Chapter 2: Jenna

Jenna's POV
Today started out like any other day. I woke up, got ready for school, are breakfast, then my mom drove me to school and dropped me off. It was like I said completely normal, well up until fifth period.

"Jenna Roberts please report to the principles office." A voice on the P.A. system said. My heart started racing I've never been in trouble before what had I done??

I grabbed my backpack and walked down the hallway to the principles office and stepped inside. Inside I see a police officer, not just any police officer but one from Five-0. An elite task force on Hawaii that apparently keeps us safer than the police yeah right.

"Hello Jenna, you might be curious as to why I called you down here," my principle Mrs. Brookes states. "This is officer Steve Mcgarrett, he's part of-"

"Five-0 I know that I could tell by his badge." I say cutting her off.

"Yes, so anyways, I'm afraid he's here with some bad news." She says back to me not getting mad that I cut her off. Something must really be bad.

"Look Jenna today, we don't know what time exactly yet..." Steve starts, "I'm sorry to tell you this but your mom was in a fatal car accident. But apparently she doesn't think it was an accident. She said she was murdered right before she died."

I see tears form in his eyes, and I watch him try to blink those away. Apparently he knew her. I turn around and open the door and just get out of there. My mom was the only person who cares about me, cared now I guess. I get outside and just sit. A few minutes later Steve comes out and sits next to me.

"Look I know you loved your mom, I loved her too." Steve starts to say, "but trust me if someone did this I'm going to find out who."

"My mom was all I had- it was just the two of us." I begin to tell him, "now what do I do?"

"Jenna before your mom died she asked me to take care of you and that's a promise I intend to keep." Steve answers.

"You knew my mom?" I ask she never said anything about knowing him in all the times we've seen him on the news.

"She was my only friend for the better part of my life, all the way up to when I joined the navy." Steve answers. "So yeah I'm going to try to keep her death wish to keep you safe. Do you want to stay here and finish the day or go get your stuff from your house?"

"Go get my stuff from my house." I answer I'd rather not be in front of the class crying.

"Okay follow me my cars over there he points off to the distance.
When we get to the car there's someone sitting in the front seat, probably from Five-0.

"Danny this is Jenna," Steve tells the person in the front seat.

"Hello, Steve I thought you said this was going to be quick." Danny starts, "and why did you bring someone back with you?"

"It's a long story I'll explain on the way.
