
A/N: Hello, guy's!
Sorry this took so long to get out.

•—–--–—• <[This angsty.]

^_____ This is Bobby! Be nice to him, he will greet you at the beginning of each chapter.

With that out of the way, enjoy the book! :D

Pigsy's perspective:

The golden full moon sat low in the dark, faded blue skies that seemed to stretch endlessly, hardly a cloud in the sky. Pigsy wouldn't tell anybody, but he loved to stare at the skies, just the thought of infinity and a cold endlessly stretching sky seemed maddening to most, the concept of infinity, but it calmed him. To know that he still has time in this world. And speaking of time, soon would come the inky black blanket that would soon cover Mother Earth to keep her warm, and put her to rest.

Pigsy couldn't help but listen in to the conversation Tang and the kid's were having, even if they didn't know where it was heading, he knew damn well. Almost every conversation they have end's in a story, meaning the monkey kid gives away free noodles to the free loader. But, thankfully, the shop had just closed so he didn't have to worry about that right now. He slightly leaned his back on the counter as he cleaned the last bowl, whenever Tang talked about history or legends he was always so passionate about it, it was truly an endearing quality of him that even Pigsy had to admit. And he would be willing to fight you if you said otherwise.

Tang started every story in the most dramatic way possible, but it was funny how worked up he could get MK and Mei with the dramatic readings and monologues he would do.
Speaking of which, after the kids got them self's comfortable in their seats, he began the 'healthy' amount of hype as he began going through one of his ginormous books trying to find the story he was planning on telling the two.

"Did you guy's know that the demon bull king and Princess iron fan had a son?" Tang said with a slight smirk seeing the shock on the late teen's face's.
"WHAT?!" MK shouted, startled at how he hadn't known this already, but still leaning forward in his seat next to Tang, already invested in what he has to say. While Mei just sat there, slack jawed in shock.
"Yes, a married couple who love each other having a baby, shocker I know." Tang said, right before the cook chuckled in amusement at their reactions. "Not many people know about that."
"Well, if that's true, then why hasn't he come up in any other legends?" Mei asked, cocking an eyebrow up in suspicion.
"You will see soon, Mei." He said ominously, smile softening slightly as he finally found the page he was looking for, and began reading.

"The child born of flame's." He painted the scene.

"After many year's of the king and princess's marriage, they had a son.
They named their child, RedSon. A promising addition to the bull demon family, a bit too promising in fact."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mei interrupted, Tang then awnsered, slightly annoyed by the interruption.
"You'll see in a second, Mei."

"Not long later, his power's became, unstable, to say the least. His power only growing by every kind of magical seal they tried to put of him, not matter who did it. His power became so great, not even the Bull King himself could contain him.
So, left with only two other options, they chose option A."
"What was option B?" Mk asked curiously, oblivious to the amount of irritation written on both Tang's and a little bit of Pigsy's face.
"Mk, Mei. If you don't let me finish, I'm not gonna tell you guys any more monkey king stories." That, right there is what make them start panicking and go quiet.
"Good, now as I was saying,"

"So, with only two other option's, they chose option A." He paused for a second to see Mei and Mk silently listening not daring to speak, he continued.

"To take away his power's, take away all that made him a demon."

"To make him a human."

The child made of flames stood tall and prideful in the center of the circle of God's and other powerful entities made around them, he laughed at their foolish attempts to take his power. He may be young but he knew what they wanted, and they wouldn't get it. They'll never take his power from him. Have they a clue of his true abilities? He tried to show them mercy, but if it is a fight they ask for, then it is a fight they shall receive. He thought as he looked upon his challengers, the monkey king, he's immortal so his powers wouldn't have that much of a lasting effect on him. If he went for the dragon of the west bearly anything would happen anyway, y'know, because he's a dragon. Nezsha is out of the question or else the celestial realm will be on his tail. Along with his father, he could never hurt him, he wouldn't hurt him anyway. Would he? No, no he would never.
But the monk. Yes, he's the perfect target. He concluded as he quickly turned around, aimed and fired at the mentor with an almost lightning like flames, a giant shot of void black and crimson red flames shooting out of his palm at the mortal.

Tang, the monkey kings friend cried out in pain as he fell back to the floor, out of the circle therefor failing the spell they were attempting to cast. Causing the bull child to laugh almost psychotically at their shock, such quick thinking from somebody of his age. The simian called out for his fallen comrade as he ran to them, catching him before he fell off the cliff. The sacred monk's body now burned and battered as he struggled to breath as if his lungs had been freshly electrocuted, keeping his eyes closed as he fought for consciousness." The kid's gasped in shock at this new development in the plot.

"Seeing how the spell had failed, The bull king saw he had no other choice, and agreed to option B.
Temporarily trapping his son into three separate ring's.
Or, so he thought.

With all, except Tang's, their combined power they sealed away the being who threaten to end them all into the three ring's of samadhi. Forever trapping the child born of flames in them.
The legend say's there is only one way to unleash him, is by stealing all three ring's from those who protect them and performing a ritual, the same one cast to seal him away, to free him." Tang completed his story, closing the book.

"But, nobody would want to do that unless they'd wanna destroy the entire universe, so I think we're good for now." Tang said with a chuckle.

"But, wouldn't DBK want his son back? I mean, he is free again.." Mei suggested slightly worried now.
"Ehh, I'm sure it's fine.." The free loader replied as he tapped the wooden spoon on the counter, trying to not jinx himself.

Pigsy chimed in.
"Anyway, he only just got out, we got time if he tries anything. And, it would take him a while to do all of that, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess your right!" Mk responded relived, but also kind of tired since he'd been out delivering all day.

"Speaking of time, it's 11:43PM and I can't help but notice you two are still here!" Pigsy said, well more like yelled at the kid's who should be home by now.
"Consider this your bed time story or whatever." He said shooing Mei out the door as she bid the others a fair well as they returned the gesture by waving.

"Well kid, what you still doin here, ay! You gotta work tomorrow and if you're late again I swear to the God's!" The restaurant owner practically chaises the sleepy yet scared MK up the stair's.

Once he returned behind the counter he's greeted by a stupid grin on Tang's face.
He chuckled. "What're you grinnin' at, ya free loader." Pigsy said as he gently leaned on the counter with his arms crossed, forming a small grin of his own.
"You go too hard on 'em some time's, dear." He replied, placing his hand on his husband's. To which he merely rolled his eyes in response to his comment.
"Speaking of late, I gotta open the restaurant bright and early, so we gotta go as well."
"Alright, G'night Piggy." The scholar said as he leaned forward, placed a small peck on his cheek, and walked to his and Pigsy's small house they just happened to have right next to the noodle shop. Pigsy following after him after about 20 minutes of making sure everything was secure and locked up before leaving.

But he swore, that he had heard a very faint, but still audible by his slightly better hearing, beeping noise. Like a camera, but maybe he was just tired because it went away after the story ended.
Yeah, maybe he just needs some sleep..

Sorry this chapter was so short! I'll make the next one's a bit longer if I can! :]

Anyways, tell me if u guy's have any suggestions for a possible one shot book, or just a story in general.
I need sleep, g'night mate's!
