Chapter Seven

Thanks for bearing with me, guys! It's been a long week or so, but I'm ready to dive back into this! I finally know where I'm going with the Savitar plotline, and boy, am I ready for it. }:)

As you can see above, a new player makes an appearance, and the Daxam Four (I love saying that) make a stunning realization. Well, actually, one of them does, but hey, the others helped.

Enjoy the chapter!


She was many things. She was, unfortunately, most well known for being the younger sister of the man who tried to kill Superman, and the adoptive daughter of the woman who ran a terrorist organization that was anti-alien and especially against Supergirl. She was the one trying to turn her family name around, trying to prove she wasn't like her family, trying to turn her family's work into something better. She was beautiful, she was smart, and she wasn't one to back down from a fight. Most importantly, she clung to the friends she had and didn't let go for anything.

She was many things, but Lena Luthor was not stupid.

She had gone by Kara's apartment yesterday afternoon with a box of doughnuts to try and cheer her up, knowing she was still unemployed, but she hadn't been there. She had left them at Kara's door and left for the evening, texting her with the offer of breakfast. When she hadn't gotten answer before she had gone to bed, she had started to be a bit concerned. Maybe she had been spending time with Alex? Perhaps a no-phone night? Surely she'd answer by the next morning, right?

Except the next morning, there had been no answer. Lena had taken one last look by Kara's apartment, a cup of Kara's favorite coffee in one of her hands. She'd found the box of doughnuts still at Kara's doorstep, with no sign of the blonde having ever come home.

That was when Lena knew something was wrong.

She visited CatCo regularly enough to see Kara that no one was surprised when she walked out of the elevator, but she did get concerned looks. She imagined she looked a sight, though – her friend hadn't contacted her at all, and it looked like she hadn't been home. She was determined to find out where she was, even if she had to track her down by asking her friends.

Lena frowned as she took in Kara's former desk, then approached the main office. She saw James Olsen on the phone, and she turned to leave, but paused when she noted how exhausted he looked. She cautiously walked into the doorway and rapped on the frame, and James's head jerked up. "Uh, yes, I'll let you know," he cleared his throat. "Thank you." He hung up, looking up at her. "Ms. Luthor," he said in surprise, standing up. "Kara hasn't been here since she was fired."

"I know," Lena nodded, walking further in. "I was just wondering if you had heard from her at all in the last day or so."

Something flickered in James's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I went by her apartment yesterday to drop something off and left it there when she didn't answer," Lena answered, her hands in her coat pockets. "I texted her to offer breakfast, but she also didn't answer. I went by her apartment to make sure she was OK, and she hadn't even been there."

Oh, James definitely knew something, because Lena knew panic when she saw it. "I'll try and contact her," James finally said.

"Let me know if you hear anything," Lena smirked.

James's jaw clenched, but he nodded. "Fine."

Lena nodded back and turned to leave, only to blink when she saw who was approaching. "Mike," she said in surprise. "I thought you didn't work here anymore."

"Uh, I don't," Kara's boyfriend shook his head. "I actually need to ask James about something."

"If it's about Kara, I just told Ms. Luthor I haven't heard anything from her." The cold voice from the man behind her made Lena tilt her head curiously. Well, that was new from the Acting CEO. "I'd have thought you would know something, being her . . . boyfriend, and all."

Lena looked back and forth between the two men. James had his hands braced on his desk, glaring at Mike, and Mike . . . Lena had seen plenty of masks in her time as a businesswoman and as a Luthor. She couldn't tell what he was trying to hide, but if it involved Kara . . . "I'll leave the two of you to chat," she drawled, stepping past Mike.

She had barely stepped out when Mike shut the doors behind her. Lena looked behind her, eyes wide, as Mike stormed forward towards James, who straightened back up and folded his arms. Frowning, Lena walked towards the elevators, but as she did so, she pulled her tablet out of her bag, accessing her phone's hot-spot. As she called the elevator, she found it quite easy to tap a few buttons and get into the CatCo security system. She frowned, noticing the cameras in the CEO office were down . . . that didn't mean she could use something else.

She plugged in a set of earbuds and kept walking, heading for L-Corp as she tapped the button to help her listen into what was going on in the CatCo CEO office.

" – imagined you could be that damn good of an actor."

"I had one job to do, James! One job!"

"And what was that? Tear Kara apart? Try to kill her?"

Lena was just barely able to force her feet to keep moving instead of freezing in place. That . . . that had not been something she was expecting to hear over this tape. The moment she found herself at L-Corp, she strode to her elevator, still listening.

" – that I have ever hated!"

"How can you blame one woman for the loss of your homeworld, Mon-El? Kara was thirteen when Krypton exploded! She was a child! How could she have been the cause of Daxam's demise?"

"I'm surprised you even care."

"Everything with Supergirl started out with her and Winn, and then me. I've known her longer than you have, and just in case you've forgotten, all I need to do is hit speed dial, and her cousin will be here in seconds. Unless you want Superman to kick your ass for trying to kill Kara because you think she'd kill you – which is completely ridiculous, Kara is not a killer – get the hell out of this office and don't come back. And if Kara managed to get away, and if she found it with Barry of all people . . . well, good riddance."

Lena walked out into her office, ending the feed there. She dropped into her chair and put her head in her hands, closing her eyes. What . . . what had she just heard?

First off, Mike – or Mon-El, if James was correct – had tried to kill Kara. That . . . was not what she had expected from the man. But, then again, James had pointed out he was a good actor at the beginning.

Second of all, Mon-El was an alien . . . and Kara was Kryptonian.

Oh, God, her friend was Supergirl.

Lena groaned and rubbed circles into her forehead. Oh, Kara . . . why did you never say?

No, she could think of two reasons why Kara didn't say. Option one is that the Super didn't trust the Luthor. But Kara had come through for her time and time again, even if it was as Kara Danvers and not as Supergirl, and passionately, too. She couldn't have faked her trust like that if she tried. Unless Kara was as good an actor as Mi – Mon-El. James didn't seem to think so, at least.

Which left option two – Kara cared about her so much she didn't want to risk Lena knowing her identity as Supergirl. Lena was already a target just because of her Luthor name, and if she knew who Supergirl really was, that would just add even more targets on her until something inevitably happened to her. Not to mention her dearest mother would no doubt use that against her.

Lena knew which option she hoped Kara was thinking of in hiding who she was.

That left trying to figure out where Kara had gone. Obviously if her boyfriend was trying to kill her, she'd get as far away from him as she could get. From what James had said, she hadn't gone to Superman. He had mentioned someone named Barry, though . . . hmm.

If she could find out who this Barry was, and if he knew where Kara was, then she would find him. And if not, well . . . she'd figure out something. Either way, Kara needed to know Lena was on her side, secretkeeping be damned.

Lena booted up her laptop, texted a quick request to her assistant, then cracked her knuckles.

She had a busy day ahead of her.


"So everything on this board was on the newsreel in the future?" Oliver clarified, examining the whiteboard full of HR's notes.

"Yeah," Barry nodded. "We saw them before Savitar killed Iris."

Kara tilted her head, finding one that stuck out the most. "Killer Frost still at large?"

Barry swallowed. "Caitlin's powers completely transform her."

"So side mission two is keeping Caitlin from turning into Killer Frost," Sara nodded. "OK, now we just need to work on figuring out who Savitar could be."

"Jay, the Flash of Earth-3, said Savitar's been around for . . . like, ever," Barry ran a hand through his hair.

"I guess gods usually are around for a long time," Kara shrugged.

"Except Savitar isn't a god," Oliver turned around, starting to pace. "There's someone inside the suit. We just need to figure out who it is."

Sara nodded, clicking her fingers on occasion as she thought. "You know him better than us, Barry. What can you tell us?"

"Uh," Barry sat down with a huff, scratching the back of his head. "He predicts everything we do exactly as we do it, he knows all of us . . . like, knows us."

"That's helpful," Sara snorted.

"It's like you know your closest friends," Kara guessed.

"Yeah," Barry pointed at her. "Exactly like that."

"So Savitar knows what you do before you do it, and he knows all of you like the universe's creepiest shrink," Sara frowned.

"How is he a speedster?" Kara asked suddenly.

"What?" Barry looked at her, surprised.

"It's just something I'm thinking about," Kara frowned, tapping her chin. "Savitar . . . is the man inside the suit a speedster? Or is the suit what makes him a speedster?"

"It can't be the suit," Barry shook his head. "Unless the Speed Force suddenly decides it likes giving leather or metal speedster abilities."

Sara grimaced. "Thanks, Barry. Now I have mental images of yours and Wally's suits racing each other when all of you go home."

Kara giggled, then clapped a hand over her mouth. "That's funny."

"Yeah, it kind of is," Sara agreed, sharing a grin with the Kryptonian.

"So the guy in the suit is a speedster, and he knows every move you're going to make," Oliver frowned. "Could he have traveled from the future? Speedsters can do it, obviously; you have, and so did Thawne."

"That's the closest thing I'm thinking of," Barry nodded. "Partly because of something he said."

"Which was?" Sara tilted her head.

"He said he was the future Flash," Barry shrugged. "I mean, obviously, he's a speedster from the future – "


Barry paused, hearing the swear from Oliver, and he looked up to see his friend had gone completely pale. "Oliver?"

Oliver swallowed hard. "You're sure that's what he said? The future Flash?"

Sara froze as well. "You seriously don't think – ?"

"What other option is there, Sara?" Oliver held his arms out helplessly. "Unless you think this could be Wally?"

"What?" Kara looked between the two, clueless.

Oliver took a deep breath. "Savitar: a speedster inside a suit, who knows Barry's team like he was a part of it, and knows every single move they make. Of course he would know – he's done them all before. Because, like Savitar said, he is the future Flash."

As Oliver listed everything, Kara's face slowly lost its color as well, and Barry's eyes widened in horror, getting what his friend meant.

"Savitar . . . is me?"


Oh, I did that, didn't I? Guess that means I'll need to do a Savitar POV at some point soon. Hehe.

And hello, Lena! Hopefully her section was believable. She'll be joining the crew on Earth-1 shortly before Savitar is dealt with, because something's going to come up, and, well . . . I think it will prompt a few things to come up in some of the couples that are going to be formed.

And I really enjoy writing Oliver, Barry, Sara, and Kara together. Could we just have an episode of the four of them working together? Please?

P.S., all four Arrowverse shows got renewed, and John Constantine and Ava Sharpe are going to be series regulars on Legends next season. Praise Beebo, everyone!
