Merry early Chirstmas, I didnt plan to write another chapter yet but hey here I am, sorry its been to long. I didnt know how to update really, this book has no plot but thats just my fault. I didnt want to update till iver redrawn everyone and given out new names since I hate how every looks and their names are horrible. But i have only done 4 people so no. Also Ninjago has my full attention recently so yeaaaaaaa. This chapter is gonna be super short since I have no inspiration.)

Your POV

I was just messing around in my room because I was bored. I was on a phone call with everyone except Flame, he was apparently training. We were all laughing and talking. Sky was in my room as well, just working on a puzzle. I made jokes about Draco looking like a discount demon. He yelled at me. I laughed until Waterfall told us that he was getting a phone call. He muted himself for a good 10 minutes before unmuting. " Guys Flames in the hospital!" " WHAT!?" Water told us what hospital and we ended the call. I told everyone where I was going and ran out the house. I meet up with Death and Windy and we all went to the hospital. It was a special hospital that villains were allowed into. The others were already there when we arrived. He entered the hospital and asked to see him. They didnt allow us to see him for atleast an hour longer. So we waited and waited and waited and waited. Once we were allowed in we ran.

We walked in and froze. " Hey guys" flame said. Or well, we think is flame. The person in the hospital bed had brown skin, black hair, and amber eyes. He had burn marks all over him. " yeaa, its me... Flame" He smiled. " How did this happen!" " I thought you said you were born form a flame!" " HOW ARE YOUR HUMAN!" Flame shushed us and  explained how he had no clue he was human. He showed us he could return how he normally was, a walking flame, but he now could shut off his fire. Water was happy though knowing they could kiss now. ( I forgot if I said they were dating or not, if not well now you know) He kissed water's cheek happily. " But Im happy to be human. Im not so different heh!" " Yeah, and your still our flame! Fire or not!" Windy said. I walked over and gently hugged him. " oww " I let go " Sorry!" " its ok, my skin is just kinda sensitive, I somehow managed to burn myself with my own hair" He chuckled. 

( yeaaah thats all I got. sorry yall heh)
