New York City 1942

Evie sat alone at the bar she really enjoyed Copacabana. It had opened a couple of years ago and had wonderful music. She ordered her drink, and checked her time piece.  Peggy was late again. She loved her friend but she was getting her a watch for her birthday. She looked out at the dance floor sipping her bourbon neat. Howard was spinning some adorable red head around the floor. She smiled waving when he winked at her.

"What's a dame like you not doing out on the floor?"

Evie turned looking at the man now leaning up against the bar next to her.  He was handsome, strong jawline, which she was a sucker for, and blue eyes a gal could get lost in. "Is there something I can help you with, sir?"

He looked around the club, "By the looks of it I'm the only one here worth your time."

Evie's smile turned into a glare. She didn't like taking orders. It got her in trouble most of the time at the SSR but they kept her because she was brilliant and she reigned Howard in. "Oh really now?"

"Yeah, the way I see it for a beautiful dame like yourself, your options are limited, most of the men here are probably afraid of you. Which leaves you with me," he stated.

"Process of elimination. But what if you're not my type? That short fellow over there. That keeps glancing over here, shaking his head. The blond. What if he's more my type? Unassuming versus bold Mister." She trailed off so she could learn his name.

"Barnes.  Bucky Barnes. And you are?" he asked. The smile on his face told her he thought he was making progress with her. 

"Stark. Miss Stark," Evie replied, sipping her bourbon once again.

"Well Miss Stark have you thought about my offer?" Bucky asked, slipping an arm around her shoulders. An attempt to lead her to the dance floor.

That's when Evie swung. Punching him rather hard in the face.  "I believe that's a no Mr. Barnes. Now excuse me. There's a rather unassuming blond I'm more interested in," she stated, draining her drink. The aforementioned blond was covering his mouth to hold back his laughter.  She crossed the dance floor, holding out her hand, "I'm Evie. And I'm assuming the cad I just punched is a friend of yours."

"Steve Rogers. And he is. I don't think he's ever gotten that reaction before ma'am," Steve stated, chuckling.

"I figured as much. Now I'm here to dance and honestly I would normally go for your friend, but he shot that in the foot so to speak. Would you like to dance, Mr. Rogers?" she asked.

"I'm a horrible dancer," he stated.

"That's not what I asked," she replied, raising her eyebrow. "Do you want to dance Mr. Rogers?"

Steve smiled, "You trying to make him jealous?"

Evie smiled, "Steve I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." She let Steve lead her out to the dance floor. He hadn't short sold his dancing skills. He was horrible at this. He stepped on her feet no less than ten times the first dance. She felt Bucky's eyes on her watching her intently.

After a few more dances Peggy finally arrived. Bucky fully turned his attention on to Peggy for a moment as she ordered her drink, and from the looks of it another one for Evie. Evie nudged Steve, "I'm going to save my best friend from your best friend."

Steve led her off the dance floor as Peggy clinched her fist. Evie laughed, "Pegs. He's already been hit once tonight. Mister Barnes, you bring out quite the response."

Peggy handed Evie her bourbon, "You've met I see. Who's your friend Evie?"

Evie grinned, "This is Steve Rogers. I see you've met"- she looked Bucky up and down, goodness he was attractive -"Bucky. Ridiculous name by the way."

"It's short for Buchanan," Bucky said.

"That might be even worse," Evie replied.

"James Buchanan Barnes," Bucky reintroduced himself, holding out his hand.

Evie shook it. James brought her hand to his lips. "You're not getting my first name. You friend swore he'd give it to you at the end of the night." She winked at him.

"How about a dance?" James asked.

Evie smiled, "No. Steve has been a perfectly adequate partner this evening, but now that my friend is here we're going to have our drinks and get my brother. We have work tomorrow."

Evie answered her door a few days later. She crossed her arms as James stood on her front stoop. "This is day four James," she stated. She watched him wince when she called him James. She'd found his weakness. He'd shown up at her doorstep every morning with a rose for the last three days. Today was day four. She hated roses. Tulips were her favorite. But she'd taken each rose,  and they'd had the same conversation.

"I'm tryin' here darlin'," he stated, holding the rose out to her.

She looked down, trying not to smile. She failed as she took the rose. "What do I have to do to get you to go away?"

"A dance doll," he replied, smiling at her. The same answer he'd given her the previous three days.

Evie shook her head, laughing, "Do you ever give up James?"

"Depends." He smiled at her. Honestly he was her type. She knew that but this back and forth was fun. For her at least.

"Lunch tomorrow, James don't be late," Evie stated.

James nodded, "Yes ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow at noon."

Evie smiled, watching him walk away. "Oh and James, I prefer tulips," she called. He had a skip in his step as he went down the street, nodding at her statement. Howard stood at her elbow, "From what I've heard he's a good man Evie."

"Telling me I need to get married and get out of your hair?" she asked laughing.

"Not really. Who else is going to keep me in line?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "But you can't take care of me forever Evie."

"I should be telling you that," she murmured.

James stood on the stoop pacing. He was fifteen minutes early but he couldn't wait at his and Steve's shared apartment any longer. The scrawny little shit had actually thrown him out. He checked his pocket watch, before knocking. Howard answered the door, "She's still getting ready. Something about everything in her closet being and I quote 'bloody ridiculous' spends too much time with Carter if you ask me. I'm Howard her brother."

"You the one that taught her to throw a punch?" James asked, shifting the tulips he'd brought into his left hand so he could shake Howard's out stretched hand.

"Our mom died when we were young. Evie never quite adjusted to being a society girl. She's a hell of a boxer though," Howard stated, with a chuckle. His little sister was his best friend, and the man standing in his foyer was starting to grow on him.

"Okay I think I've figured it out," Evie stated, rushing down the stairs. She stopped halfway down, her eyes wide. "Am I late? Oh goodness. I'm sorry I was having difficulties."

James' mouth was hanging open, she had on an emerald green skirt, black heels, and a white blouse. She had a grey sweater draped over her arm. Her hair was delicately curled, and pinned back out of her face, her eye make up was light, but he couldn't stop staring at her bright red lips. "You look beautiful Evie," he said, finally gathering his wits about him.

Those lips turned up in a smile, "Thank you James." She finished descending the stairs. "Were you waiting long?" she asked.

James shook his head, holding out the tulips, "No. I  wasn't," he said, "I was too nervous to wait at my place. The punk threw me out. Told me I was driving him insane."

Evie laughed, "Thank you."

"I figure I wasn't winning you over with the roses. I'd try something you actually like," James stated.

Howard laughed, "I'll put them in water and have them in your room when you get home Evs. Go enjoy your lunch."

Evie nodded, "Thanks Howie." She kissed her brother's cheek, before rubbing the lipstick off. "I'll see you later."

Howard looked at James, "Something tells me I don't have to warn you to treat her right."

"No sir," James stated, "She's terrifying enough on her own." He held out his arm for Evie, "Are you ready doll?"

"Yes." She took his arm, as he led her out of her home. "Where to James?"

"You can call me Bucky, doll," he said, holding onto her hand as he escorted her to their lunch location.

"No. Bucky is a horrible nickname. I prefer your real name," Evie stated, "That and it seems to bother you. So I'm willing to use it to annoy you."

James chuckled, "You are something else." They walked in silence for a few moments. "Do you have any lunch preferences?"

"No. How about we skip lunch and go to central park? We'll grab a hot dog from a stand," she suggested.

He stared at her, he'd thought that the Manhattan based Evelyn Stark would be against a hot dog. The woman to his left was full of surprises. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I want to get to know you, and frankly I prefer a hot dog to a lunch, that will be so stuffy we won't get to know each other," she stated, "How long have you and Steve been friends?"

"Since we were twelve and thirteen, I saved him from a group of jerks. Steve's got a mouth on him and an urge to prove himself. We've been friends ever since. You and Peggy?" he asked, leading her towards the park.

"We met a couple years ago. When the SSR was formed. They desperately wanted the Stark siblings, Howard's a genius and I'm not exactly stupid. Peggy and I just clicked because we're the only two women there that aren't someone's secretary," Evie said. She was short selling herself. Both of the Stark siblings were geniuses it was definitely a hereditary trait.

"What do you do at the SSR?"

"Howard's brilliant as I mentioned, but he can't draw worth a damn. I design a lot of the weaponry and machinery he comes up with. That and I have a talent for listening," Evie stated, winking at him. "What you do?" She watched him bite his lower lip, before running his tongue over the spot. He's visibly tensed like he was hiding something from her.

"I'm enlisted, but I work down at the docks," he answered.

"Have you been given orders?" she asked.

"Not yet, rank yes. Sergeant James Barnes," he said, "Next question. Is it just you and Howard?"

"Yes. Our mom died when we were very young. Our dad died when I was a teenager. Howard is three years older than me, so we moved to Manhattan, his career was taking off and we've been secure ever since," she said, with a shrug.

James smiled, "I like you Evelyn Stark."

"I like you too James Barnes. Though I'm wondering how I caught your interest," she said, laughing.

"You were more reserved, and not every woman orders a bourbon neat, and watches people like you do," he said, "You were watching like you were assigned to. Just bored enough. Unimpressed even. That and you throw a solid punch Miss Stark."

Evie laughed, "I would like to apologize formally for my behavior. Maybe we can start over?"

"I don't think so Evie, I'm quite smitten with the woman who blacked my eye," he stated.

She went red, "Are you implying it's an interesting story?"

"For the grandchildren of course," he teased.

"Of course," she stated, as he spun her around playfully. Her skirt flaring out.

Evie laughed hard as he spun her back into his arms. Her hands rested on his shoulders, as she looked into his blue eyes. "I still owe you a dance," she murmured.

He enjoyed how she fit against him. "You do," he breathed, as he tilted his head.

Evie stood on her tip toes, kissing his cheek, dangerously close to his lips. "Dance with me James," she whispered.

He nodded, slowly stepping into a rhythm, dancing with her in the middle of central park. He picked a popular song one she recognized instantly.

I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day through

"I love that song," she whispered.

"Is it too forward to ask for a second date?" he murmured in her ear before dipping her.

"No. It's not because I might have had to hit you again if you didn't ask me," she replied.

James laughed, "Tomorrow too soon?"

She shook her head. "Not at all."

James tilted her chin up to face him, kissing her softly. "I shouldn't have done that."

Evie smiled, kissing him, softly. "You just want me to hit you again Sergeant Barnes."

"Maybe." He winked at her.



AN: So this might have been my favorite chapter to write so far, and I just finished the snap chapter which made me really sad and a few of the chapters from Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I love the song I'll be seeing you it's one of my favorites ever. Also 150 reads. I'm just in shock. You all are awesome.
