Restore him

Hey everyone, sooo you know awhile ago when I put the younger you involved with the usj attack. Well soon I'm going to delete that for  later chapters. The existing UA students are the same age as you. Sooo here we go!))

" ( Y/n)!" Windy says entering the class seeing you, she gave you a bear hug. " Oh hey winds" you chuckled. Soon all your friends and other classmates piled in. " Alright kids, you better have your assignment or I'm failing you" stain said harsh as ever. Some people turned it in now but you you let flame quickly copy your answers for he forgot his assignment at school. You both turn it in and quickly sat down. " Now, today's lesson is going to be how to catch a hero off guard. Yes we're going to practice later, yes you will have an assignment due tomorrow for this, suck it up bastards. Your in highschool for villains, lifes a bitch." Stain said so harshly you were surprised no one has shit their pants yet. You looked behind you to see fucking faint asleep. Sure she has the syndrome or something but gurl, how the fuck u have an A in this class. Anyways you refocused on stain and his teaching.

( Lazy reader at 10/11 ok over here just trying to get a chapter out)

It was the next night and you were at the training field...." Stain? Yo this ain't cool, come out... Please?" It's been an hour and you still haven't found him. You sigh and text him to call you if he was just later. You return home. Thank God it was Friday.

The next morning as chaos. " I KNOW THAT LITTLE SHIT ENDEAVOR DIDNT FUCKING DEFEAT HIM AND PUT HIM IN JAIL!!" You yell hearing the news on stain being put behind bars. Dabi and Kurogiri tried to calm you down but you were a hell flame.  " Yo (Y/n) cal,-" " I AINT GONNA CALM DOWN. I KNEW HIM YELL ENOUGH TO CALL HIM MY BROTHER." " Sissy, calm down plz" sky asked sipping on a caprisun. ( Did I spell that right?) You sigh and Storm off to your bedroom. You punch the wall and called Draco to complain.

After a bit, dracos little bro, demo, joined the call " it wasn't endeavor" demo said as you 2 were talking about the news. " What demo?" " It was 3 us students, not endeavor" demo explained how he knew this because of his quirk search. It's a vague quirk so it was very useful. " Tenya iida, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, those are the ones held responsible for stains arrest. " He explained why they even got involved with stain. ,You laughed darkly. " Shit " Draco whispered almost shitting his pants hearing you. " I have to go. Thank you demo, I'll have Draco bring you candy on Monday" " yay, Bai Bai" " bye (y/n)" you hung up. You did a little more research on your own about the 3 kids since demos quirk did have limits. ( I might explain everyone's quirk. Idk if I will but hey i might)

You rushed downstairs to everyone. " Were invading UA soon" " wtf (y/n) where did this come from???" Spinner asked. You explained how you had a plan but you weren't going to share. You were smiling like an insane person even making toga back up. Everyone figured out a plan and the date was set on when they would attack UA.

Short but that's cuz I'm on my phone and kinda want to do part of another chapter for another book and slep. Bai!))
