Chapter 4.2 Vasco

The day, Euan met Eli is the day where a certain teen heard their conversation, because of this, the boy solemnly promised to himself that he'll make Euan pay for what he has done.

This boy is Euntae Lee, also known as Vasco; since Kid, Vasco was bullied and treated badly by others, luckily he had his best friend by his side: Jace Park who was there beside him all the time.

Because of the information he had heard about Euan, Jace Parker gathered everything he could find on him, but sadly, he found nothing.

However, he did find out that Euan is an adopted child, and the biological son of a big-shot CEO of a very famous company.

Right now he's at the architecture Dept, thinking about what Vasco as heard, of course since he wasn't with him, he might have thought Vasco misunderstood the situation.

"... Vasco, what are you even doing to yourself."

Jace muttered under his breathe as he knew that the only way to stop a fight between them from happening is to find out the truth, So he left and headed to the Beauty Dept where Eli is.

"I'm telling you Jace! There's something fishy about Eli and that new kid, I just know it!"

The voice of Vasco rang through his ears as he thought of his words. Entering the classroom, he spotted Eli Jang; as usual, talking and flirting with the girls.

"No one is as beautiful as you, Eli~"

"Your so handsome~"

"Ladies, ladies, please calm down, you have me all day."

Eli said to them as they look at him with dreamy eyes. However, his attention shifted after he saw Jace at the door.

"What do you want?"

Outside the classroom, at the bathroom, Jace and Eli meet up.

"I want to know everything about you and Euan."

Eli's mood changes as he says nothing and walk past him.

"I got nothing to say to you about my life."

Eli says which sent shivers down Jace's spine, he never heard Eli say something like this, nor heard him in such a cold manner.

He realizes that he can't get any information about Euan from Eli, so he decided to risk it and went to the fashion design Dept where Euan is seen studying with Mira.

"Euan Choi?"

Jace called out. Euan looks at him and gave him a questionable looks.


Outside, Euan and Have meet up at the back of the school where they can talk peacefully without anyone interfering.

"What do you want?"

"I'm here to talk about your relationship with Eli."

Euan frowned and scoffed off. He wasn't gonna let anyone know about his past, let alone a street thugs like him.

"I don't have anything to say about you."

Before he could leave, Jace Park stops him and says.

"I can offer you a deal."

Euan stops as he turns around.

"Okay, what can you offer me?"

His voice alone scared the teen. Jace didn't plan for this, however he had something under his pocket that will definitely help Euan.

"What information do you want to know?"

This perked up, Euan's interest.

"Hmmm, I want to know about anyone from Gangdong named Heather."

Jace rose his eyebrows, he only knew about the Hostel, buf doesn't know anything about a girl named Heather.

"I...I'm sorry but I don't know--"

"Then the deal is off."


Just as he was about to leave again, Jace stops him and says.

"I can tell you anything I know about Hostel!"

Euan stops and turned around; this may not be the answer he was looking for, but it is close to knowing who Heather is.

Jace then explains everything he knows about the first Hostel, telling him more about Olly Wang.

"Now I'm done my art of the job, now it's my turn to ask a question."

Jace said as Euan sighes.

"I can't tell much about myself and my past, so, I'll just only give you a brief of information. I'm the son of the man who created the four major crew."

Jace stood shocked, his mouth went wide open after hearing the revelation.

"Eli, is my brother and he keep saying something about how I killed a girl named Heather."

"Did you really kill anyone?"

Jace asked, as he fixes himself from being intimidated.

"No, that's why I'm confused to why he says I killed her, but thanks for your information, I might find the answer I was looking for... looks like I'll be taking my leave here."

As he was about to leave, he accidentally bumped into someone that caused him to stagger back.

Jace looked surprised before his face shifted and turned to fearful. Standing in front of the young Choi was Vasco.

"You... Are you trying to hurt Jace?"


"I asked, once again, are you trying to hurt Jace?"

Vasco asked, getting closer to Euan and locking gazes with him. Jace, knowing full well how this would end, stepped in between them and said.

"It's alright, Vasco, I was just asking something. No need to be alarmed."

Vasco was unsure of Jace's words; on one hand, he believed him, but on the other hand, he believed that Euan might have threatened him.

He chooses the second and says.

"Don't worry Jace, your hero is here now."


"Look, I don't want any trouble, I nearly got suspended the other day, so let's all refrain from fighting and have a truce."

Euan says and offered the him a handshake, in which Vasco replied with a scoff.

"I don't let villains get away with their crimes."

"-Are you demented? I'm asking for truce and you want to fight?"

"Yes, to protect Jace at all cost."

That's when it hit Euan. The bond between Jace and Vasco was unrivalled; it felt the same as the one he shared with Eli.

Just then a drop of tears slides at the boy's cheeks.

"I applaud you for your honorary to protect your friend, you truly are a man of culture."

Vasco stiffened out of his fighting stance and looked confused. It was then that he was struck by the force once more.

And just by looking at Euan, he saw something that he once saw in all broken villains. A boy who was only misunderstood for his actions, one who had suffered the most, more than any of his victims had suffered.

Before Jace could even realize, both Euan and Vasco are now crying.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Don't worry Euan, I will save you."

Vasco says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You fucking retar-"

End Of Chapter
