Chapter 22

"Why did she left?" Ren asked and MJ shrugged off. "Just tell me what's going on?" Ren asked. "Its nothing! She is just stressed!" MJ said and smiled.

Suddenly MJ's phone rang and it was Peter. "Yes Peter?" MJ asked. "Okay! I'll be there in 5 minutes!" MJ said and hang up the call. "Ren! I gotta go now! I have match tomorrow" MJ said and Ren nod.


"Heyy Buddy!" MJ heard Peter. "Yes?" MJ asked. "Whom you're gonna invite tomorrow?" Peter asked and MJ sighed. Of course Ren won't come because of Aeris. "Is it Ren?" Peter asked and MJ shook his head. "Then?" Peter asked.

"Someone speacial" MJ said and left from there. "Another girl" Peter said and sighed. MJ dialed Kavin's number. Kavin received the call and spoke before MJ could.

(In Call)

Kavin: If its about Serah, hang up already!
MJ: Wtf! Why so rude man! At least hear me out!
Kavin: You never calls me and when you does, it always something stupid
MJ: I have called you to invite you!
Kavin: What?! Are you getting married?
MJ: No! I'm preparing your funeral and you must be there.
MJ: Then speak to me properly
Kavin: What is it?
MJ: I have basketball match tomorrow! Ren won't join because of Aeris so I want you to come.
Kavin chuckles on phone
Kavin: And you want me to call Serah too, isn't it?
MJ: Uhmmmm...... No I mean--
Kavin: Fine! I will!

MJ was shocked that how come Kavin agree so fast.

"You don't have to be shock! I'm not doing it for you! Serah loves Basketball that's why!" Kavin said and I smiled. "Thanks a lot Mannn!! After winning treat from my side!" MJ said. "Who said, you'll win?" Kavin asked and hang up the call.

"Aeee! This guy don't know how to talk without being rude" MJ said and kept his phone in his pocket.


"What?" Serah gasped as she heard Kavin inviting her for basketball match. "I don't wanna join!" Serah said making Kavin shock.

"Why? Did something happened between you and MJ?" Kavin asked. "No! No! Its nothing!" Serah said. "Then? You love basketball! You always wanted to go on a match. You are getting a chance then why not?" Kavin asked.

Serah took a deep breathe. "Okay Kavin! I'll join you guys!" She said and Kavin smiled. "I'll pick you tomorrow at 10 am" He said and she agreed. 


(Next Day)

"I'm sorry! I couldn't join you!" Ren said and MJ shook his head. "Serah is coming!" MJ said and Aeris smiled. "That's why you are not even angry on me" Ren said.

MJ chuckles. "Kavin is coming too! You don't have to worry about Serah! I won't flirt" MJ said. "Glad to hear! Good luck!" Ren said and MJ hugged him.

"G-Good Luck!" Aeris said and MJ smile. "Thanks! Sister in law" MJ said and winked. Ren smack his head. "Go" Ren said and MJ left while laughing.


Kavin and Serah was inside the car, making their way to MJ's match. Kavin was noticing that Serah wasn't happy.

Kavin stopped the car all of sudden making Serah stunned. "Is everything okay, Kavin?" She asked. "Exactly! Is everything okay, Serah?" He questioned back.

"Yeah! Everything is fine!" She answered and he shook his head. "Its not! Just tell me Serah! Please!" He said making no choice left for Serah but to tell him.


MJ was waiting for Serah and Kavin. "Heyy Man? Where is your friend named Kavin?" Peter asked and MJ rolled his eyes.

"He is not my friend! He is Ren's friend!" MJ said while looking for them. "Isn't same thing?" Peter asked. "Nope! He has no quality to become my friend" MJ said.

"Then why did you invite him?" Peter asked. "Wtf is wrong with you man? Why you have to dig out every information about me?" MJ said little bit of annoyed.

"Okay sorry!!" Peter said and MJ smiled while looking in front of him. He saw Kavin and Serah coming. "They are here" MJ said as he glanced at Peter.

While Peter's eyes were fixed on Serah. MJ smack his head. "Ouchh! Wtf Man" Peter cursed. "Don't lay your eyes on her" MJ warned him.

"Why? Is she Kavin's girlfriend?" Peter asked and MJ again smacked his head. "IT HURTS MAN!" Peter groaned. "Not even in Kavin's dream" MJ said.

Kavin and Serah reached to MJ. "Hi Serah" MJ said and she looked at Kavin. "Hi MJ" Kavin said instead of Serah.

"Hi Miss Serah! I'm Peter!" He introduced himself and she smiled. "Hi! I'm Serah Naylor!" She greeted him making MJ jealous.


"MJ!" Before MJ could proceed, his coach calls him. "Aee this guy! I gotta go! Cheer for me" he said and Kavin nod. "Bye Serah! See you soon" He said and she nod.


Kavin and Serah was just passing and suddenly Serah bumped into someone. It was a tall handsome guy.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking" She said as she chin up and totally gasped after seeing that face. And very nicely, MJ was also coming to her side and saw them.

"OMG! Are you Mike?" She asked and he nod. "Omg! I'm a big fan of yours" She claimed and he widely smiled while MJ clenched his fist.

"Ohh! Really? That's so nice, that I have such a pretty fan girl" He said making her blush. "Must cheer for me" He said and MJ narrowed his eyes.

"Sure! I will!" She said making MJ even more angry.

"Bye!" He said and left by waving at her. "Who is he?" Kavin asked.

"He is Mike, basketball team leader! I'm a big fan of him! Thanks Kavin for taking me here!" She said and he smiled.

"Say thanks to MJ! It was his Idea" He said and she nod. MJ left without any words. He was angry. He gathered his team.

"WE MUST WIN THIS MATCH! AT ANY COST" He screamed and everyone nod.

"What happened to you all of sudden?" Peter asked. "Nothing!" MJ said and left. "This guy is so hard to read" Peter said.


Ren was combing Aeris's hairs and suddenly their door bell rang. Aeris got startled. "Calm down! Go to your room!" He said and she left.

Ren half opened the door. He widened his eyes as he saw the person standing infront of him. Ren gasped in Air. It was none other but Kinn.

"You are Kinn, right?" Ren asked and he nod. "CEO of prominent Theerapanyakul Company?" Ren asked and Kinn nod.

"Actually my car has ran into some problem, it was very hot outside, if you don't mind can I stay here inside?" Kinn asked and Ren nod excitedly.

"Welcome sir! Its an honor that you came here!" He said and Kinn entered inside.

"Thanks... Mr....."

"Ren! Ren Aira" Ren introduced himself and hand shake with him. "Have a seat sir!" Ren said and Kinn sat on couch.

"Did I bother you Mr. Ren?" Kinn asked and Ren shook his head. "You want coffee Sir?" Ren asked and Kinn shook his head.

"Just few minutes and I'll leave! So don't trouble yourself" Kinn said and Ren nod. Kinn was gazed at his house. "Mr. Ren, what you do?" He asked.

"I'm an author!" Ren said and Kinn nod. "Wait... Ren Aira.... Author of My words?" Kinn asked and Ren gasped happily. "Yes! Yes!" Ren claimed.

"Ahh! My brother has read your book!" Kinn said and Ren smiled. "Say Thanks to him" Ren said and Kinn nod.

"You live alone Mr. Ren?" Kinn asked and Ren shook his head. "I have younger brother" Ren said and Kinn smiled.


Match Begins....

MJ and Mike stood infront of each other. "It would be great to play with you" Mike said and MJ chuckles. "Yeah! Why not" MJ said and smirked. 
