Chapter 9: Emma Barrow

Steve's POV
I had Chin and Kono go pick up Emma Barrow for interrogation and when they got back I rushed down there to ask her questions.

"Did you know the late Annie Roberts?" I ask her, whatever her involvement with Annie was I will find it out.

"Annie and I were friends," Emma tells me. "We had met in college years ago and stayed close. I found it strange how we were able to stay close after college, a lot of people don't stay that way after college. For some reason though we did."

"So you were studying to become a what in college?" I ask her.

"Marine Biologist, just like Annie." She answers, "we both tried for the same job with only one difference."

"She got the job and you didn't I'm assuming." I answer even though it wasn't really a question.

"Yeah I mean it's not like it's a big deal or anything." She replies.

"No not at all its not like you didn't get the job of your dreams." I say trying to push her towards either a confession or a name. "And what are you know? Definitely not a Marine biologist right?"

"No not at all!" She starts to say getting mad, "she took my dreams and all of my life goals! She didn't even want to become a Marine biologist did you know that? Yeah we were roomies in college first and I was a Marine biology major and she read some of my homework, thought it sounded fun! Then she takes my dream job right from my finger tips!"

"Yeah uh huh, I bet that made you really mad." I push a little further but not to far.

"Yeah really mad!" She replies angrily.

"Mad enough to kill?" I ask trying not to let my anger show.

"No never," she replies. "She may have stolen my dream job from my childhood but I would never result to killing to get what I want. Ask anyone killing people is a mean and cowardice move. I may be many things Commander Mcgarrett but a murderer I am not."

"See before I asked you if you killed her you gave me a lot of motive," I inform her. "So if you want to keep from going to jail I suggest you give me something to help me catch the real culprit. Unless you have a super good lawyer but even then it varies." Suddenly my phone rings. I look down and it's Jenna. "Excuse me just a moment." I step outside and tap the accept button.

"Steve I looked at the list more in depth and one of the other names look familiar." Jenna tells me.

"Okay who?" I ask her.
"Her boss: Pandora Stanson." She informs me.

"Thanks Jenna," I thank her. "Look it's really busy down here, could you possibly get a ride home or walk home with a friend?"

"Yeah," she replies. "In a couple months I'll be able to drive so this won't be a problem anymore soon."

"Yeah sadly for the rest of the world," I reply with a sigh jokingly.

"Yeah hahaha very funny." She sarcastically replies.

"Stay safe okay this killer might come for you too." I warn her.

"Dont worry I'll be fine," she starts to tell me. "I'm technically a Mcgarrett so its in my blood to be completely skilled at safety."

"That's what worries me." I say then I hang up.
