
After the battle the past crows have return to the land of the living world and fight kokabiel.and the animal crow grants y/n one more day to stay awith sona and friends to bid his final farewell

After one day

Kuoh cemetery

Lord sitri- so this is the last day of the crow.

Sirzechs- yes he already completed hos mission..

Lord gremor- but why they choose a cemetery..

Sirzechs-why are you here??

Lord gremory- i would like to strike a deal with the crows.

Sirzechs- this is the last day of the crow father can't you understand..

Rias- father what big brother trying to say is..this is his last day on earth..cant you understand..

Lord gremory- i know but why he needs to go..if he can stay here and be with you guys..

Rias- this is hopeless...

Lord gremory- and besides it is good to have the crow on our fold...

Velenela- zeoticus i already told you ladt time if you keep pushing your self to the crow i will kick you at my house..and you did it again...i had enough of you..whem we gey back home..pack your things!!! And get out!!!! I will give you nothing!!! Nothing at all!!!

Zeoticus- but!!!

Sirzechs- don't worry mother i will make sure father will be punish for hos action..

Zeoticus- i can  and i will...

Sona- lord sirzechs can i do a favor...

Sirzechs- what is it???

Sona- the crow eric draven give me this dagger..he said that it should be kept away from the humans and other supernatural beings..

Sirzechs- the crows dagger..sona did eric mean this??!!

Sona- yes my lord..

Sirzechs- sona this dagger..is the sharpest dagger of all blades..

Sona- yes my lord eric saod that this dagger is also dangerous for the crows..i camt keep it because i am not strong enough to defend this weapon..so it must be kept away..and i know pnly one person suitable to keep this dagger and that is you my lord..

Sirzechs- very well...it is true that this dagger is very sharp for all of us and the crows...very well sona i will keep this dagger for you..and you should train well because this dagger belongs to you..traon very well sona and if i see that you are strong enough i will return this dagger to you..

Sona- i will my lord..and thanl you very much..

Several minutes later  a portal was open once again and it reveals for person and sirzechs eyes wide open because he knows the persons

Eric- good day ladies and gentlemen..

Sirzechs- the past crows..

Eric- aaahhh sexy...its nice to see you again...

Sirzechs- nice to see you too eric how's shelly..

Eric- shelly was fine and well she can go in and out from our realm..

Alex- so zechs are you ready to take my little payback after you pull that lever..

Sirzechs sweat's like crazy..

Sirzechs- well can we talk about this..

Alex- ohh come on  it's just 10 spanks..

Sirzechs- your spanks are painful as hell..

Alex- so what you are the lucifer now..

Sirzechs- so what??

Alex- well lucy will dissapointed that his successor is scared as a cat..

The devils- you know him!!!!!

Ashe- of course we know him..that bastard is a pain in the ass....

Sirzechs- you mean to say he was there..i thought he died during the great war...

Eric- nope!!! He didn't die..even god didn't die also..their death was all an act..

Serafall- this is new!!! They are alive after all this time!!

Jimmy- yes they are alive and well...actually he gave us a few hoirs of stay to enjoy our selves for a while before we go back with y/n..

Ashe- so does anyone have a drink??

Sirzechs- good thing i have one rias call me last night that you were here..

Ashe- yeah kokabiel took all the beatings...

Serafall- tell me how did you beat kokabiel?

Eric- well he has multuple broken bones cancel his magic wings has been rip off and head was blast away. Courtesy by me thank you very much.....ohh i firgot my manners i'm eric draven the first crow. 

Ashe- i'm ashe corven second crow.

Alex- alex corvis third crow

Jimmy- jimmy cuervo 4th crow.. how do you do...

Serafall- i'm serafall leviathan and this are the parents of rias and mine..

The elder  devils- good day...

Jimmy- my all devils are sure is beautiful. 

Y/n- the beautiful part is a mistake...one of them are ugly!!!

Eric- ahhh y/n!!! Good day punk..

Serafall- oi i'm not ugly!!!

Y/n- i didn't say that you are ugly!!!

Serafall- but yoir words are pointing at me...

Y/n- you said it to yoir self....hahahahahs..

Serafall- jerk!!!!

Y/n- oh come on just let it slide for the last time will you??

Serafall- fine then....

Y/n- hahahahs...so guys!!! What now???

Eric- we will just stay here for a while..old man grant us a break...so ot's good...so go to them and say you want to say now...

Y/n nodded and proceed to the devils..

Y/n- hello sweetheart...

Sona- dear..are you ready to go??

Y/n- yeah...how about you?? Will you going to be alright??

Sona- dear i will be fine..don't worry..atleast i know that you will be fine..so no worries i can take care of my self..

Y/n- remember sweetheart i will bebwatching you..

Sona- i know that..just wait for me okay..i will be with you one day..promise..

Y/n- i'll be waiting...

Sona just nodded and hug y/n...

Y/n- take care sweetheart...

Sona- i will...

Rias- well y/n i like to thank you for all that you done for us.

Y/n- no worries rias...so take good care of sona alright..

Rias- ohh don't worry we will take good care of her..

Y/n thank you..

Y/n was hug by rias and y/n flicks her nose that makes rias annoy..

Rias- oww why did you do that for??

Y/n- ohh nothing...and ohh perv..if you want rias to get annoy just flick her nose...hahaha she will get annoyed in an instant..

Issei- hahaha!! I aint going to do that she will give me a spank again...

Y/n- hahahaha... so be a good boy this time...and stop being a perv...now that your club has a lot of it...yoi might going to be a harem king in no time...

Issei- wha- how did you do that..

Y/n- you already know  the answer moron...

Katase- good day to you sir y/n...i'm katase a member of rias peerage..

Murayama- i'm murayama i am sltge same as katase a member of rias peerage.

Y/n- i believe this is our first meeting i'm y/n l/n grom kuoh academy..i am sona sitri's fiancee..and ohh girls just take care of rias okay..and minimize for being a feminist..

Katase- how did you know that???

Y/n- i know everything you know...i have watch everything happens to this town..and ohh murayama right?? Ibknoe you have a secret crush to that perv. So better to join the harem club before it's too late...

Murayama- ugh!! I know i should hide it very well...

Y/n- relax it's fine. A dragon like him has a lot of stamina..and besides dragons are well known to have a massive harem...even devils do have a harem..

Koneko- well issei will strike again..

Kiba- well issei's dream will achieve i no time...

Lord sitri- well y/n it was finally good to see you..i am lord sitri i am the father of sona and serafall.. i am thankful for taking care of my youngest daughter..

Lady sitri-  i am lady sitri i am the mother of sona and serafall..it was finally good to see you unlike the last time.

Y/n- ahh it was fine..and thank you for visiting to my funeral until burial. Lord and lady sitri..

Lord sitri- just call us mom and dad you are technically part of our family.

Y/n- alright mom and dad..i know this is our first time to meet and i am thankful that you accept me for sona..

Lord sitri- fufufu it was fine...sona was deeply inlove with you..and she forgot the clans tradition because of you..

Y/n- what tradition???

Lady sitri- who ever beat sona on a game of chess had the right to marry her..

Y/n- well she didn't say that to me..but oh well what is done is done...

Lady sitri- it's fine son..and beside we never care who ever wants sona to marry..

Lord sitri- sona creates that rediculus tradition for her self..

Y/n- eh!! She did that..

Lady sitri- yeah..so son can you give us a hug before you go..

Y/n- sure

Lord sitri and lady sitri gives a family hug to y/n and sona.

Y/n- mom dad i can see your memories and all i can say is you are free to pass when the time is right..god never cares even if you are a devil or an angel as long as you love each other he will grant you to pass and start a new life..

Lord and lady sitri- thank you so much...

Y/n- takr good care of sona while i'm gone..also take good care of serafall i hate to admit it that crazy girl is also a good girl..

Lord sitri- dont worry we will take good care of yoir wife and serafall..

Y/n- thank you..

Velenela- ahh lord y/n i am velenela gremory soon to be velenela bael..thank you for taking care of my daughter rias while she was here on earth..i believe this is our first meeting we didn't know that you are already gone a year ago..

Y/n- thank you very much lady bael..rias is such a wonderful girl..though she was inlove with the red dragon emperor whose host was a massive pervert..but trust me the boy has a heart of gold i can assure you that..

Velenela- i know who he is..sirzechs told me about who he really is...that boy is a huge help to us. If not for him who knows what will happen to both rias and sona...

Y/n- true..even the boy was inlove with your daughter even he didn't say it the way he acts already told it..

Velenela- fufufu true...

Lord gremory- hello crow i'm zeoticus gremory i'm the father of rias and sirzechs..i woild like to give you my thanks for taking care of my daughter..

Y/n shakes hand with zeoticus..

Y/n- no problem zeoticus.

Zeoticus- listen i will strike a deal with you..

Y/n- denied...

Zeoticus- why??

Y/n- i aint going to go on an arrabge marriage for your daughter.

Zeoticus- but it was for the-

Y/n- that aint going to gappen zeoticus...rias is fallen for the red dragon..and i detest arrange marriage..

Zeoticus- bu-

Y/n- you want to fix the marriage between me and rias for your selfish desires..aren't you satisfied that yoi have a lucifer as your son?? And now you striking with me..because of my power? And skills?? Is that ehat you want?? For your information the crows belong to no one..we crows are far more supperiors than all of you..as for what i see..you are clearly guilty for 2 deadly si s which is lust and greed..well it seems the phenex brat is not alone in hell

Zeoticus- we are devils we are living in hell..

Y/n- just so you know the underworld is just a temporary shelter for his creations..the true hell is located in the afterlife and lucifer was there sitting on his throne waiting for you to come..

Velenela- you mean to say he god and lucifer was alive.

Y/n- yes he is alive and well..i learn this things because my seniors told me about it..and their reason why they perish....

Velenela- is see..

Y/n- god and lucifer wants you all to balance the lifwme even they dont exist in this world..they want their own children to grow without needinh their help..god wanys the soul of with pure heart even it is a devil or an angel of a human...while lucifer wants the soul of a sinners who disobey his orders and god's order..both god and lucifer appointed us crows to bring their soul to afterlife in order for them to judge the sinners and a pure heart...

Velenela- i see..so that means

Y/n- zeoticus gremory And an exorcist xenovia are going to hell...their sin's cant be reedem...they commited one of the seven deadly sins which is pride, lust and greed..thst is the ultimaye sins they committed and god gobids that sins..

Velenela- now i see it clearly...

Y/n- zeoticus gremory's fate was already sealed lucifer claimed he claimed his soul. And i cant save him..i am only a messenger to bring you the news...and now my job has been fulfill i must go back and i will be waiting for all of you to come..

Velenela- thank you sir crow..i'll make sure to spread the words to the other satan and the elders  about god's and lord lucifer's orders..and i shall file a devorce case for me and zeoticus..

Y/n- understood..


Alex- so zechs are you ready for the payment..

Sirzechs- uhhmm..

Alex- but before that who was this maid of yours??

Sirzechs- well she is my wife..

Alex- ahh so your wife..miss care to introduce your self to me??

Grayfia- i am graufia lucifuge my lord...

Alex- it seems luck is on your side boy..you have a beautiful wife on you..so missis lucifer  did you know your husband did a very very bad things..you see when i was executed your husband  pull that lever while i was seated on the electric chair...

Grayfia- so my dear husband  put you to death...

Alex- well not technically i was sentence to die any way...but i never imagine zechs is the one who pull that lever..

Sirzechs- but i was ordered to..

Alex- it's fine zechs...i know you carry the burden because of my death i dont  blame you...but i need you to pay..with 10 beatings...and since you dont wany me to. I think your wife could..

Sirzechs was pale because it was grayfia  who will do the beating..

Grayfia- now dear show your butt amd be a man..

Sirzechs obey grayfias order and start punishing him..

After several beatings..

Alex- well now were even fufufufu

Sirzechs- sheesh.. it's better that yoi are the one who spank me..my wife cam go overboard sometimes...

Alex- i told you..but you never listen.. but anyway we should enjoy now while the rest is digging up the grave..

Sirzechs- alright..

After several hours  the portal was open the crows are now ready to go..

Sitri family- take good care y/n

Sona- sweat heart take good care always okay i love you so much..



Y/N- sona always remember i love you always and forever. Carry  the legacy of of l/n and you are the only l/n who was living...cary my name andnspread the good news..i love you!!! Mrs sona sitri-l/n  i love you now and forever..

And as for the rest of you please be strong not for my sake but for you also!!! Please continue on living and do a deed because the crow are watching..

Y/n's body starts fading along with the crow with a smile!!

Eric- red hair punk!! I'll be watching you!!

After y/n and the rest of the crow leave. The rest  of the devils  check the coffin if his body was return..much to their shock they see y/n's body was still fresh and still intact.

Issei- kaichuo!! Look at his face he is smiling!!

Sona-indeed he is at peace now..

Lord sitri- well you look at that he is just sleeping..

Lady sitri- rest easy now my son we will  take care of sona and serafall from now...

Serafall shed some tears feom her eyes..

Serafall- don't worry little brother we will take over from now on..

Sirzechs- take care y/n  and have a good rest..

Sirzechs close the coffin and use his magic to re buryit again..while serafall  use her magic to make a small grass and a flower on his grave..rias re design his tomb stone and put his photo above his name

Sirzechs- sera i think it was time to set a meeting..

Serafall- indeed knowing that god and lucifer was indeed alive the fallens and the angels need to heard about this..

Sirzechs- indeed..we should stay here for a while..

The rest- sure!!

Lord sitri- so sona you will be taking his surname here ehh..

Sona- that was his last wish...so i should grant it..

Lady sitri- that should be fine...but in the underworld you will take the sitri..and your middle name was his..

Sona- it was fine mom..i just  want to preserve his legacy for the last time..and i am the one who will carry it..

Serafall- indeed i agree..

Rias- i agree too..

Sirzechs- that is brilliant...i will make a papers for sona..

Serafall- oh yeah!! I know the elders had your back even the great king him self..

Velenela- father has sirzechs support??? How???

Serafall- ohh!! Sairaorg tell y/n abput misla's condition..and y/n tell that misla was still alive and well. and lady agares told me that sairaorg  called her few nights ago that misla has beem awake and she can able to walk again..

Velenela- misla is awaken!!  This is a miracle!!!

Sirzechs- mother the crow y/n do his magic...

Rias- did y/n do that..

Sirzechs- yes baby sister!! The crows dont have any magic but when it comes to miracles they can do that anywhere..who ever they deserves to give them..and this time it was misla the mother of sairaorg...

Rias- big brother i think it was god's ( oouucchh )!!! Miracle!.

Sirzechs- you might be right!! Well rias i think the meeting  will set at your school..

Rias- okay since this realm is in a neutral ground it was fine..

Sirzechs- well it was set the three way meeting will be held at kuoh academy..

Serafall- i will call the angels and azazel..

Sirzechs- sure..as of now guys it is getting late we should go home and visit here again if we have a time..

The devils exits the cemetery  and go to their homes.
