
Evie rolled over marveling at her engagement ring, and the man that was laying under her.  It had been a few days and she couldn't believe it was real. She'd gone through this ritual every morning feeling the vibranium band against her finger and noting the soft snores of James beside her. She couldn't believe James was really here where he belonged. One blue eye popped open, "What are you doing?" he groaned.

"Admiring how pretty my ring is," she  whispered, her green eyes meeting his, "And maybe how pretty you are. Are you going to wear a wedding band on your left hand?"

James kissed her hand, "Do you want me to?"

"I'm sorry, too early for that. We haven't set a date," she said.

"Obviously if you're thinking this early I didn't do my job last night," he teased, running his metal fingers down her spine. She shivered, before leaving a bite on his right pectoral muscle. He groaned, "Doll."

She kissed him, tugging on the ends of his hair, "Cad."

His arms snaked around her, holding her tightly to his chest. "I don't want to let you go."

Evie looked at her ring again, "I don't think you're going to have to worry about that."

He pressed a kiss to her  temple, "I don't want to imagine my life without you anymore. I've done that. And I can't do it anymore. No more days without you."

"No Morgan. They're sleeping," Pepper scolded outside the door. 

"I heard them talking," Morgan stated.

Evie snickered, as James covered her mouth. "Shhh," he whispered.

"Coffee is downstairs. Though it sounds like you two have already had a morning pick me up," Pepper called, as her and Morgan went downstairs. Morgan asking what a morning pick me up was.

Evie laughed, "Let's get coffee."

He kissed her neck, "Or maybe we have a morning pick me up." His hand drifted down to her butt, giving it a tender squeeze. She smacked his hand away, before standing  up. She slipped on the night shirt and shorts she'd had on the night before. James slipped on some joggers and a red shirt.

Evie led the way downstairs. Pepper handled them a cup of coffee as they came down the stairs. Evie glared at her niece, "I could hurt you."

"You won't," Pepper said, "I'm the only Stark left to walk you down the aisle."

"No truer words have been spoken," James said, kissing Pepper's cheek.

Evie smiled, looking around the expansive kitchen. Her family was here. It was a little broken but it was good. She dropped a kiss on Morgan's head. Morgan looked up at her, "Aunt Evie what is a morning pick me up? Because mommy won't tell me."

Pepper and James snickered behind their mugs of coffee. Evie exhaled, "Its morning snuggles Uncle Bucky and I were snuggling."

"Next time can I come in?" Morgan asked.

"If our door is unlocked yes ma'am," James said.

Morgan grinned, before taking a giant bite of her cereal. James kissed Evie, "I'm thinking on our actual wedding anniversary. And I want to wear my band on my right hand."

"So next year?" Evie clarified.

"Next year," he agreed.

The next morning Evie woke to James and Morgan curled up around each other. Morgan's head was nuzzled into James' neck and her tiny arms were wrapped around him tightly. Evie snapped a picture quickly. Her heart ached at the thought of what they had missed out on. She'd imagined moments like this to calm her while war and strategies raged around her.

"I heard that," James whispered, his eyes still closed.

"How long have you been up?" Evie asked as Morgan snored between them.

"Since she came in and stuck her ice cold toes to me.  Apparently that's a Stark trait," James said, he pressed a kiss to Morgan's forehead. His next words came out before he could even process him, "You think we'll be able to have a baby?"

She froze, for several moments, before recovering. She hadn't thought about a family beyond Morgan, Pepper and Tony in a long time.  "I didn't think that was something you still wanted."

"I imagined this moment, when I fell, and when I was on the run, during my six months of self isolation," James murmured, as Morgan buried her head tighter into his neck. He wanted this. Their sweet niece made that want stronger.

Evie bit her lip, "I don't know if it's possible. I'll be honest with you. But we'll see what we can do."

James leaned over Morgan, whispering in Evie's ear, "Either way we can have fun trying."

Evie rolled her eyes, "I'm getting coffee."

James looked down, "I'm going to be a bit."

She slid out of bed, kissing Morgan and James before going down stairs.  Pepper was glued to the TV screen a cup of coffee in her hand, "They announced a vote to move back the borders."

Evie sighed, "I have a feeling I'm going to New York today."

"Probably. You think she'll be there?" Pepper asked.

Evie looked at the TV. "It's what I would do.  Hands down if I wanted to create that chaos."

"Just come home okay?" Pepper replied, "We can't loose you too."

Evie bit her lip, "I'm not going anywhere. Damnit I've lived this long I'm not getting taken out by a kid."

James came down with Morgan on his back. Evie smiled, before kissing them both. She gestured to the TV, "I have a feeling we're going to work today."

James sighed, "What are we waiting on?"

"Coffee and confirmation," Evie stated.

The pair watched the news intently for several moments. The sinking feeling settled in Evie's stomach the same one from the Walker announcement. She finished off her cup of coffee, just as her phone rang, she opened it seeing it was a FaceTime from Sam and Torres.

"We can't get ahold of Buck or he'd be on here, are you watching this," Sam asked.

James moved so that he was in screen, "Mornin' sunshine."

Sam sighed, "You two are smiling so I'm guessing you two are good again."

Evie lifted up her hand showing Sam the ring, "We're good. Now what's going on?"

"I've been tracking Karli and the flag smashers. Pings everywhere spread out globally. Until today, all ten pings I've been tracking are centralized in"-

"Manhattan," Evie stated cutting Torres off.

"Bingo. Wait how did you know?" Torres asked.

"Chaos panic disorder. It was kind of in my job title for decades.  It's what I would do," Evie replied.

"Can you two meet us in Manhattan?" Sam asked.

"We'll be there in a few hours. We can scope the area get intel," James said.

"Sounds good. Keep us updated," Sam said.

"Sergeant Barnes for the record I'm glad your remembered the steps," Torres said.

"Me too kid, me too," James replied kissing Evie's temple.

The quartet said their good byes and Evie and James went to go get ready.  James pulled her against his chest kissing her neck, "We could have a quickie before we go to the city."

"Not before a mission," Evie scolded, wiggling away from him.

James tugged at the hem of her shirt, "Wouldn't be the first time doll."

Evie smacked him gently. "We need to hurry." She moved away from him gathering ripped jeans, a black tank top and a grey leather jacket.

James pulled her to him again kissing her neck, chuckling as she bit back a moan, "I love you."

"Cad," Evie muttered, wiggling away again and getting ready.

They'd arrived in the city, James had suggested a walk around Central Park. Evie was grabbing them coffee, as the guy behind her tried flirting with her. Her target ironically enough. He tried to slip her his business card. Evie handed it back, "You see that guy over there on the bench." He nodded. "That's my husband. And he's the jealous type."

James flashed his metal arm, as the guy paled. Realizing who he was messing with. Evie smiled, "Now excuse me, I have a date to recreate." She brushed past him, putting the tracking device on him.

James met her half way, "I can't believe he didn't recognize you."

"Men are distracted by a pretty face, I should have sent you in love," Evie said, kissing his cheek.

"Doll I don't think I'm his type," James teased, as she pulled out her phone, sending the link to track to Sam and Torres.

Evie laughed, squeezing his metal hand, "I like my men a little more oh what's the phrase Sam uses? Cyborg."

He kissed her temple, "We're gonna make it through this."

"Alive," Evie stated.

"Alive. We got a niece we need to make it back home to," James said.

Evie smiled up at him. "Let's get closer to the embassy."

"When do you think they'll hit," James asked.

"After deliberations," Evie said, pulling out her phone again. "Torres has landed. He'll be through customs in an hour."

"Any word on Sam?"

"Not yet," Evie replied, "I'm going to do recon. Scope out entrances and alternate routes."

James nodded, before kissing her, "Stay in communication."

Evie nodded before jogging off. James found a bench to sit and wait. He'd hated watching her go off and do recon in the forties, when they were younger. Now he knew his wife, the battle and war tested spy, was more than competent. If anything she was better at this than him, he knew other men would see her face and let her slide with anything. The smart ones would see her title, and be terrified.

"Lot of plainclothes that could be bad," Evie murmured into the com.


"Easily bought," Evie said, "I could easily be looking at Flag Smashers."

"Into the lion's den we go," James said.

"We have kids we're retiring for good," Evie stated, counting security, "I've got no less than twenty."

"Doll the fact that you thought differently astounds me," James replied.

"Oh sorry," Evie said, bumping into another target, and placing a tracker, "Two down one to go."
