Chapter 3

A/N: Hey guy's, I'm sorry this took so long, forgive me! And I'm sorry I was hyping it up to have the race in this chapter, it was meant to be, but the chapter was to long so I split it into two chapters instead.

Side Note: The drone's the scientist made are practically stormtrooper level of bad in combat, and are 100% non-sentient. And they look completely different.
Exposed wiring, loads of missing outer plating, no bull family insignia's, no bull like feature's, stiff in movement, dull(if any) colours. And, he has to control them with very simple one worded awnsers. So, yeah, not as epic as you were thinking, huh? But don't worry! Bob the adorable tricycle riding clone will show up later on!

Side Note 2: In between a few paragraphs you will see this:

— — — — —

It just means the perspective is changing so we can do a cool scene cuts without me having to type it out, and ruining the feel of it. Ok, now that all we've gotten that cleared up, enjoy!

[More notes at the end of this chapter]

•—–--–—•           <[Hola, bitches.]

Pigsy's perspective:

He had been searching for the source of the stupid beeping for literal hour's. Tang had awoken an hour ago as well, but only upon the request of some free noodles. Sadly, he hadn't a choice if he wanted him to be fully awake for the race. His attention was brought to the door as he heard the bell hung in front  of the door go off, he quietly sighed, and turned around with his signature customer service smile and voice.
He was about to say his usual Pigsy's Noodles slogan, until he saw who it was who walked through the door.
"Hello, Mk." Tang greeted warmly as he anxiously walked through the door, closing it behind him.
"You alright, kid? Ya look like you've seen a ghost." Pigsy asked concerned for him, having stopped his search, he took the time to notice his complete change in demeanour. Mk just nodded in an eerie silence, until he finally spoke, changing the topic.
"U-Um, yeah, yeah. Anyway, when's Mei's race again?"
"Later today, in a couple hour's. To be specific.." He quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. "In a two and a half.  Why?" Tang questioned, confused as he had zoned out a couple moments prior.

"No reason, no reason. So, did you guy's manage to get some tickets this time?" Mk continued, seeing as last time they couldn't get any as they were all sold out by the time they tried to buy them.
"Nope, was sold out, again." The scholar continues, "But I heard that I certain monkey kid doesn't even need to worry about ticket's since the co producer of the race is such a 'big fan'." He finished sassily cocking his head towards the young man approaching the bar and sitting down. Mk chuckled nervously, simultaneously rubbing the back of his neck with his off hand. He answered, confirming the allegation.
"Yeah, I guess being the Monkey kid does have it's perks."
"'Perks'? Kid, the other day you told me you 'nd Mei didn't even have to pay for the cinema 'cuz you saved the manager from some twig weak demon last weekend." Pigsy told Tang with a chuckle of his own, turning to continue his search since the sound was getting to him once more, which thankfully Tang and Mk didn't notice for the time being. His statement caused Tang to laugh, as well as Mk.

— — — — —

Princess Iron Fan's Perspective:

"My lord's, project mecha bull suit is in full swing! In record time, may I add." Their scientist announced cockily, flipping his medium length inky black hair that he had tied in a low, short ponytail, perfectly in time with his head turning away from the couple. Presenting them with the door's of the laboratory, quickly signaling the mindless drone's to open the doors.
As they ever so slowly opened, the Princess made a mental note to tell the scientist to update these droids, they don't even bare the branded insignia of the bull family.
After the drones finally opened the doors, he proceeded to explain all the minor details of what was to happen today to make every piece fall into the right place, so that they could begin their plan to win.

"We would be victorious!" He concluded, tone full of pride of his own genius, only to receive a threatening glares from her husband and herself. He quickly corrected himself.
"I-I mean, you would be victorious, my liege's." He bowed, attempting to make himself seem smaller, perhaps to gain pity from the two powerful entities. The king scoffed in response at his pathetic, and out right pitiful behaviour. She gave a small scowl in agreement to her husbands non verbal statement.

"Now, Doctor, about project two." She pressed, attempting to get him to continue his verbal report.
"Oh! Right, Ehem. Project two, aka, the bug I hid. So far, they haven't found nor noticed it, I mean how could they since I built it!" He announced, his familiar tone of cockiness and pride flooding back, as if it had never left.

"And you wanted to keep that noise on the chip for some reason?"
"A very important reason, actually! Because, if we truly want the plan to work, we need the pig to find the bug. Because just like you, Sire, he has impeccable hearing seeing as he is a animal based demon. So only he will be able to hear it. And, get us some information while we're at it."

"And from the intel we've received the past few days has been very promising. I've discovered that later today the dragon of the west's descendant, also known as Mei, will be going on a very public, and dangerous race called the Yǐncáng dì dìyù. But, it's only hosted every couple of years, so this could be our only shot. Thankfully, I managed to pose as one of the co-producer's to be able to grant them, and us access." He told them. The duo nodded, Dbk humming in understanding.

"So, to secure the win for sure, I've one, signed up to the race as a racer, in which I will chicken out last second, delaying the race by around twenty minutes or half an hour.
And two, made sure that the water spirit won't be here, I repainted his boat a dark yellow colour. He'll be at that all day, the human and the pig demon on the other hand, they must show up, that's why I kept that noise on the bug. Genius, I know. And once they are there, I'll trap the sages successor and the human in there, while me and the pig are actually out there with you! Incredible thinking, isn't it?" He boasted.
The Princess and King shared a glance that just said 'When will he stop talking about how great he is?'.

"And you are absolutely sure that the simian's successor will be there?" Iron Fan questioned, to put both her's, and her partners minds to ease.
"Yes, I even made sure he had 'VIP' seating!" He laughed at the younger's stupidity.

— — — — —

"-And I even have a VIP seat! I swear that guy was so cool! If you guys were there I bet he've got you guy's some as well!" Mk beamed.

— — — — —

"-Im just happy that hog and the book worm weren't there, they're smart- Well, smarter than the monkey and dragon so they'd have recognised me for sure." The mad scientist spoke his thoughts aloud, somewhat stalling until they made it to the finished project. Which they were close enough to see, and now, reach.

Towering invention stood at least a couple inches taller than the Demon Bull King, given he had to tilt his head up slightly be eye-to-eye, so to speak, with his new battle armour.
It was tall, bulky, and made with the best metal he could get his hands on, for added strength and resistance, and with a colour palette of: Black, purple, orange, light yellow. A crown like helmet, holes for his horn's, tail and ear's, spikes on his shoulder's, fore arm's, knee's, sides of his calf's, and chest.

"Though, I will warn, it will be a bit heavy. If the fact that the stand it's on can bearly take it's weight isn't proof enough, just thought I'd mention."

"This... Shall suffice." The king spoke without taking his eyes off of the armour, eyes narrowed as if he stopped looking, it would attack.
"Well, I see no reason to keep them waiting, I'd say it's time to go and host your little race, 'co-host'." Her regal-ness told him, in a very mocking and degrading tone.

"R-Right! I'll get going now, if you need me, ju-" She cut him off, and continued to humiliate him with a demeaning chuckle.
"Need you? Oh, please. The only thing we need from you, is for you to do your god damned job. Now run along, the clock is ticking." This caused him to freeze and go absolutely silent halfway through her little monologue, when she had finished, he nodded slowly than quickly rushed out of the room to go get ready for the race.

— — — — —

"Mk, kid, you've got twenty minutes before you gotta head to the track." Pigsy warned, he hadn't stopped his search for even a moment during the past hour and a half they'd all been talking, and it was causing both Tang and Mk to worry, maybe this is what was making him so filled with dread the moments before entering the shop? Pigsy did always have a contagious mood, whenever it came to situations such as these, whatever this situation is.. He decided for his sake, to play along.
"Ok, and? I'll make it on time." He said, taking up a laid back tone similar to Tang's.
"Kid, it takes you ten minutes to get there from here, if there's no traffic."
"Ok, but-"
"And you get so easily distracted that'll take up an extra five to another ten minute's. So.." He stated, waiting for Mk to connect the dot's in his head, which only took a moment.
"Oh! I should go now! Bye, Tang. Bye, Pigsy!" Mk waved as he left through the door, the older lover's waved back in response.

As the door closed, he heard a rattle in the golden bell above the door, not like the usual sound either, like something that wasn't meant to be there. This peaked his interest as he began to make his way towards the door, before Tang gently grabbed his arm, successfully gaining his attention and stopping him.
"Darling, be real with me, what's going on? You've been acting weird for day's and I can't pin point what it is." The reborn tripikata said, voice bearly above a mutter in worry. This caused Pigsy to fully turn to him, uncharacteristically gently hold his lovers smaller hand's in his own and give him a small, yet reassuring peak on the bridge of his nose in comfort. Tang gently squeezed his bigger hand lovingly in response, to which he reciprocated.

He sighed, deciding that continuing to be so quiet about it would only drive him more insane. He began to tell him all about the 'pesky noise' he had been hearing the past few day's. His words, not mine.

"Oh, love.. You should've told me about it sooner, I could've helped you instead of just letting you go insane." Tang finished with a soft chuckle that Pigsy joined him on.
"I know, Mango-Tango. Just didn't want 'cha to worry 'bout me." He unintentionally and carefully whispered, as if not to startle him. Lightly grabbing his left palm and leaving a loving kiss in the center.
"I'm your husband, all I do is worry about you." Tang carefully laid his right hand on Pigsy's cheek affectionately, a warm smile that matched his husband's finding it's way onto his face.

"Now, where'd you hear it coming from?" Tang said encouragingly, reminding Pigsy of said noise. He only gave him a look that said all that he needed to say, Tang got the picture. "Oh, right. You don't know. Well, what were you doing before I stopped you?"
"I was gonna to check this out, I heard somethin' rattle in here." The powerless demon informed in a uncertain tone, walking towards the door, remembering he had to flip the 'open' side, to the 'closed' one. After doing so he grabbed the bell, unhooking it from the stand it was on, and holding it in his right hand as Tang looked at it on his left side.

He tilted it, and looked inside to find a small, yet very, very noticeable looking bug. Not like a living one, but like a one that a spy may use. Or in this case, an enemy. The Demon Bull King and the Princess Iron Fan.
How did they know? Well, it had their logo on it.
"The one thing he puts a logo on.." Tang comically mutters to himself, Pigsy huffed in agreement.
"Wait, so how long have you been hearing the sound?"
"Three day's."
"So, they know about the race?" He asked, fearfully.
"That also means they know we're Mk and Mei will be, so they've had time to prepare..."

"Oh god's... We've got to warn them."
"But how? Sure, we might be able to call Mk right now, and Mei will be in the race. How'll we contact her?" Pigsy countered, so Tang concluded with;
"We'll have to go there. Now." They both nodded in agreement, and set off, not before destroying the bug though.
Tang made sure to call Mk on the ride there, with Pigsy driving like he should be the one who's racing. Except this time, he had a reason to be going so fast.

"You think you can try to talk to Mei before the race star- For the love of God Pigsy, slow down!" But his demand fell upon deaf ear's, as Pigsy continued to go way past the speed limit.
"Yeah, yep I can do that. But how did we not hear it and dad- I MEAN PIGSY! How did Pigsy hear it and not us?" Mk questioned as Tang heard him beginning to run out of whatever room he was in at the time. The couple heard his slip up, but chose not to comment on it, instead, Pigsy awnsered the question at hand, keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead of them.
"I may not have power's, but I'm still a demon, Mk! I have much better heating than you do."
"Right, right. Forgot about that. Uh..."
"Mk? Mk, you ok, kid?"
"I'll have to call you back.. Hurry up." He muttered the last part, as if trying to keep silent.
"You got it, kid." Pigsy finished quickly, as Tang hung up the phone.
He stepped on the gas, to say the least.

— — — — —

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Monkey kid." The scientist announced dramatically, blocking the door to the racer's lounge, his robot's waiting around the corner behind Mk for his order's.
"Oh, hi Don! Why'd you say my hero name like that?"
"I- No you idiot! There is no 'Don the co-manager', it's me!"
"Uhhh.. I'm sorry, have we met?" He asked, faking awkwardness, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.
There was silence for a moment as he tried to comprehend how he didn't recognise him. He was in his usual attire and everything!
"Um.. Nope, sorry, doesn't ring any bell's." Mk teased, cocking a hip and placing his right hand on said hip.
"I-" He let out an exhausted sigh and finally caved.
"The mad lad." The dragon's descendant had given him that nickname after an one of his works-in-progress went haywire in the middle of a fight and tried attacking him. But since he had no weapon's on him so he had to fist fight it in order to dismantle it. He won, somehow, but that only earned him a failed experiment and an annoying unwanted nickname.
"Ah, thought so! How you doin', mad lad?"
"That's not my name!"

"Actually, now that I think about it, what is your name? You've never said it. Do you even have a name?"
"I- Why of course I do!"
"Then what is it?"
"That's non of your god damned business! You know what, I don't have time for this. Droids, attack him!" He commanded, it took a moment for them to process his word's before leaving their hiding spots and commencing a full scale fight of a sixteen, plus the mad man, versus Mk.
Until they heard a very familiar voice speak.

"Hey! Get the fuck away from him!" Pigsy yelled, rugby tackling the mad lad away from Mk. Tang showing up a couple seconds later, out of breath, it seams he and Pigsy ran through the entire building to find him, catching Mk by surprise.
"What the-?! How did you guys get here so fast?"
"We were already on the way when we called ya, but you left your location on so we knew where you were in this maze of a building." Tang answered, he noticed that the droids had stopped moving, awaiting a new command, so he came up with a plan.
"Hey, droid's!" They all turned to him.
"Uh, go.. Go home?" They all began to walk away before their creator shouted at them in rage, squirming in Pigsy's surprising strong grip he was trapped in.
"Don't do that!" Tang yelled back in retaliation.
"T-137, Don't move!"
"Do it now!"
From Pigsy's and MK's perspective it looked like two owners of a dog trying to call it to the both of them at the same time, the way all of the droids scrambled back and forth in confusion was both sad, and in a strange way, amusing to watch. It was almost like that scene from Bob's burger's.

"That's enough!" Pigsy barked out, making everybody, including the robot's, stop all movements and sound. "Mk, Tang, you go in there and tell Mei what's going on so far. And find a rope while your at it. I'll stay here and keep an eye on him. You lot!" He called out to the droids who stood at full attention, it appeared he could even intimidate mindless object's. "Go back to your base." They quickly processed what he had said and marched off before their boss could object. Tang and Mk did the same as they quickly walked into the suspiciously quiet room down the short, narrow hallway.

After what felt like forever of Pigsy holding him down on his stomach, back facing himself. The man beneath him began to cackle uncontrollably, he asked why in an irritated tone. He responded with a sort and simple;
"Heh, Sorry about that. Oh, and I'm also sorry about your friends."
"The hell do you mean by that?!" He began to feel a bad feeling stirring up inside of him as he commanded that he continued.
"I mean that you 'nd your friends are idiots. You've all been fooled! Quite a good actor, ain't I?" He told him as he began to laugh once more.
The chef quickly stood, throwing him onto the floor as he did do, and began to run towards the door's before he felt somebody grab his leg, pulling him back causing him to fall snout first, he quickly put his arms up to protect his face from the fall, but he was too late. "As i Said earlier, you've been fooled. Now, we'd better be going before they come back, hm?" The scientist said as he began to laugh again, knocking out Pigsy by kicking the back of his head as hard as he could, quickly before he could call for help.

— — — — —

"What the heck? Why is it empty?!" Mk yelled out to nobody in particular, motioning his arms toward the vacant lounge.
"Odd.." Tang commented. "Wait a second.. Shit Mk, what's the time?"
"Uh.. It's.." he rifled through his pockets till he found it in his jacket pocket.
"It's 16:26- no wait, 16:27 now. Why?"
"Four twenty seven... Shit Mk, the race started seven minutes ago! We gotta go back and find Mei an-" He told his son figure, only to be cut off by the sound of the wall behind them collapsing in on itself, blocking the exit.
"-Nd Pigsy.."

"Oh fuck..." Tang muttered to himself in dismay, he quickly ran up to the now big pile of rubble and began trying to look for a way out.

"Pigsy! Can ya hear us? Pigsy!" He called out for his partner, only to be bitterly greeted by the familiar yet terrifying aura of silence.
"It's alright Tang, nothing that the Monkey kid can't fix!" He exclaimed proudly, slinging his arm over his shoulder, confidently closing his eyes while doing so. He reached his hand outwards to his right, as if he was holding something.
A quick hint, he was not. And after a few moments of silence, he also caught onto this, quickly wiping his head towards his empty palm with wide eyes, sputtering in confusion and a slight hint of fear.
"W-Where- Where is.." He began to pat himself down like he was stopped by Airport security.

"You lost your staff, didn't you?" The latter asked, pinching his temple in exasperation.
"N-No! I just.. May have.. Misplaced it? " He stated awkwardly before continuing.
"Oh! I remember now! Monkey king has it!" Mk exclaimed, happily recalling who had his staff.
"And just- why does he have it?" Tang questioned suspiciously, but the younger of the two merely shrugged with a thoughtless hum, causing the older to sigh once more in annoyance.
"Ok, Pigsy can't hear us, we can't get to Mei, we're trapped in here, you don't have your staff- What the hell are we supposed to do, MK?!" Tang tiraded in a mixture of almost every possible negative emotions he could've been feeling at the moment.
"Um.." Mk began looking around until he suddenly said something that had caught Tang's attention. "Will that do?" He asked, that then caused him to follow his gaze up to a easily accessible, and unblocked window.
"Uh.. Yeah. Yeah, that should do." Tang breathed out as he started to calm down from his panicked state.

A/N: I know the story is moving a bit fast and it's a bit rocky right now, but just hang on with me for a little while! This is my first ever story so I am questioning my self a little bit, so any and all feedback is welcome!
And once again, I'm sorry this took so long to update after I originally took it down! I would've uploaded it sooner, but then I was grounded so I couldn't have my phone so... Yeah, but it's here now!
Now, Adiós, mí amigos! :D
