2 (Beanie's POV)

"Ummm" I said. "I-I will go get her." The only thing I really wanted to do was get away from Lavinia, but I had to help her. I ran out of the dorm and I searched for her. I knew she was going to hide in the toilets because when we were shrimps, the whole class did a survey on the question 'Where would you hide in Deepdean'. You see, Lavinia answered to that question 'the toilets' so I knew she was going to hide in the toliets. I ran to the girls bathroom as fast as I could and when I went in... I heard sobbing noises. "Lavinia doesn't normally cry" I said to myself. I knocked on her stall and waited. "Go away" a voice said - it was Lavinia's. "I don't really mind if you stole it anyway." I said. "Come out. Everyone is worried sick about you." 
"No one is worried about me." said Lavinia, open the stall. "Not even my parents." I thought about that for a bit. Was that why she stole my dormouse? "Well," I said, "I care about you" I said. 
"Obviously" Lavinia snapped, "You're Beanie, you care about everyone."
"Daisy cares. Hazel, Kitty and even Deepdean cares" I said kindly. "The detective society dosen't really care if you stole it." Right at that moment, I thought I saw a smile from Lavinia. "Let's go back to the dorm!" We said in unison. We skipped to the dorm together. I suddenly felt happy. When we reached our dorm door, I opened the dorm door...
