Part Two: 7.

Ethan paced around the waiting room. Madilyn had been in surgery for two hours already. Lydia was sitting in a chair in absolute shock. Jubal, OA, Maggie, Isobel, Tiffany, Scola, Jay, and Hailey were also all waiting to hear any news about Madilyn. Jay looked just as worried and was texting Will every fifteen minutes.

"Lydia Carson? Dr. Ethan Choi?" Someone asked.

"Yes, that's us! How's Madilyn?" He hurried over to the doctor and wrapped an arm around Lydia's shoulders. Everyone else stood up as well, and they huddled behind him and Madi's step-mother.

"Madilyn lost a lot of blood. Her right kidney was damaged from the stab wound. It looks like the knife was serrated and twisted. We ended up having to remove her kidney. Due to the stab wound, she is septic, but we are managing that with antibiotics. Madilyn also had a severe fracture to her right forearm that we plated. Her right shoulder was dislocated which we set. She suffered four fractured ribs as well. Madilyn was lucky to not have a broken neck. She's currently getting a CT head and neck. We're assuming she has a concussion from the fall, but we're hoping that nothing else is damaged."

"Is she stable?" Lydia asked, her voice cracking.

"She is in better shape than when she came in. We're going to keep Madilyn on the ventilator to give ease up the load on her body. The head and neck CT will be done shortly, and then you can visit her."

"Thank you," Ethan held his hand out.

"Of course. I'll be back when Madilyn is in her room," the doctor smiled and shook his hand as well as Lydia's.

"That's good news right?" Hailey asked, "she pulled through surgery."

"That is good news. But it's not great that she's still on the ventilator," Ethan ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm going to let Greg and Alexandra know," Lydia wiped a few tears from her eyes.

"Okay. I'll update her brothers," Ethan hugged her.

"Thanks, Ethan," she choked out before hurrying away in tears.

"Hailey and I are going to get some food. Let us know if there's an update?" Jay asked.

"Of course."

Ethan stepped aside to call Luke, Cayden, and Jonah. He knew that they were all worried sick. Luke was able to travel to New York, and he had gotten on a flight as quickly as he could. Ethan wasn't surprised to get Luke's voicemail, so he sent a text instead letting him know that Madilyn was out of surgery. Cayden and Jonah were very upset that they weren't able to be there for Madilyn, but they both agreed to FaceTime whenever she was strong enough for that. Ethan called to Mike's Colonel. He was pleasantly surprised to get through.

"Hi, this is Naval Reserves Lieutenant Commander Ethan Choi. May I please speak with Major Michael Carson?"


"I have an update about his younger sister, Madilyn Carson, regarding her kidnapping."

"I will go get him right away."

"Thank you so much."

"This is Major Michael Carson."

"Mike, it's Ethan Choi."

"Ethan, did you find Madilyn?"

"We did. She's in the hospital getting a CT head and neck. She has four broken ribs, a broken arm, and a dislocated shoulder. She also had her right kidney removed. She's septic, so they're closely monitoring that."

"What exactly happened to her?"

"She was kidnapped in Chicago and thrown in the back of a car. Maxwell Cassidy-"

"Maxwell Cassidy?! Like the kid who caused the car accident in London?!" Mike demanded.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"I fucking hate that guy."

"Understandable. He drove Madilyn from Chicago to New York. He took her all around New York. He stabbed her in the abdomen, which is why she has a massive infection and needed to have her kidney removed. The infection is being managed."

"Okay. What about the ribs, her arm, and her shoulder? How did that happen?"

"When the FBI found her, she tied to a chair and had rope around her neck, and Cassidy was holding the chair from falling. SWAT shot Cassidy and the rope. Madi fell off the platform."

Mike let out a deep breath, "how is she now?"

"She's still on a ventilator, but is relatively stable."

"Oh wow. My poor baby sister. I so badly wish I could be there for her. Please let me know when she wakes up?"

"I absolutely will."

"Thank you for being there for Madilyn."

"Of course. I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye, Mike."

Ethan hung up the phone and walked back into waiting area. He sat down and folded his hands. He sighed and tried to calm himself down. He had never been so worried in his life.

"Hey," Maggie sat down next to him.

"Hi," he looked up at her.

"Here," she handed him an apple and a bottle of water, "you need to take care of yourself too. I can't remember the last time I saw you eat."

"I've just been so focused on finding Madilyn," he murmured opening the water bottle.

"You don't have to explain anything to me. I get it. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling. I don't know Madilyn, but it sounds like she's a fighter."

"She's so strong," he agreed, "but this is different. She was kidnapped right outside her apartment building. I'm worried about her."

"I don't blame you, but she's lucky to have you to lean on," Maggie pat his arm.

"Thank you," he gave her a half hearted smile.

"Of course."

Ethan looked down at the apple and took a bite. He didn't realise how hungry he was and began eating the apple quickly. He stood up throw the core away. Ethan quickly tossed it in the trash and wiped his hands on his pants.

"Dr. Choi? Mrs. Carson?" Ethan looked up and saw the doctor. He hurried over.

"Lydia's still on the phone."

"Madilyn's back in her room. Her CT came back clean. She'll have a concussion but nothing else was out of the ordinary. You can visit her now," the doctor smiled.

"Thank you."

"You go," Isobel waved her hand.

"We'll grab Lydia," Scola agreed.

"Thank you," he nodded before following the doctor.

Ethan's heart was pounding as he followed. The doctor gestured for him to walk into Madilyn's ICU room. He swallowed hard before walking over to her beside.

"Madilyn," he choked out.

She looked small and frail. Her face was quite pale. He gently took her free hand and shivered feeling how cold she was. The machines around her beeped steadily, while the ventilator breathed for her. He gently rubbed her cheek.

"How long do you think she'll need to stay on the ventilator?"

"Definitely through the night. We'll see how she does in the morning."

"Thank you."

"Of course."
