2 (Kitty's POV)

I was wondering  what were the girls were doing in the dorm while I was away. This was because when I was outside the dorm there was so much noise coming from it. Maybe they were having a detective society meeting? I don't actually know. I wanted to join the fun, but I promised that I would look for Beanie, so I couldn't. 

Wow. I never knew it would be this hard. I thought this was going to be easy because I talk and play with Beanie everyday, I knew where she hides the most and when she hides. I searched the cupboards in the kitchen - the chefs had already left Deepdean, so I didn't need to sneak. I searched the gym, the new wing, the old wing - no luck. Then, I remembered Beanie's favourite subject and place to hide. 

The music room! I ran happily to the music room and while I was doing that, I saw Binny and her friends walking by. "Just great!" I thought. I would have to sneak to the music room. You see, if my sister, Binny sees me, she'll make a rumor about me and pass it around the whole school! I couldn't let that happen because then, everyone would laugh at me and then I would have to leave Deepdean forever! 

I panicked as I ducked into the nearest hiding place I could. The rubbish bin. I quickly ducked behind it as Binny and her friends walked by. "Phew!" I whisper shouted. Then, I concentrated on one thing: Beanie. Then, I heard whimpering noises as I walked in the corridor. I knew exactly who's whimpering noises they belong to - Beanie . I bumped into a lot of girls as I walked. I heard the whimpering noises grow louder and louder. Finally, I reached the music room.

I walked behind it and saw Beanie in tears. I rushed over to hug her. "Chutney, was my favourite toy," she whispered. 
"I know, Beanie" I said quietly, "We are going to find it. Together." I knew that was a bit kid-sh, but at that moment, she had a bright smile on her face, like she forgot how to look sad. "Then let's go find it!" she said thoughtfully as we walked back to our dorm.
