CH. 3 Embarassment

"You know you should start making friends."

The next day of school started. Mira and Euan, as usual are having a conversation regarding to the Young Choi's lack of social interaction.

Mira suggested that it'll be good for Euan to interact with other kids rather than Mira since she doesn't want to embarrass him around her.

She thinks that it may ruined his reputation, but he didn't care, all that matters is that he has a friend.

"Yesterday this pricked beat him up and flipped his lid."

The two of them overheard Doo spoked. They quietly listens to their conversation and by the looks of it; it sounded as if Doo beat up someone yesterday.

"Hi Daniel~"

Zoe waved at the young teen who just entered the classroom.

"Come quick, Doo has something fun y to show us."

"Heh, yeah, Zack beats up a pig yesterday... And I took a picture of him, in nude!"

Doo laughed which seems to annoy the young teen. The young Choi notices the frown forming at the brunette's face.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Euan asked.

"I hate it. Zack always starts a fight."

She grumbles in annoyance while looking away.

"Why don't you just go out with him? He's nice to you~"

A random female student joins in to their conversation..

"Yeah, that's that thing, a while ago, he invited me to the movies but ended up fighting at the streets."

Mira explained with an annoyed look.

"Geez~ crazy. Well I'm not surprise at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember? He's an uprising Boxer since middle school."

As soon as she says that, Euan perked up with interest. He narrowed his eyes at the side and look at Zack.

"Enough. As a boxer I'm not proud of using a straight punch to leave him groggy, it should've been a jab."

Zack says with pride, expecting Mira to fall hills over him, but she just grumbled instead.

"Hey, Euan, you got any girlfriend?"

A random female student asked approaching him, this time tagging two friends with her. Euan just shrugged them off and continued listening to their converse.

"Come to think of it, that Piggy's mom, has to be a piggy too right?"

One of Zack's companion says; It quickly snapped Daniel's thought upon hearing it.

"Pigs are born from pigs, Hahaha! What if that piggy brings his Mom along?"

Euan hearing these comments, couldn't help but feel annoyed, bothered by how these students acts so highly.

"I'm gonna strip them both naked! Was she happy giving birth to him? I would have had an aborti-"

"Hey! When will you shut your mouth, Pig?"

Euan's comment seems to have taken the boy aback by surprise. He never would've thought that someone as handsome Euan would say that.


Mira tries to stop him, but he continues forward.

"Don't get me wrong a "boxer" since middle school is something you should be proud of, but why use it to the weak?"

Euan asked, glaring at the boy which shocked him and Mira.

"Damn it! Not Infront of Mira!"

"He's right."

Daniel spoked this time.

"You guys have gone way too far. You shouldn't have say those things about them."

Immediately, Zack felt embarrassed; he looked at Mira and saw how she reacted, and he was offended by Daniel's words that he had kicked his desk.

"Hey. You think your funny. Get up, yo worm."

Zack says to Daniel.



Students from various departments gathered out of nowhere to witness the fight unfold.

Most were supporting Daniel, while others supported Zack. Euan stood beside Mira as they watched the entire scenario.

The aspiring boxing teen stood his ground and raised both of his fist on guard.

"Hey, I told you to come at me."

"Let's see how good you are at fighting."

Zack thought to himself and waited for Daniel to strike. Euan overhears his lackeys gossiping about how weak he is, but he shrugged it off and just watch the fight.

"His posture is bad. Heh he's a pretty boy after all! I can take him out within one punch! Watch this, Mira."

Before Zack could make any actions, out of nowhere, a blonde haired teen stopped him, gripping unto his wrist as he stops the action.

"What the?!"

"Whoa, what's Jay doing?"

"Wow. This is the first time I've seen him step up."

"He's just a fly on the wall!! But now! His grips are stronger!"

Zack thought to himself as he tries to swat Jay away, but that quickly changes when he saw Mira giving him sympathy.


Zack pulled his arms away and turn to Daniel; not wasting seconds he sent his fist flying over to the pretty boy.

The young man just stood there, he didn't know what to do, until all of a sudden.

*Swosh!* *TWACK!*

Zack's fist was nullified-not by Daniel, but by Euan.

"!? He nullified my punch!"

"That's enough."

Euan spoked and scared them by his glare. The young boxer turns his head over to Mira and could tell that she's giving him the same sympathizing look.

"Damn it!"

Zack cursed under his breathe and threw multiple punches in which Euan dodges.

Before Zack could even land another hit, Euan threw a palm strike at his stomach, causing the boxer to gasped.

He fell down to his knees and clutches his chest.


"That pretty boy can fight!"

"Damn it! Zack lost!"

"Did you enjoy that!?"

"KYAAA! Handsome! Tall! Strong! He's totally my type!"

Mira watch in awe, but at the same time sympathizes Zack for his lost. The boxer weakly glances at her.

"Damn it! Don't look Mira!"

Zack Lee felt humiliated; all he could do was whimper in pain as his companions and Mira watched his defeat.

Zack was suddenly lifted; an arm sprang around his shoulder to support his body.

"Let's go."

Euan said as he leads the boxer out of the room and head to the clinic.

"Wait! I'll come with you!"

Mira followed behind and together they left the room; throughout the entire walk, Zack and Mira saw something in Euan that they have been loong waiting...

Someone that holds dear into their heart.



After sending Zack to the infirmary, Mira volunteered to stay by his side until he was fully healed. The young Choi decided to take a walk outside for some fresh air before the next class started.

He exited the room and made his way outside the building; however, upon his arrival at the exit door, he saw someone whom he hadn't seen in the past five years.


End Of Chapter

Reason #1: Zack Challenges Daniel instead of Euan.

The reason why Zack Challenged Daniel to a fight and not Euan was because he didn't want to embarrass himself infront of her of Mira.

Reason #2: Why Euan carries Zack to the clinic?

It was for Mira, Euan didn't want to cost Zack more trouble to the girl, that's why he helped him.
