJ nod.

While cutting MJ accidently cuts his finger making it bleed. "MJ!!!" Serah got worried about him. "IS IT BLEEDING TOO MUCH?" She asked and MJ looked at her.

"Its fine. Its just a minor cut" He said and Serah sighed. "I'll chop it, Ren taught me" Aeris said and she begins to chop the strawberries carefully while MJ hissing in pain.

"Is it okay Serah?" Aeris asked while Serah's eyes were on MJ's finger. Aeris smiled on her own. "SERAH" Aeris called her loudly. "Huh? Yeah! Its good!" Serah said.

After many difficulties, MJ and Aeris successfully made Ren's birthday cake.

"Thank you so much Serah!" Aeris said and Serah shook her head. "Its alright! Its all your hard work. Ren would be very happy! Wish him from my side" Serah said.

"I'll hang up now" Serah added. "Wait... Are you not gonna wish him now?" MJ asked and Serah sighed. "I'll personally call him tomorrow! Its late by the way! Good night Aeris!" Serah said and hang up the call.

"Is she not happy?" Aeris asked MJ and he shook his head. "Its not like that! She must be tired" MJ lied and then they both went to Ren's room.

At exact 12:00 Am.

"HAPPPPYY BIRTHDAYYY RENNN!!" MJ and Aeris screamed making Ren woke up. 

He was too stunned to do anything. "W-What is this?" He asked. "Is this how you response to your birthday cake?" MJ asked.

"Oh shit! Its my birthday!! Did you guys made it?" Ren asked. 

"YESS! Its made with a lots of loves and hard work" MJ said while showing his injured finger. Ren chuckles. He gazed at Aeris who siting beside him with the cake. 

"Its looks tasty" Ren said and Aeris smiled at MJ. "Of course! After we made it" MJ said and smirked. "Actually... Serah helped us out" Aeris said and Ren smiled.

"Woahh!" Ren claimed. "Now make a wish and blow it up" MJ said and Ren nod. Ren closed his eyes to make a wish.

"Thanks god for making me still alive. I have asked nothing from you ever but you still gave me so much. I just my little brother to be happy and successful. You sent me Aeris. I'll take it as a special present for my birthday. Thanks for everything"

Ren wished in his mind and opened his eyes as he blew the candles.


"Here..." MJ gave the knife to Ren to cut the cake. Ren cut the cake and begins to feed MJ. He was shocked. "Wait.... I thought....."

"You thought I don't care for you anymore. I love Aeris but you are my first priority MJ. Stay happy" Ren said. MJ was touched from his words.

MJ took the piece of cake from his hand and fed it to Ren. "How is it?" MJ asked. "Uhm.. Yummy!" Ren said as he feed it to MJ.

"Sister in law... go ahead" MJ said and she fed the cake to Ren. "Thank you so much Aeris for coming in my life" Ren said and kissed her forehead.

MJ cleared his throat. "Guys.. I'm still here!" MJ said making Aeris blush. "I'll leave, my brother and sister in law alone! Good night!" MJ said as he winked at Aeris and left by closing the door.

MJ was lying on bed staring at Serah's message box. He took a deep breathe and texted her.


Heyyy! Thanks for help :)
Ahh.. I forget, you must be asleep!

MJ kept his phone aside. All of sudden, a notification popup. He quickly grabs his phone and saw

Heyyy! Thanks for help :)
Ahh.. I forget, you must be asleep!

Mention not :)
Its late... Go and sleep!
Good night!

Good night!!!!!
See you soon!!! Byeeee!!

Even though Serah left him in seen, he was happiest. He wanted to chat with her but she didn't reply.

MJ smiled on his and happily fall asleep as well as Aeris and Ren.



I'm getting lazy day by day
