
"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right."

Location kuoh park

Y/N- sona i want you to remember this i love you foreverer in ever until the day i die.

Sona- ohh! Y/n i love you too forever and ever.

Y/n take something in his pocket that make sona eyes widen.

Sona- y/n wh-what is this??

Y/n- sona when the day that when we are graduate from college. I-i want you t-to marry me..because i really want to spend my life with you because i love you so much..

Sona- a-are you proposing t-to m-me..

Y/n- yes.

Sona- of course i will marry you!!!! Dummy!

Y/n put thr ring into sona's finger.


???- damn that guy!! He takes my future wife!!

???- ssshhh!! They might hear us.

???- anyway did your contact told call you??

???- yes and he said he needs to die because he has something inside of him..

???- can you tell me who was your contact??

???-i give you a hint a male with black wings..

???- a what??

???- he will not tell me his name but what i saw is real..

???- i hope he will fulfil at the end of the bargain.

???-what now??

???-we need to dispose him tonight all we had to do is wait.

???- what if someone see us??

???-i got it cover here is the mask.. and we will use a code name..

After the date

After the date y/n escort sona to her house

Sona- here is my house dear  i see you tomorrow.

Y/n- yeah sweet heart i'll see you tomorrow i love you..

Sona- i love you too..

Sona kissed y/n and went inside to her house.and y/n went home. Not until 3 guys approach to y/n.

????- well hello! Hello! Y/n..

Y/n- who are you??

???- your death!!

???? Punch y/n so hard that send him out cold..


Rias- good evening sona!!

Sona- good evening rias what brings you here??

Rias- what?? Dont tell me that you dont want me to visit you??

Sona- of course not..

Rias- so your maid told me that you are on a date with your boyfriend??

Sona- yeah we had a date and you know what happens next..

Rias- oohh!!! I know that look in your eyes. So what happen??

Sona- he propose to me!!

Rias- ohhh!!! My!!! Congratulations sona!!! I am very happy for you!! We should celebrate!!!

Sona- sure!! Call your peerage and i'll call mine!!

Rias and sona called their peerage..

Back to y/n

Y/n-uugghhh!!! Whe-where am i??

???- you my friend are in the place that you will meet your end..

Y/n-who are you??

??-as i told you i am your death..bwaahahahah

???-so death can we start now??? Because we are aching for a big beating!!!

???- sure!! We can start.

The killers start their beating and torture to y/n until his death. Arrive but unknown to them the crow still watching them..

Time skip morning

After the night of celebrating sona and rest bid their farewell and congratulations to her. When morning arrives sona itri will hear the greatest news that will shock her world..

Rias house

Akeno- hello rias.

Rias- akeno?? Why did you call me so early???

Akeno- rias!! Turn the tv on

Rias- what?? Why???

Akeno- just turn it on rias..

Riad turn the tv on.

News caster- we are live here from  kuoh abandoned building we recieve from a news about a murder of a student in kuoh academy he was found  by a local kids who was strolling around  the kids testimony the victim was severly tortured  and his heart has been remove. The police investigation still has no clue about the killing of a young boy. The police only found a wallet and a school identification card. The name of the victim was  y/n l/n.

Rias was shock  to the news that y/n l/n was dead.

Rias- oh no no no!!!!

Akeno- rias?? Hello??

Rias- a-akeno.. tell me.. this is only a nightmare..

Akeno- rias..i-it's not a nightmare..

Rias- no!!! This is a nightmare!!! Y/n is alive!! Please akeno...tell me!!

Akeno- it is not rias..

Akeno and rias cry for the death of y/n.

Akeno- rias i know this is shocking..but what about sona..

Rias- we *sniff*  need *sniff* to inform person call the rest of the peerage. And call sona's peerage too. We need to plan on how to tell sona about the news

Akeno just nod while tears fall in her eyes..

Time skip

Student council

Sc president-  sona-san!! Good morning! And you look so lovely in the morning!!

Sona- kaichuo good morning..well i got a date with my boyfriend yesterday..

Sc president- so how was your date!! How did it end! And did your boyfriend make tour night go wild..

Sona- oh!! It was more than wild kaichuo..

Sona raise her hands and the student council saw a ring in her finger.

Sc president- oh! My! Gosh!!  Is that a ring!!!

Sona- yes!! He propose to me..

Sc president- congratulations sona so when is the wedsing??

Sona- after we graduate in college..

Sc president- wow it was way too long i hope you will remember me when the day has come..


Sc president- come in!!

Tsubaki- fuku kaichuo me and the rest of the team will go to rias house..

Sona- why?? Is there something going on??

Taubaki- i dont know. Akeno told call me that rias needs us..her team was already on her house..

Sona- hhmm?? May be something is going on to rias or her brother will set a meeting?? But alright you can go..

Tsubaki- alright thanks..

Tsubaki close the door and rest follow tsubaki..

Rias house

Ding dong!!!

Akeno open the door.

Tsubaki- akeno?? What happen to you??

Akeno- please come in rias needs to speak to you..

Tsubaki and the rest went inside and notice rias peerage was crying including kiba.

Momo- what happen here??

Rias- listen guys i dont know what i am supposed to say but did you watch the news early today??

Tsubaki- not really we went to school early but what happen? Why are you crying??

Rias- it-it's

Kiba- it's y/n..

Momo- what happen to him??

Koneko-he- he is gone..

Tsubaki- i don't get it?? What happen to him..

Rias- y/n is gone!! He is is dead!!

Tsubaki and the rest- WHAAAAAATTT!!!!!!

Tsubaki- tell me!! This was a joke!!!

Rias- no it wasn't a joke..

Akeno- i saw the news early..he was gone. His body was found in the abandoned building by the kids and immediately report it to the police..

Tsubaki and the rest was devistate to hear the news..

Momo- wh-who killed him??

Rias- s-still unknown..the police still looking for the culprit..

Tsubaki-*sniff* poor *sniff* sona..

Momo-*sniff* she may be devistated when she heard this..

Akeno- buchou please is there any way that we visit the morgue??  *sniff* please use your spell we need an evidence if y/n is really gone..

Rias- *sniff* we need to go to the morgue lets go.


Receptionist- good day ladies  and gent what can i do for you???

Rias- did you any chance recieve a body about a boy named y/n l/n??

Receptionist- we recieve a body around an hour ago..but who are you??

Rias- we are his friends and family..

Receptionist- i'm sorry as of this moment we dont recieve any visitors for the body unless it was claimed by the immediate family.

Rias- he is orphan he doesn't have a family or any close relative..

Tsubaki- the body that you have recieve an hour ago. Is from kuoh academy i have hos files to prove that he has no family..

Receptionist- please guys-

Rias use her spell to manipulate the mind of the receptionist.

Rias- we want to see the body now if you please..

Receptionist- hai follow me..

Rias and the rest follow the receptionist until the arrive to the freezer that holds the body and when she open the body bag they were shock to see the tortured body of y/n rias and the rest were devistated to see the body of y/n..

Tsubaki- th-this is-

Rias- yeah..

Tsubaki- rias-sama please tell me how could we tell sona about this..sona didn't watch the news..

Rias- we need to tell it anyway..but we need to be careful she might not gonna like it..but first we need to arrange the management to claim the body..

Tsubaki- yes..let us go..

Rias- madam can you point me to the management i will claim his body. Since he was orphan. And we are the only one  who is taking care of him.

Receptionist- let's go..

Time skip

Sc president- sona i notice that most of your friends was absent the whole day?

Sona- well there is a reason why..

Sc president- and what is the reason??

Sona- sigh! You see kaichuo rias has been in a tight situation..that her and her team needs to attend.

Sc president- and what is the situation??

Sona-you see kaichou she was-

Knock! Knock!

Sc president- come in..

Tsubaki- kaichuo. Sona sama.

Sona- yes??

Sc president-  is there something happen??

Tsubaki- yes.. but all of us needs in the orc building..

Sc president- sigh!!! Lets go.

Orc building

Sc president- rias why are we needed to he-

Sona- rias is something the matter?? Why are you all so down??

Rias- sigh! I dont know how to say this. But sona please be okay when i tell you about the news..

Sona- news what??

Rias- it's y/n..

Sona- what about him??

Rias- you see sona y/n is.........

Sona- he is what????

Akeno- look sona y/n is

Sona- can you please tell me about him you male me feel so nervous..

Rias- y/n is.............gone.

Sona- he is what??? Did he back out our engagement..

Rias- no!!! It's just!!!

Sona- just tell me dammit!!!!!

Rias- he is gone sona!

Sona- what gone!!!! As in run away!!!???

Rias- no!!! He is g...gone..

Sona- what gone??!!!! If he is not running away??? But why he is gone...are you playing with me!!???

Rias- no!!!!! I am not playing with you!!! I just cant tell the right word to you!!!

Sona- then tell me!!!! Directly!!!

Rias- fine!! You want me to tell you!!! Directly!!

Sona- yes..please rias tell me..

Rias- sona...y/n is.............dead....

Imagine this was sona's face

Sona heard the news she was devistated shocked that the man she love was dead she cries  so hard until she was knock out due to the stress and shock. And immediately put in the sofa to let her rest.

Sc president- please rias can you tell me is this some sick joke!!!

Rias- i wish i could kaichuo but i eas not. Akeno tell me to watch the news on the tv when i watch it. It was y/n he was dead he was tortured and his heart was remove from his body..

Sc president- no...freaking ...way!!!!

Tsubaki- it was all true kaichuo..i was with rias we saw his body in the morgue..that is why we are absent we take the arrangement for his body.  We are waiting for sona to get his body and arrange for the funeral.

30 minutes later sona was wake up and still crying  to the news that she heard..

Rias- sona are you okay???

Sona( crying )- tell me rias who is the killer..and where is the body..

Rias- i'm sorry  sona the culprit was still unknown..i know you are shock to the news about his untimely does i and my team..

Sona ( crying )-  rias i just- i just cant go on without him rias..

Rias- sona you have to be strong no matter what..i know how you feel but let it all out..cry if you want to cry..sona but you have to be strong..

Sona- rias *sniff* i just *sniff* cant loose him.

Rias- sona you did not loose him..he was still in your stay strong for him sona just for him. Only for him..

Sona- i swear *sniff* i will not *sniff* rest untill i found his killer *sniff*

Rias- soon sona  we will find who is the killer..but first we need to get his body and prepare for the funeral. And may be you should call your sister.

Sona- no!!

Rias- this is not the time for quarell sona. You need your sister the most..

Sona- but-

Rias-she will understand  you the most..

Sona- but.

Rias ( whisper )-we both know that y/n is a normal human..but understand you love him the most. Tell your sister the everything..and besides we need the help of our siblings the most..

Sona just nodded.

Sc president- listen ladies i should go i need to tell the principal about this news.

The sc president go to the principals office. While sona and the rest went to the morgue to claim the body of y/n.
