Author's Note

I hate writing these. I really do. There is nothing I hate more than having to write one of these instead of an actual update. Except it seems like, just with "Won't Let You Down," I need to.

In the past, the majority of my SuperArrow stories have followed a transcript of some kind, which means it's much, much easier to update more often. Sometimes, even more than one update a day. That's also because I know what I'm doing. Thank the episodes for that.

In an original story like this, I have a basic idea of what I'm doing. I only just figured out what I'm doing for the Savitar arc last week. That doesn't mean I have every bit of dialogue and interaction between characters figured out. I often say my stories write themselves. That is very true. Sometimes I don't know what I write when I sit down to do it.

Which is why, combining that with my ridiculous college schedule, it's practically impossible to expect me to keep a consistent updating schedule. Take this last week, for example. I had a migraine Tuesday, complete with thunderstorms and a tornado warning that sent all of my dorm to the basement, and dress rehearsal for all of the performing arts groups that night, which didn't end for me until 9:00. The next day, I was as sick as a dog, even with the performance that night. That sickness carried over into Thursday, and I barely had any sleep to run on for Friday. I told some people that I hoped to get an update complete over the weekend.

That was before the fire alarms going off Saturday morning at 3:20, me waking up at quarter past 5 in the evening that same day, and all of the homework I had to complete yesterday, which didn't get finished until about quarter after 10:00. There was no time for me to even consider how to continue from last chapter.

These things happen, guys. To those of you who were expecting an update, I'm sorry. I hoped to be able to. But saying "I plan to update" isn't the same thing as "I will update." I try not to make promises when I know they're not feasible.

Don't get me wrong, I love comments. In fact, I encourage them. I encourage people to comment on parts of the story they like, what makes them laugh, what they don't like, etc. The more people comment, the more I know people are reading my story and enjoying it. What I don't like to see in comments is when people constantly ask for updates.

So basically, to conclude . . . please don't beg/demand updates for this story especially. It's an original story, which means I'm writing everything from scratch. I have the individual arcs just broadly outlined, and that's it. Please don't expect me to whip something up just because you guys ask for it. If you say "I'm looking forward to the next update," that's something I like to hear. If you say "where's the next update" or "please update," especially after I have just posted that day, that will not make me update faster. If anything, that just slows me down. I always tell people I update as soon as I finish a chapter, and that's absolutely true. Chances are, if you post a comment like that an hour or two later, I've barely even gotten half a page written, or maybe I haven't even started.

Long story short, I have a life outside of Wattpad. That life includes a college education with a whole lot of expectations that include rehearsals and performances because I'm a music major. Please respect that and do not expect me to put Wattpad before all of that.

To those of you who haven't asked me for updates, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I'm sorry you had to read this. To those of you who tell me to take my time, that means even more to me. I respect the quality of a chapter over just tossing words together and throwing it out. The more time I take on a chapter, chances are it's going to be better than if I get it out immediately.

And to those of you who may ask for an update, my answer is this: I'll update when I finish the next chapter, which I haven't started yet.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm ranting, but in a way, I kind of am. I don't want to lose readers because I sound like a bitch, but several of you know, I don't like fighting with people. I don't want to fight with people. Just please respect my time away from Wattpad, and I'll respect everyone back. That's all I'm asking.

Thank you all so much!

 ~ Miss Moffat
